
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 56

-6.32 PM-

In the backyard of the Occult, Kiba is putting in tremendous effort to fly using Ki, but he keeps failing and hitting the ground. It has been two hours, and he's trying his best to figure it out.

He can manage to float but struggles to fly any higher because he lacks the proper balance. His body has become accustomed to using wings, making this new technique even more challenging.

Despite the difficulties, he discovers that he can move surprisingly fast while floating, which offers some consolation for his efforts.

"Damn, this is harder than I thought. My muscle memory is really throwing me off, after relying on wings for so long. I need to overcome this," Kiba expresses his frustration.

Unbeknownst to him, Akeno and Rias are watching from afar, astonished to witness Kiba flying without wings. They are aware that flying without using wings or Demonic Power requires exceptional control over Demonic Energy, but little do they realize that Kiba is actually utilizing Ki for this feat.

"Now that I think about it, we have never seen him rest since that day. In the past, he used to take breaks," Rias noted.

"Hmm, you're right. It's as if he's chasing something unknown to us," Akeno added.

"I'm concerned that he might be overworking himself, just like before. Even with his Phoenix-like regeneration ability, he's been training even harder lately," Rias said, showing genuine worry for Kiba's well-being.

"*Sigh* Let's hope he takes some rest and takes care of himself," Akeno sighed.

"Agreed, we can only hope for that," Rias said.

Meanwhile, Kiba is still trying hard to master flying with Ki, and after a few more minutes of effort, he finally manages to get the hang of it.

"Fuck Yeah!!!" Kiba screams in excitement at the top of his lungs.

With newfound control, he begins flying around and breaking the sound barrier with bursts of speed.

"This is incredible, but now I must focus on improving my Ki attacks. I wonder how long I'll have to wait for Yamato," Kiba wonders aloud to himself.

[ 98% ]

"A little bit more, and I wonder why it takes me longer than my brother and friends to create the sword. They can do it in a few minutes or an hour at best, except for an extremely strong sword," Kiba questioned, feeling a bit puzzled.

"I feel like it has been nerfed somehow. Well, let's not dwell on it too much and focus on my next training," Kiba said to himself as he flew back to the backyard.

'Now I just need to learn how to use Ki and become the strongest with it,' Kiba thought to himself, determined to continue his training and master the power of Ki.


-Abandoned Church-

Asia's eyes are devoid of happiness after what she witnessed. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she couldn't stop crying, feeling overwhelmed by the pain of the past and the present.

"Why do I have to endure this while others have easier lives?" She wondered, questioning why she had to face such hardships.

Still, deep down, she held onto hope, believing that someday, happiness would find its way to her.

"Kami-sama, please grant me the strength to keep going," Asia prayed with her hands pressed together in prayer.

Mittelt approached Asia gently and said, "Follow me, we have something to show you."

"Okay, Mittelt-sama," Asia replied obediently, following Mittelt to the underground basement with a mix of curiosity and apprehension in her heart.

In the dimly lit room, Asia's eyes widened with anxiety and fear as she saw multiple people waiting for her, and a large cross stood in the middle of the room. Raynare, Kalawarna, and Freed were present at the middle platform, adding to her confusion and unease.

As she stood there, her heart racing, she couldn't help but ask, "What is going on?" The tension in the air was palpable, and she sensed that something ominous was about to happen.

Before she could grasp the situation, Mittelt's magic ripped her clothes apart, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed. Trembling and trying to cover herself, Asia pleaded, "Why are you doing this to me?"

Raynare coldly replied, "Your usefulness is overdue, and I'll be taking away your Sacred Gear now."

Fearing the inevitable, Asia attempted to escape, but Mittelt swiftly subdued her, leaving her unconscious. They then bound her to a large cross and began the ritual to extract her Sacred Gear.

As the ritual commenced, the black liquid within Asia seemed to react, sending an unseen signal to someone, hinting at the potential consequences that would soon unfold.


+ Kiba Pov +

My apologies for that oversight. Let's make the language match the character's thought process better:

Asia's in trouble, and that ritual has begun.

I quickly grabbed my coat and teleported to where she was. Bam! Suddenly, I found myself on this strange platform, facing a bunch of exiled exorcists chanting some weird stuff.

"Hey, you're still alive?!" Raynare looked surprised to see me there. "How'd you get here?!"

