
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 6: The Dual Life of Yuuto

"Hello," Yuuto waved at Akeno with a worried expression.

"Ara ara, you're quite brave for making me wait," Akeno said, closing her eyes while smiling.

'Well, she seems really mad at me, judging by her smile,' Yuuto sighed as he raised his hand.

"I'm sorry, I forgot about our promise," Yuuto told her honestly.

"But you've become brave lately, putting clones in your class. Aren't you afraid of Sona finding out about you skipping class?" Akeno asked while moving her finger to Yuuto's chest.

"No, for my revenge, no one can stop me, not even you, Akeno," Yuuto said with a cold voice and a cold stare.

Akeno's whole body tensed for a few seconds until Yuuto stopped releasing the aura from his body.

"Sorry, I accidentally released my aura," Yuuto scratched the back of his head with an apologetic expression.

She couldn't believe Yuuto's aura had become even colder than before, but her body relaxed after Yuuto held her with a charming smile.

"Come on, I'll treat you," Yuuto said with a smile and took her away to the nearest ice cream place.

'Sorry, Akeno, I still have to act the part. If everyone knows that I'm not the original Yuuto, this will go south, and I am not ready yet to battle the Gremory family,' Yuuto thought to himself while imagining the fight with the Gremory family.

His body trembled as he thought about the possible outcomes.

"I shouldn't focus on that, but on getting stronger," Yuuto thought to himself with determination to become stronger.


Akeno and Yuuto were sitting on the famous white bench, enjoying their ice cream in peace.

She looked over at Yuuto and saw him eating with a smile. There was no hatred or malice in his eyes, only happiness.

'I wish he could stop talking about reve-' Before Akeno could finish her thought, she remembered her mother's death.

Yuuto turned to his left only to see a shaken Akeno.

"Are you okay, Akeno? You look out of it," he asked.

"I'm okay, it's just something on my mind," Akeno said, avoiding Yuuto's gaze.

'She must have remembered the past. Seeing her shaken up like that,' Yuuto thought as he looked at her beautiful face.

Yuuto moved his hand and put her head on his shoulder, patting her hair.

"If there is anything you want to talk about, I'm here. Don't be shy with me, okay, my beautiful girlfriend?" Yuuto said as he kissed her forehead.

"Hmm," Akeno was a little surprised but liked the way Yuuto cared for her.

'I should have dated Yuuto-kun earlier,' Akeno thought, as she enjoyed the scenery with her handsome boyfriend.


In the Meeting Room, Occult Research Clubroom, at Kuoh Academy,

Yuuto yawned in Akeno's lap while she caressed his hair with a happy smile. On the other hand, Koneko was happily eating cookies while Rias felt jealous seeing Yuuto and Akeno being affectionate with each other.

"Ahem," Rias cleared her throat to get their attention.

But Yuuto was the only one who didn't look at Rias and kept his eyes closed, resting his mind after the intense training he had done.

"Yuuto, listen to me," Rias said with a frustrated look.

"I'm listening. You can just keep talking, Buchou," Yuuto said, not caring what she would say.

Akeno chuckled as she covered her mouth.

"Sigh, there are at least two Sacred Gear holders in this school," Rias told everyone in the room.

'Ah, Sona found those two. Great news, but not for me, and Rias must have picked the one with a Dragon scent,' Yuuto thought to himself, displeased with the outcome that he couldn't change.

"And Koneko found out that one of them had a dragon scent, so it's possible that he has a Longinus," Rias said, surprising Akeno with the news.

'Hyoudou Issei, sigh. It's going to be troublesome,' Yuuto thought to himself.

"His name is Hyoudou Issei, one of the perverted trio," Rias added.

Koneko's face changed for a moment upon hearing that name.

"He may be joining us in the future," Rias said, intertwining her fingers.

'Do I need to kill him? Nah, I'm not that cold-blooded, and it doesn't even make sense for me to kill him. He hasn't done anything wrong, only some harmless peeping and talking about naked women. I wonder why the fanfic protagonist didn't kill Odin or any other gods that did more harm than good. What a hypocrite. You guys shouldn't have a second chance in life,' Yuuto thought, feeling annoyed.

"Is that all, Buchou? If that's all, I'll be heading to my new training ground," Yuuto said, sitting up and smiling at Akeno before turning to Rias.

"Wait, take these leaflets with you before leaving," Rias said, taking the leaflets from beneath her table and putting them on the table.

Yuuto took the leaflets and looked at them first.

'Hmm, four housewives and two single women. He's quite a playboy if he wanted to be, but because of revenge, he let it all go,' Yuuto sighed, seeing the list of his clients.

He folded the leaflets and put them into his pocket before leaving the room and kissing Akeno's forehead.

"See you in bed tonight," Yuuto whispered into Akeno's ear.

"Ara ara, you're quite bold, Darling. Sure, don't come back too late. I'll be waiting for you," Akeno whispered back to Yuuto seductively.

Yuuto smiled upon hearing that and left the room.


«Yuuto Pov»

"Hmm, which house should I visit first? The housewives or the single woman?" I pondered to myself.

But then I had an idea: why work hard when I can work smart? So, I decided to create six identical clones of myself using Gremory magic.

"Take these leaflets and handle the job while I go train," I instructed my clones.

"Yes, boss," they all replied in unison while saluting.

I handed out the leaflets to each of them and reminded them, "Don't do anything that might damage our relationship with Akeno."

"Understood, boss," they all replied.

"Excellent, now I can train my mind and body to the limit without any distractions," I thought to myself.

My clones then teleported away using the leaflets, and I used my own teleportation ability to head to my training ground.

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