
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 51

Kiba lay on the ground, panting heavily, his body exhausted from the intense sparring session. The formidable opponent, Tannin, was no slouch either; he was drenched in sweat, having held back in a battle for the first time in a long while. Tannin couldn't help but admire Kiba's determination, realizing that this young Devil was giving it his all to improve.

Tannin's respect for Kiba grew, recognizing that the young warrior was serious about his training and not just fooling around. With a nod of acknowledgment, he spoke, "Tomorrow, the same time, the same place. I'll be waiting."

"Okay," Kiba replied, mustering what little energy he had left, showing his commitment to continue the training.

As Tannin walked back into the building, Kiba closed his eyes, reflecting on the sparring session. Despite his fatigue, he couldn't help but smirk as he realized the valuable lessons he had learned during the intense battle.

'I guess there are a few things I've grasped in this fight. Trusting my instincts more and utilizing all my senses – these are basic skills, but I must remember that just a few weeks ago, I was a mere human. It's incredible how far I've come,' Kiba thought, proud of his progress.

Meanwhile, Tannin made his way to the meeting room, where Grayfia awaited. He expressed his satisfaction with his new student, acknowledging the promising potential he saw in Kiba.

"I'm leaving. I'm satisfied with my new student," Tannin informed Grayfia. "He shows promising results, and there's still so much untapped potential in him."

Grayfia nodded, understanding the significance of Tannin's words and she walked to Tannin side.

"Have a good day, Rias-sama," she said with a polite bow.

Title: A Mysterious Display of Strength

A brilliant blue magic circle formed beneath Grayfia and Tannin's feet, signaling the beginning of their teleportation. As the magic enveloped them, Rias, who had been seated, swiftly rose to her feet, a sense of curiosity compelling her to seek answers before their departure.

"Wait, Tannin-san," Rias called out, determined to satisfy her lingering question. "Why did you not hold back on him?"

Her concern arose from witnessing Kiba taking multiple pummeling hits during their intense sparring session. It was unlike Tannin not to hold back, and she couldn't help but wonder about the reasons behind it.

Tannin, wearing a gentle smile, turned to face Rias and offered his explanation. "I did hold back, Rias-sama," he replied calmly, yet confidently. "It's just that Kiba is exceptionally strong."

With those words, the mysterious dragon and Grayfia vanished from the room, leaving Rias to ponder the significance of their exchange. Her mind drifted to the impressive display of power she had witnessed during the training. While Tannin's words assured her that he had indeed held back, it was Kiba's newfound strength that captivated her thoughts.

As she turned her gaze toward Kiba, who lay on the ground after the grueling session, she couldn't help but be intrigued by his hidden potential. It was evident that he had grown significantly in a short period, a transformation that had taken everyone by surprise.

Rias couldn't shake off the feeling that Kiba's remarkable progress was something more than just rigorous training.


-Few minutes have passed-

+Kiba Pov+

My body should be strong enough to handle the second Demonic Magic Ring. I should have done this earlier, but I forgot about it.

Well, I am not perfect.

[His head began playing Perfect Cell Theme Song]


*Head bopping*

"Damn, this still hits hard."

I sat up and began the meditation. I closed my eyes and focused on creating another Demonic Magic Ring around my heart.

The Demonic Magic Ring began forming around my heart.

"Control your Demonic Power and make it denser than before."

The process began smoothly, and I just have to wait until it is finished.


-20 minutes have passed-

Damn, my reserves are nearly empty. I was too focused and didn't even notice. If I had a smaller Demonic Power reserve, I would have suffered severe injuries.

I need to gain better control over my Demonic Power.

Let's take a page from Naruto's book and adopt his training method for better control.

I gather a few small leaves to use for this training. Sitting back on the ground, I select one leaf.

The key is to use the least amount of Demonic Power. Placing the leaf on my forehead, I begin to rotate it.

Damn, this is difficult without accidentally burning it. The leaf already burns due to my unrefined control.

The challenge lies in keeping the leaf sticking to my forehead and rotating it at high speed without burning it. Additionally, my reserve has grown larger, making it even harder to control.

I continue this training for a few minutes, or perhaps an hour, until Akeno arrives nearby.

"Is there something you want?" I ask her, but fuck, I burn another leaf in the process. I quickly take another leaf to continue the training.

"What are you doing?" Akeno asks, looking curious.

"I'm training to improve my control over Demonic Power," I explain.

"Can I also do it with you?" Akeno asked.

This is new; she wants to join me in the training session. Wait, the original Kiba was also asked by Akeno, but he rejected her.

Damn, the leaf is burning. I throw it out and look at Akeno, who is smiling, and reply, "Sure, take a seat nearby me."

"Okay, what should I do next?" Akeno asked, her smile the biggest I've seen so far.

"Take one leaf and put it on your forehead. Use your Demonic Power to stick it there and surround the leaf with Demonic Power. Only use a small amount of it. Then you need to spin the leaf and avoid it from burning," I explain as I watch her do it, and she does it perfectly.

"That is easy," she says while doing it.

Damn, she does it easily, and here I am still struggling.

"Put more leaves on your body and do the same thing," I say to her.

"Okay, Kiba-kun," she says sweetly as she puts five more leaves on her forehead.

Damn, she looks very pretty; no wonder she is my favorite waifu in this world.

"*Sigh*," I just keep doing the exercise until I'm somewhat okay with it.

+ 3rd Pov +

After several minutes of intense leaf concentration training, Akeno decided to take a brief break and glanced over at Kiba. She was surprised to find him deeply engrossed in the exercise, and an unexpected smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

'I wonder what's brought out this newfound friendliness in him? Nevertheless, I find myself drawn to this side of him. If only he could open up a bit more,' Akeno mused silently. 'But there's no denying the brilliance of his training regimen for mastering Demonic Power. Rias could undoubtedly benefit from incorporating this into her practice.'

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