
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 54

Ophis's power has certainly enhanced my symbiote's regeneration ability, boosting its healing capabilities. I owe her my gratitude – she's such a cute dragon.

As I admire my new clothes, I can't help but feel extra handsome today. Time to head back to school and make the most of it.

After classes, I'm looking forward to continuing my Nen training. The idea of exploring and developing various abilities is fascinating and exhilarating. It's like stepping into a whole new world of possibilities, and I can't wait to see what I can achieve with it.


"Where did you go, Yuuto? School is already over. Where have you been?" Rias inquired, tapping her finger impatiently.

Now, should I tell a lie or the truth? Nah, let's mix them both.

"I went out on a date," I replied nonchalantly, not altering my expression.

"Hah?" Rias seemed taken aback, sounding surprised as if I had done something wrong.

The surprise on their faces was evident, except for Issei, who seemed unfazed in the room.

I overheard Issei bombarding Akeno with questions, presumably about the surprising revelation.

"Are you all really that surprised?" I inquired, curious about their reactions.

Koneko nodded, confirming, "Yes, Kiba-senpai."

Akeno chuckled, "Well, you've been turning down girls left and right. It's only natural to be surprised when you mention going on a date."

Rias, unable to contain her shock, asked with disbelief, "Who is the girl that managed to steal your heart?"

"A nun," I replied, and her reaction was immediate – tapping the table and standing up, her face contorting as if she had witnessed something dreadful. It was quite a drastic response, even for a noble Devil.

I could tell that Akeno and Koneko were also taken aback by the unexpected news.

"Does she know that you are a Devil?" Rias inquired.

"Yes, she's aware of it, and she doesn't mind," I replied. "I understand it's forbidden, but there's something more intriguing about dating someone beyond the boundaries of normal Devils or humans."

Rias expressed her concern, emphasizing the danger. "It's still risky, Yuuto. You could get killed if you're not careful."

"I can handle it; I'm stronger than all of you combined," I asserted confidently, smirking.

Rias challenged my claim, "Are you absolutely sure about that?"

"Absolutely," I replied, maintaining my confidence.

She suggested, "Let's go to the backyard and put that theory to the test."

I sighed, unsure if it was a wise idea, but I acquiesced, saying, "Do you really think that's a smart plan? Fine, Rias-san, let's go."


Hahahaha, facing four opponents does put me at a disadvantage. I should train Gasper, just in case I need assistance while traveling elsewhere.

The four of them stood before me, ready to engage in a battle.

"Is this really a good idea, Buchou?" Issei asked with a mix of fear and concern.

"Yes, I need to bring Kiba down a peg," Rias declared firmly.

"*Sigh* Are you prepared, Yuuto-kun?" Akeno inquired.

"I'm more than ready, and to level the playing field, I won't use Demonic Power at all during the fight," I announced, smirking.

Rias, determined to prove herself, retorted, "Yuuto, I'll make you eat those words!" as she unleashed her Demonic Power.

+ 3rd Pov +

Kiba remained unfazed, confident in his Ki Sensing ability, which allowed him to be more relaxed and vigilant.

Akeno, donning her Miko dress, was the first to strike, launching a yellow lightning bolt from above. Kiba looked up and swiftly moved away just in time to avoid the attack.

Next, a white blur attempted to land a punch to Kiba's stomach, but Kiba reacted swiftly, catching her fist with ease.

"Good effort, but not good enough," Kiba taunted with a smile.

Koneko struggled to break free from Kiba's grasp, but his strength proved to be far superior to hers.

"Are you okay, Koneko?" Kiba playfully mocked her.

Undeterred, she decided to retaliate with a roundhouse kick aimed at his head. However, Kiba released his grip on her fist and swiftly grabbed her legs, effortlessly holding her upside down.

"I'm sorry, I'm just that strong," Kiba stated confidently, showing his prowess in the battle.

The rest of them hesitated, not wanting to accidentally harm Koneko while she was in Kiba's grasp.

Koneko gathered her determination once more, trying to climb up to his hand, but Kiba effortlessly threw her away. She hit the ground, but quickly rose to her feet, assuming her fighting stance again.

Meanwhile, Kiba remained composed, observing as Rias and Akeno gathered magic, preparing to launch their attacks at him. The air around them crackled with electrifying energy as they formed twin wings of lightning and destruction, combining their abilities for a powerful strike.

On the other side, Issei charged towards Kiba, Sacred Gear in hand, attempting to land a punch. However, just like Luffy's swift move against Bellamy, Kiba effortlessly knocked Issei to the ground with a single punch.

The sight of Issei being knocked out in one blow left Koneko, Akeno, and Rias in complete shock and awe.

Kiba effortlessly kicked Issei away and taunted the King and Queen.

"Give it a shot; I'll just counter it right back!" Kiba confidently challenged them.

Taking a cue from Rias, Koneko recognized the opportunity to create an opening for their attack. She charged straight at Kiba, attempting to land a punch. However, she quickly found herself caught by the face and thrown away once more.

"Come on, you two should give me a real challenge. After all, you're the strongest among the others," Kiba said with a playful smirk, eager for a more intense battle.

"Fine, then take this," Rias declared, determination evident in her voice.

"Don't die, Yuuto-kun," Akeno added, her concern for Kiba showing.

The sphere in front of them emitted a dazzling mix of fiery hues and electric blue, a testament to the fusion of their elemental forces.

"Rai Hakaī Sōyoku, (Thunderous Destruction Twin Wings)," both of them chanted simultaneously, their wings unfurling in preparation.

The unleashed attack soared forward, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake. The ball of destruction crackled with electrifying sparks, discharging bolts of lightning in all directions.

Yet, Kiba remained confident, bracing himself to face the onslaught head-on. As the attack drew closer, he extended his hands and held it back, stopping its progression.

The ground beneath them crumbled from the force, but Kiba continued to resist, displaying unwavering determination even as his hands were damaged and healing simultaneously.

'I always wanted to do this,' Kiba thought to himself, a smile gracing his face.

Akeno, Rias, and Koneko stood in shock, witnessing Kiba's astounding feat of stopping the attack. Yet, their worry for his well-being grew, wondering if he would still be alive after withstanding such an intense assault.

After a few tense minutes, the sphere dispersed into multiple particles, and Kiba stood there, his injured hand gradually healing as time passed.

"Damn, that was intense. It would've been easier if I used Demonic Power, but hey, we can now conclude that I'm the strongest, right?" Kiba remarked with a confident smirk.

The three of them let out relieved sighs, realizing that the fusion of Akeno and Rias's attack was their last resort.

"That was quite an exhilarating battle," Tannin commented, clapping his hands as he approached the barren ground where the attack had occurred.

Tannin looked at the aftermath of the fight and then addressed the group, "You all can get some rest now. Kiba, it's time to begin your training with me."

Kiba, already aware of Tannin's observation, asked with a smile, "You've been watching the fight since the beginning, haven't you?"

Tannin nodded in affirmation, "Indeed, I've been observing from the start."

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