
Greatest Of All Legends

“Who is the football GOAT?” A question that has been asked countless times in the last decade. Is it Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi? To be fair, the question actually depended on what one wanted from a player as they were two different people and they played differently from the other. This was also the case with every other legendary player to grace the game. As a diehard fan of the game, Jason Bolu also had someone he thought to be the goat, but unlike most people, he harbored the desire to not only become as great as them, but even greater than any legend that ever graced the game. He wanted to become the Greatest Of All Legends… the GOAL. Unfortunately, fate has never cared about people’s hopes and dreams, and just like every other unfortunate human, she hit him hard across the face with a broken reality and sent him flying in another direction from his goal, yet he didn’t give up and continually persevered but, in the end, he didn’t ever make it. He wasn’t even halfway near his goal. He thought it was over… but it wasn’t. He got another chance at his dreams, and this time he was going to do more than his best to achieve his dream. *disclaimer* There is no system or cheats, just plain hard work and a past life of experience.. Also, despite the use of real-life characters, places and things, this is an artistic creation in which things wouldn't be as they are in real life so don't be surprised at some things that are unrealistic and out of place e.g. exact details, attitude of characters etc. This is a slow-paced novel.

Sphire1707 · Sports
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Back to Training (Post Lockdown)

**24th May 2020**

Jason drove through the gates of the CTFD Portogaia and made his way to the parking lot, a slight feeling of nostalgia hitting him.

It had been almost three months since he had been here after all, but now he was back.

The world was slowly getting back to its feet after the threat of a virus that had the potential to spread to every corner of the world.

The lockdown period was nowhere near an end, but more people were allowed to move around now and the world was trying to pick up where it left off.

This of course affected the sports world as well as Germany was the first to allow for the resumption of the major football league and that had happened a few days prior on the 18th of May, 2020.

Everyone interested in football had been paying attention to the Bundesliga for a while to see whether this was a sign for the footballing world to get back on track, and for now, the answer to that question is yes.