
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 55

-Gremory Mansion-

In the office, Sirzech sat at his desk, accompanied by Grayfia standing right by his side. Meanwhile, Souji rested in the corner, sitting comfortably on the sofa. Tannin, in his impressive dragon form, stood before Sirzech, who held his chin thoughtfully while resting his hand on the table.

"How did the training session with Kiba go?" Sirzech inquired.

"Pretty impressive, I must say. He has shown remarkable improvement within just two days. I can't put my finger on what exactly he did, but it's definitely something," Tannin responded. "What's even more intriguing is that he managed to endure a fusion attack combining Power of Destruction and Lightning, sustaining only minor injuries, all without resorting to Demonic Power."

Sirzech, Grayfia, and Souji were left astonished by the revelation. Souji couldn't help but feel proud of his student, knowing that Kiba had achieved such a remarkable feat entirely on his own.

"Kiba-sama achieved that feat purely with his strength?" Grayfia inquired, seeking clarification.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure, as he did exhibit some sort of unknown power during our first training session," Tannin explained.

"Unknown power?" Sirzech questioned with curiosity.

"Yes, he delivered a punch using that power, and the attack was twice as potent. It was quite fascinating," Tannin elaborated.

"In that case, I'm delighted to have Kiba as Rias's servant," Sirzech declared with a smile, showing his satisfaction with Kiba's impressive abilities.


+ Kiba Pov +

Tannin's training had been intense, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to train with him in his formidable dragon form.

My body ached after the intense fight and enduring that fusion attack. Holding back that immense power felt like my arms were being torn apart.

Now, all I could do was wait for the ritual to commence. I felt a twinge of guilt for using it to ensure Asia's loyalty to me alone, but I knew it was necessary.

As I got up, preparing to teleport back to my room, I noticed Rias, Akeno, and Koneko approaching me.

"Is there anything I can help you ladies with?" I asked, trying to appear composed.

They shook their heads in response.

"Are you okay, Kiba-senpai?" Koneko asked with concern.

"I'm fine," I assured them, flexing my muscular arm to show I could handle it.

"Are you sure? You just tanked our fusion attack," Rias questioned, still worried about my well-being.

"Yes, I'm certain," I replied, ripping the cloth that was still on my body, as it had become uncomfortable. "Is there anything else?"

Their reactions to seeing my body were quite unexpected. Rias swallowed nervously, Koneko blushed and looked away, and Akeno licked her lips, eyeing me like a delicious treat.

"If that's all, I'm heading back home first," I declared with a smile, teleporting away.

Once I arrived home, I swiftly took a refreshing bath, then grabbed a glass cup and brought it to my room to begin my Nen training.

I had put off this training until now because I could already perceive people's movements using Ki. However, I realized that I still needed to determine my Nen type, so I needed a leaf for that.

But hold on, I forgot that I first needed to unlock my Aura nodes. It seems I wasted precious time by neglecting that step.


Now, where should I focus my efforts first?

Cursed Energy or Ki? Ultimately, I decided to focus on Ki; it's a better and more versatile power than Cursed Energy.

I settled into meditation to become even more attuned and comfortable with Ki before exploring its full potential. This way, I hoped to avoid any reckless actions while refining my abilities.


- The Next Day-

I can't believe I'm being called in just because I missed school yesterday. It's not a big problem, and my grades are still higher than most.

"*Sigh* Why am I here?" I asked the student council president. "Didn't Rias inform you Sona about yesterday?"

Sona appeared taken aback by my use of Rias's name without any honorific.

"Where are your manners, Kiba?!" Tsubaki snapped.

"And? Do I look like I give a fuck?" I replied, unbothered by her reaction.

Sona raised her hand and calmly said, "Tsubaki, stop. You are here because I thought it might have been a lie, but it seems to be true. So, I want to hear that from your own mouth. Care to explain why you decided that dating is better than studying?" Sona asked, seeking clarification.

"Studying is useless unless you are a normal human" I replied regardless the consquences because I ain't a bitch.

"I wonder what your reasoning is behind that statement?" Sona seemed genuinely curious about my perspective.

As Tsubaki stood beside Sona, she glared at me as though I had done something terrible.

Is she jealous? Absolutely.

"Well, I can just steal their knowledge in the end. Most humans are weak, but only a few of them are extraordinary. If all humans unite and learn to become stronger, let's just say the supernatural factions will be crushed to pieces," I explained to her.

"Interesting theory, but that won't be happening," Sona responded.

"Yeah, I know. I said 'if' humans unite," I clarified. "Can I leave now?"

"Sure, I am glad we had this conversation, but remember not to skip school even though we are Devils," Sona said.

"I understand. See you soon then, Sona," I replied as I left the room.

The student council can be a pain in the ass, but for now, let's remain focused on our training and hope for the best. Today, I'm determined to test whether I can fly using Ki. It may not work immediately, but I need to find out and strive for improvement.

After all, Videl managed to learn flying in just three days, so I believe I can do it too. However, I'll do this after school and Tannin's training session to ensure I give it my full attention.

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