
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 53

It's no wonder Spider-Man enjoys swinging around; this feeling is truly relaxing. Gazing at Tokyo Tower before me, I can't help but yearn to experience what it's like to be a Spider-Man, even just for a moment.

This experience is amazing, and I won't regret it. I can't help but wonder why some of the overpowered reincarnators or transmigrators don't fulfill their childhood dreams. It seems like a waste not to, but perhaps they're too preoccupied with their selfish desires.

With a bit more effort, I make the leap...

And there I am, standing atop Tokyo Tower. The view behind me is breathtaking; the city's twinkling lights paint a beautiful picture in the night sky.

Yet, even in this beauty, I can't ignore the ugliness that coexists. People here are suffering due to their life situations.

"Pfft, Hahahaha!"

But honestly, I don't care about the bystanders; my focus lies on those close to me. I might act if the city is attacked by a disaster, but I'm no selfless hero. My sole purpose is to save my friends and family, who were erased by that bitch.

"Wait for me, I'll be the one to sever your head from your body. It's a promise I intend to keep," I declared with conviction, finding some amusement in the situation.

Who would have thought that a once ordinary businessman would transform into a devil wielding godly powers? Fate works in mysterious ways.

Though my life as a whole is now far from easy, I can't help but feel it's an exhilarating journey compared to my previous existence.


It's time to return home and continue honing my Ki Sensing ability.

With a swift teleportation, I found myself back in my room.

"Devil genetics sure give me an energy boost at night," I remarked, feeling the surge of vitality coursing through me, just like when I was human. It always happens around 1 AM.

Taking a seat on my bed, I settled into a meditative state, ready to train my Ki Sensing ability once more. The darkness of the night embraced me, providing the perfect environment for my focused training.


-The Next Day-

Ah, Rias is in the kitchen with Akeno, and Koneko is probably still preparing her belongings in her room.

I've made some progress with my ability, but I know there's room for further improvement.

But before I dive into my training, I should inquire about the Cursed Energy. If they sense it, I must learn to control it quickly.

After magically freshening up myself and my clothes, I make my way to the kitchen to greet them.

"Good morning, everyone," I warmly greet as I enter the room.

Rias responds with a smile, "Good morning, Yuuto."

Akeno also greets me with a smile, "Good morning, Kiba-kun."

"Can I ask you something?" I inquired, seeking clarification from Rias.

"Of course, what is it you want to know?" she responded, curious about my question.

"Do you sense any negative aura coming from me?" I asked, trying to gauge if my presence raised any suspicions.

"No, why would you ask that?" Rias seemed puzzled by my inquiry.

I turned to Akeno, hoping for a different answer, "How about you, Akeno?"

Akeno shook her head, her confusion mirroring Rias's response. "No, there's nothing wrong. Is something bothering you?"

The exiled exorcist's ability to sense me remains a mystery. How could he detect me while Rias and Akeno couldn't? Was it an abnormal sensing ability, or was I just terrible at concealing my presence with camouflage magic?

My thoughts spiraled with more questions, but I had to refocus as Rias's voice brought me back to reality.

"Are you okay, Yuuto?" Rias inquired, concerned about my distant demeanor.

"I'm fine," I reassured her, though my mind was still preoccupied with the enigma of the exorcist's detection.

"You seem deep in thought and not even hearing us," Rias noted.

Apologizing with a sheepish grin, I scratched the back of my head. "I'm sorry about that. I'll head to school now. See you guys soon."

With that, I hastily left the place and began my search for Asia, just in case I ran into her on the way.

I hoped to meet her and befriend her, so she wouldn't be too perplexed about why I had saved her.

With my developing sensing abilities, I began my search...

After nearly an hour of searching, I finally spotted her walking. There she was, the dragon tamer I had been looking for.

Feeling a bit nervous, I approached her, and accidentally bumping into her, we both fell to the ground, pretending to act clumsily.

"Aww, my butt hurts," she said while massaging her backside.

I noticed she was wearing white panties, and it made me a little embarrassed that I noticed such a detail.

Quickly regaining my composure, I offered her a hand to help her up, sincerely asking, "Are you okay?"

Gratefully accepting my hand, she stood up, looking at me with a cute smile. "I'm fine," she replied.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you," I apologized sincerely.

"It's okay," Asia reassured me, and her gaze grew curious, "You can also speak Italian?"

"A little bit," I said, extending my hand for a handshake, "My name is Kiba Yuuto, but you can call me Kiba."

With a friendly smile, she took my hand, shaking it gently, "Nice to meet you, Kiba. My name is Asia Argento; you can call me Asia."

"What brings you here?" I inquired, curious about Asia's intentions.

She fiddled with her index fingers nervously, replying, "I just wanted to go sightseeing, but it's a bit challenging since people here don't speak Italian. I feel lost."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable response, but her pout quickly reminded me not to tease her.

"Hey, don't laugh at me," she protested, cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Asia's easygoing nature made her a delight to talk with, and I felt an overwhelming desire to protect her.

"Sorry, it's just that you're too cute for a nun," I admitted, offering her a warm smile.

Blushing, she attempted to hide her face by looking away, but the charm only grew stronger.

"How about this? I'll show you around town," I suggested, wanting to be of help.

"Do you really have time for that? I don't want to be a bother, Kiba," Asia said, concerned about taking up my time.

