
Greater Love

Julia Scott , a young woman having everything she ever wanted, happily family with a famous status in the country , being a queen in school and all other she ever need . Her life changes in one night and everything sucks more when she finds out that she is pregnant for a man she ever loved in secret. Life becomes hard as she had to live with her child after a tragedy but what will she do when a man she ever longed for comes back to her life seeing her differently and when he becomes his boss . Radson Jovin , a man who comes from rich and highly statued family leading a easy life with no knowledge about what he occured to his first love and how she leads her life only to meet her in unsuitable comdition bearing hatred toward him and the only was to keep her close than ever.

Reney_Archer · Fantasy
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14 Chs


The dining table was well set and served with plenty of foods , drinks and fruits. Ivon sat across Scott , Lily across Jovin and both faced Ivon and Scott while Juliette faced Radson on the other end . Forks tunes and spoon music were heard as they cut down onto their plates and glass clicking sound when they cheered. The atmosphere was quite heavy but Ivon and Jovin tried hard to maintain the coolness around the room while boredom surged in Radson's veins and nervousness crept down Juliette's spine.

Scott held his breath so hard and it choked him hardly as he looked and observed the faces of people in the table taking their dinner while chitchatting , he was so calm waiting for the Strom to attack and soon will come.

" Am so glad you attended Lily , it's really a long time " Ivon spoke smiling eyeing her in an amuse way. " Sure , it's been long time " Lily said her voice trailing low at the end and Ivon gave her a small laughter understanding that her friend was so against about whatever will happen from now onwards.

" I missed hearing piano's sound Scott , you always created a nice sound out of it " Jovin said remembering the old days when they had dinner and Scott would play piano creating a beautiful atmosphere.

" It's been along time since i played some " Scott replied and Ivon squeezed his hand , nudging him to play along but he pushed her hand away and she smiled avoiding the awkwardness.

Silence occupied the space , Radson looking intently at Juliette like questioning her directly as to why she changed her dreams and that look only made her head low.

" Well , Juliette " Jovin called and she jolted in her chair looking at him trying to hold her breath for the moment she waited was here. " I hope you will do your best in studying and i worry less as Rad is with you , you two will surely make a good company" and Juliette smiled nodding her head while Rad scoffed .

" And why so sudden Juliette " Rad questioned as the limit of his patience broke and she stiffed on her chair , she knew this too was on her way and less did she find an answer to appease his question , how could she tell him that this was all because of him.

" Radson " Jovin called with a stern voice warning him to not say anything inappropriate in this whole conversion . " He is right Jovin, i also want to know why so sudden " Scott added making the air around them heavy.

" Scott , thought we talked about this " Ivon snapped and Scott gave her a cold glare, " Did we ?" he said raising his eyebrow totally deny her statement , he then turned his gaze to Juliette . " Care to explain princess " .

Juliette gripped hard the hem of her dress making her knuckles in painas her face started getting sweaty. She looked at her mother for some help and she signalled her to say something they had already discussed .

" Because this is what i really need , i want to be successful in business " she said and silence still lingered between them as Rad creased his eyebrow , fisting his hand below the table as anger surged down his body sensing that there is something fishy and it won't end well ever.

" My baby finally decided to take after me , isn't it good ?" Ivon said smiling and Jovin smiled too. These two were hellbent in making their plan work right.

" So when are we leaving ?" Juliette asked happly and Rad looked away immediately not wanting to be seen with his red eyes that held anger. Something was planned here and they are using the trip to their advantage.Anyway he won't have to stay with her right?.

" I have arranged a house over there for the whole stay so no need to worry about the place " Jovin voiced killing all the hope that Rad had and his world crumbled.

" Why dad , am not a kid to stay with her?" he said being so unreasonable. " Who said you're a child Radson , don't tell me you can't stay with her stop being so unreasonable" he said almost shouting and Rad flared with anger looking at his dad.

He stood up and marched toward the door leaving when he heard another unexpected news. " Better hurry and get yourself ready , your flight is tomorrow early in the morning " .

Rad halted on his steps and turned his fists getting tighter and his eyes being so much red as he looked at his father. " Did i hear you right ?" , he asked being so suprised.

" I won't repeat myself Rad , and stop making a fuss out of it " he added as he turned to Juliette smiling , " Don't mind him , he can be so stubborn sometimes just get yourself ready " he added and she smiled.

Radsom left angrily and Scott sighed , " This isn't going to end well , change it while you two can " he said looking at his wife and his best friend then to Juliette as he stood and walked upstairs.

" Scott , come back here " Ivon shouted and Scott looked at her . " Low your voice , don't provoke me Ivon , it was dinner and i ate peacefully what else to i have to dine for , huh?" he snapped back pointing a finger at her face .

Scott was really angry and it's been a long time since he behaved so . Ivon stiffed knowing that she crossed a limit this time . " I need a rest , so please give me my pace " he now shouted as he walked hastily upstairs. Juliette flinched knowing that this won't end well as Dad said but she also can't give up before trying.

" Am tired , i need to go " Lily said standing. " Did you came alone ?" Jovin asked giving her a warning look. " Am full , thanks the dinner was delicious" she said and walked away . Ivon walked to her baby and gave her a hug .

Jovin banged the table in anger , " Don't cry Juliette , you shall marry my son , okay " he said gritting his teeth , and Juliette nodded while her mom wiped her tears away from her beautiful face.

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