I turned around and saw Asia tied up naked on a cross. I didn't like doing this to her, but it's the only way to make sure she stays loyal.

The blue-haired woman gave orders for the exorcists to keep going with the ritual, but I wasn't scared. I knew what I was doing, and I had everything planned out. Confidence surged through me as I prepared to face whatever came our way.

The three Fallen Angels hurled their radiant spears, while Freed shot at me with his gun, but I gracefully evaded their attacks using my Ki-enhanced agility.

Spotting the distant lolita, separated from her comrades, I extended my hand enveloped in the symbiote's power, forming a colossal hand. With a touch of pity in my eyes, I approached her carefully to shield my symbiote tendrils from harm.

"Feast," I commanded the symbiote, and it engulfed the lolita, morphing into a colossal mouth.

Even as this happened, the barrage of projectiles from the Fallen Angels and Freed continued relentlessly, yet I nimbly dodged each one, a testament to my prowess.

I gazed in awe at my hand, now resembling the monstrous appendage of Alex Mercer. The sheer coolness of it all thrilled me to the core.

I fixed my gaze on Raynare and dashed towards her, noting how she and her allies attempted to create distance. However, my speed was unmatched, and I swiftly caught Raynare by the neck.

"Nice to see you like this again, Raynare. I wonder what you are thinking right now?" I taunted with a smirk. Yet, as I prepared to give a command to my symbiote, the blue-haired lady closed in, intending to sever its arms. Reacting promptly, I deactivated the symbiote and moved back slightly.

"Freed, help us instead of just standing there!" The blue-haired lady's voice carried an edge of frustration.

Freed, true to his peculiar personality, offered his assistance with a lecherous smile. Kalawarna sighed in response, accepting the deal to allow Freed to join the battle. "Fine, you can sleep with me if we survive this fight," she reluctantly agreed.

"Great!" Freed stepped forward, activating his light sword and sticking out his tongue - an odd combination.

I couldn't help but find it amusing; it seemed to be the first time someone had agreed to accept Freed's help in such a manner. But the most crucial aspect was that my sword had finally been completed, granting me a sense of assurance as we prepared for the forthcoming clash.

[ Yamato - 100% ]

My apologies for that. Let's adjust the language to match the character's thought process:

I gripped Yamato tightly as I pulled it out, feeling its incredible power coursing through me.

"Heh, this is gonna be fun," I said with a grin, getting ready to swing the katana.

Before any of them could react, I dashed towards them, slicing Raynare's head off as I passed by.

I glanced back and saw the shock on their faces.

Freed ran away like a coward, and that got the other exiled exorcists all riled up. They stopped the ritual and turned their attention to me.

"You, bitch!" the blue-haired woman muttered, looking at Freed who had fled.

"For Raynare-sama!"

"Kill that Devil!"

"For God!"

They all yelled, rushing towards me while the others fired bullets in my direction.

Everything seemed to slow down, and I noticed the symbol on the back of my right hand was activated.

Time to finish this.

I sheathed Yamato and got into Iaido's stance, grinning as I prepared for Vergil's iconic move.

"Judgement Cut!"

I poured my Ki and Demonic Power into the blade, focusing all my energy, and then unleashed a lightning-fast series of slashes.

As I resheathed the katana, I witnessed space crack like a broken mirror. The exiled exorcists had been sliced apart by my powerful attack.

My Demonic Power took a hit from that move, but seeing the results, it was worth it.

I looked over at the blue-haired woman, who appeared to have given up all hope, kneeling before me.

'Hmm, should I make her my maid? Yeah, why not. She's not putting up a fight at all,' I thought to myself.

I approached her and knelt down to her level, gently holding her chin in my hand. "Do you want to live and become stronger, or do you want to perish like a useless bird?" I asked.

"Just kill me, I don't care anymore," she responded with anger in her eyes.

I couldn't help but be intrigued by her defiance, finding her eyes captivating. With that, I kissed her lips and entwined my tongue with hers, just as I had done with Viser earlier.

When the kiss ended, a tattoo appeared around her neck.

"From now on, you are my slave," I declared.

Her gaze filled with disgust, much like Viser's had been. I couldn't help but find satisfaction in my sadistic nature.

Chuckling to myself, I looked up and saw Asia still tied to the cross. I decided to focus on saving her first before giving further orders to my second slave.

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