
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 62

Rias, Akeno, and Koneko exited the mansion and made their way back to the Occult Research Clubroom building. As they arrived, they were greeted with the sight of Issei undergoing intense training with Tannin, who was giving him quite the beating.

Even with his newly unlocked version of Boosted Gear, now in the form of a gauntlet, Issei was struggling to hold his own against Tannin's onslaught.

They were taken aback to see Issei managing to utilize a small portion of his Boosted Gear's power.

However, Issei's attention was momentarily diverted by the arrival of Rias and the others, leading to him getting punched in the face and tumbling to the ground.

"Concentrate, Red Dragon Emperor. If you don't, you'll remain weak and a virgin forever," Tannin admonished.

"I won't stay a virgin forever! I'll become the Harem King!" Issei protested, struggling to stand. But as he managed to get on his feet, a swift kick to the head knocked him back down.

"I've never witnessed a Red Dragon Emperor look so pitiful. If you can't control your urges, you're doomed to remain a virgin," Tannin scolded, rubbing his temples in frustration.

Issei's head spun from the impact of Tannin's blow, feeling disoriented.

"I hope he matures as time goes on," Tannin muttered under his breath.

Rias, Akeno, and Koneko overheard Tannin's comment, and each of them silently echoed the same sentiment.

'Not likely to happen.'


Back in the living room of Kiba's mansion:

Asia was tending to Kiba, her hands glowing with a soothing green light as she healed him.

"Ahh, this feels amazing," Kiba sighed in relief.

"Kiba, you really need to rest. Your mind needs a break too. Please take care of yourself," Asia urged with concern.

"Remember, if you push too hard, your mind might give out before your body does," Viser chimed in, her tone serious.

"I understand, but I have to become stronger quickly," Kiba responded.

Kalawarna observed Kiba closely, intrigued by the determined look in his eyes. She couldn't help but wonder why he was so driven to become stronger, especially when she believed he had no obvious enemies.

"Why the rush to get stronger, Kiba?" Asia inquired, her curiosity getting the better of her.

"Because my life depends on it," Kiba replied with unwavering resolve, his thoughts echoing, 'And the lives of my friends, and my brother. I won't falter; I'll become the strongest.'

Standing up, Kiba stretched his arms and back.

"I haven't finished healing you yet, Kiba," Asia protested.

"It's alright, I'm going to catch a nap," Kiba declared, his inner thoughts continuing, "(Lumina, craft a healing sword that mends the body, mind, and soul)."

"(Alright, Boss. It'll take around 4 hours and 30 minutes)," Lumina responded cheerfully.

With that, Kiba retreated to his room, where he prepared a futon. Collapsing onto it, he allowed his body to sink into the soft bedding, seeking respite for both his physical and mental fatigue.


The sound of water droplets disrupted Kiba's slumber, but he found himself in an unfamiliar realm - one that didn't seem to belong to the real world.

"Where am I?" Kiba pondered aloud, surrounded by an expanse of unending darkness.

"Is this the work of a deity trying to convey a message?" Kiba mused. "Or perhaps a glimpse into my future within this obscure void?"

"Lumina, can you hear me?" Kiba inquired mentally, yet received no response.

"Damn it, some all-powerful entity must be toying with me," Kiba concluded, frustration evident in his tone.

"Show yourself, whoever you are!" Kiba's shout echoed into the void, met only with silence.

"What kind of nonsense is this?" Kiba muttered, settling down onto the ground in resignation.

He scanned his surroundings, attempting to make sense of his situation. Another idea surfaced, prompting him to speculate, "Could this be the subspace of Sword Birth, or is it merely a manifestation of my inner thoughts?"

"Ugh!" Kiba raked his fingers through his hair in frustration, unable to find a definitive answer.

"Just let me out of here and provide some damn clarity!" Kiba exclaimed, his voice reverberating through the boundless emptiness.

Kiba clenched his fist, his resolve strengthening, and with all his might, he struck the ground with a forceful punch.

Upon impact, a symbol of infinity materialized on the back of his right hand.

The strength of his blow shattered the space around him, revealing a breathtaking utopian landscape before Kiba's eyes.

Lush plants thrived with an almost otherworldly vibrancy, intertwining with living rivers that meandered gracefully through the landscape. In the center, a grand fountain stood, its waters shimmering under the sunlight.

"What in the world is this place?" Kiba muttered, his astonishment evident.

Approaching the inviting fountain, Kiba gazed into its water, watching as his reflection shifted and transformed back to his original appearance.

"Well, well, Jack. It's been a while," Kiba remarked with a wry smile upon seeing his true face.

"This is perplexing. It raises more questions than it answers," Kiba pondered aloud, his gaze drifting up to the vast expanse of the sky above.

His attention shifted to the infinity symbol on the back of his hand, and an idea formed. "If Ophis's blessing could dispel that dark space, then perhaps it can undo this place too."

Focusing his resolve, Kiba clenched his fist, and the infinity symbol reappeared on his hand. A radiant purple aura enveloped him, and his eyes transformed into dragon-like golden slits.

Taking a deep breath, Kiba unleashed his power with a forceful punch, shattering the surroundings. The landscape transformed once again, this time revealing his childhood home.

"Why am I here, in front of my old house?" Kiba questioned aloud, his confusion evident.

Surveying the area, Kiba noted the absence of people and the lack of vibrant colors. The surroundings appeared faded and dull.

Returning to the ground, Kiba mused, "There must be a reason for my presence here. I'll find the answers within my home."

As Kiba opened the door, a faint sound reached his ears, suggesting the presence of someone in the living room. Curiosity piqued, he ventured forward, his steps quiet but purposeful.

Upon entering the living room, Kiba's gaze locked onto a figure seated upon the sofa. The person turned their head, rising from the seat with a knowing smile.

"You've finally made it, Jack" the figure stated.

"Huh?" Kiba's bewilderment only grew upon encountering his older self standing there before him.

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