"Nah, not at all. Let's go, I'd be happy to show you around," I said, taking her hand gently and guiding her to the places where she'd have a great time.

+ 3rd Pov +

Both of them decided to start their day by visiting a charming food store. Kiba, being the considerate one, wanted to ensure Asia wouldn't go hungry. He confidently ordered six croquettes from the shop owner, who cheerfully obliged. However, Asia expressed concern that it might be too much for them to eat.

"Don't worry," Kiba reassured her, "I can finish them all."

A few minutes later, the owner handed them two paper bags, each containing three croquettes. He wished them a fun time on their little date with a warm smile. Kiba paid for the food, and they set off on their outing.

As they relished the delicious croquettes, Asia couldn't contain her delight. "Kiba, this is incredibly delicious! I've never tasted anything this good before."

Kiba grinned, enjoying his meal with gusto. "I trust the owner, he always serves amazing food."

Curious about what the shop owner had said, Asia asked Kiba, "What did the owner tell us? I don't speak Japanese."

"He simply wished us to enjoy our little date," Kiba replied nonchalantly.

Perplexed, Asia inquired about the meaning of "date," as she had been sheltered in the church for most of her life until the big event.

Kiba explained, "A date is when a couple hangs out together and has fun."

Unaware of the concept, Asia asked, "Are we a couple?"

Kiba's smile grew wider as he replied, "If that's what you wish, then we can be."

As they strolled along, Asia's cheeks turned a rosy shade as she stole glances at Kiba's face. Although she remained quiet, she tightly held onto his hand, cherishing the moment.

The joy of the outing was evident on both of their faces, especially for Kiba, who had been immersed in continuous training for quite some time. This little date provided a much-needed break for him to unwind and enjoy himself.

Despite being on a date, Kiba couldn't completely let go of his dedication to training. Even during this relaxed time, he continued honing his Ki Sensing ability, determined to further refine his skills.

Throughout the visit, Asia wore a radiant smile, her excitement and happiness shining through every step of the way.

As the day drew to a close, they decided to end their date by savoring ice cream on a bench near a serene fountain. The tranquility of the setting added to the charm of their moment together, with no one else around at this time.

"Are you enjoying this little tour?" Kiba asked, genuinely curious.

Asia's cheerful smile brightened her face as she responded, "Yes, I'm really having fun. It feels like forever since I last experienced something like this when I was a child." Her smile faded as she recalled her past.

Kiba gently patted her head, offering comfort, and said, "Don't dwell on the past. Just keep smiling and stay positive."

As they were about to continue their conversation, Kiba noticed a purple magic circle materializing near the fountain. A person in a provocative outfit with black wings emerged from it - Raynare, the one responsible for Issei's death.

"Oh, Asia, what do you think you're doing spending time with a Devil?" Raynare sneered, addressing her with disdain. "The Knight of Ruin Princess, what brings you here?"

Unfazed, Kiba responded nonchalantly, rising from the bench, "We're simply trying to have some fun."

"You're a Devil, Kiba?" Asia questioned, her eyes locking onto his face.

"Indeed," Kiba replied with a warm smile, his gaze tenderly meeting Asia's before shifting back to Raynare, prepared for whatever came their way.

"Come here, Asia, if you don't want me to kill your new boyfriend," Raynare commanded, venom lacing her words.

Kiba couldn't help but smirk at her empty threat, finding it laughable. "Like you could ever kill me here," he retorted confidently.

Despite the danger, Asia's instinct pushed her to take action. She attempted to run towards Raynare, hoping to shield Kiba from any harm, even though it was unlikely for him to get kill.

However, Kiba was quick to react, grasping her hand firmly. "I'll be there for you whenever you need me," he assured her, releasing her hand as a sign of trust, allowing her to walk back to face Raynare.

"Good girl," Raynare sneered, embracing Asia in her arms before turning her attention to Kiba. "Here's a gift for you, The Knight of Ruin Princess."

Numerous magic circles materialized in the air, about to unleash deadly projectiles, but Kiba acted swiftly, dashing towards Raynare and Asia.

Kiba's hand was inches away from reaching Raynare's face, but her light projectiles struck with precision, halting him in his tracks.

The luminous projectiles pierced through Kiba's body, causing blood to flow from his wounds. He staggered and fell to the ground as the light projectiles disintegrated into particles.

Though caught off guard by the intensity of the attack, Raynare wore a victorious smirk, believing she had succeeded in killing Kiba. Meanwhile, Asia was in a state of shock and terror, witnessing the harm done to the kindest man she had ever known.

Without a moment's hesitation, Raynare and Asia teleported away from the scene, leaving Kiba's seemingly lifeless body behind.

As Kiba was left alone, he rose to his feet, moving like a determined but injured soul. An infinite symbol appeared at the back of his right hand, a sign of his remarkable regenerative ability as his wounds began to heal.

"Damn, that hurt like hell," he mumbled to himself, reflecting on the choice he had made. Despite the pain, he knew it was all worth it to protect Asia. He felt a twinge of regret, but he brushed it off, knowing that his plan would keep her safe.

"Now, I can focus on keeping Asia out of harm's way. My Ki Sense is at a good level for now; no need to push it further," he thought, satisfied with his current abilities.

Observing his tattered clothes, he chuckled lightly, saying, "Guess I need some new threads and school clothes too."

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