
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 50

In the midst of a relentless sparring session, Kiba found himself repeatedly pummeled to the ground by none other than Tannin, the mighty Dragon King who was teaching him hand-to-hand combat.

"Stand up, young one! It's not yet time to rest," Tannin encouraged, his eyes filled with a mixture of pride and excitement.

"I know," Kiba replied, pushing himself up from the ground, determination etched across his face. To everyone's surprise, some of his bruises mysteriously began to heal within seconds.

Tannin couldn't hide his amazement at Kiba's rapid recovery. A pleased smile spread across his face, realizing that Kiba was capable of enduring even more intense training.

Meanwhile, Grayfia, who had been observing the intense sparring match through the window, was also taken aback by Kiba's swift healing abilities. Her curiosity piqued, she continued to watch with keen interest.

Feeling the adrenaline course through his veins, Kiba cracked his neck and gently massaged it with his left hand. The pain was nothing compared to the fire of determination burning within him.

'He doesn't hold back at all' Kiba thought to himself.

As the fierce exchange of blows escalated between Kiba and the formidable Dragon King, Tannin.

Kiba charged forward with a determined look in his eyes, unleashing a powerful right hook aimed at Tannin's face. Swift as a serpent, Tannin evaded the attack, leaning back just in time, and responded with a lightning-fast side kick that cut through the air.

Yet, Kiba's instincts had already calculated Tannin's move. He dropped low, planting his feet firmly on the ground, and delivered a precise liver punch that connected with Tannin's midsection.

A hint of surprise flickered across the Dragon King's face, impressed by the force Kiba had mustered. Grinning with newfound confidence, Kiba quickly retreated a few steps, maintaining a safe distance.

In the blink of an eye, Tannin closed the gap between them, closing in on Kiba with astonishing speed. However, he was met with an unexpected uppercut to his chin, a testament to Kiba's remarkable adaptability.

Tannin, though momentarily taken aback, demonstrated his indomitable resilience as he absorbed the blow without flinching. Seizing the opportunity, he retaliated by delivering a fierce punch straight to Kiba's jaw.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Kiba held his ground and, with unyielding determination, launched a counterattack—a spinning kick aimed at Tannin's head.

The force of the blow caused Tannin's head to snap back, revealing the sheer power behind Kiba's move. However, the Dragon King was not so easily defeated. Reacting swiftly, he caught hold of Kiba's legs and began a relentless barrage of pummeling strikes, reminiscent of Broly's assault on Goku.

Kiba's mind raced with frustration and pain, but he refused to succumb. His resolve burned brighter than ever as he endured the onslaught, searching for an opening to turn the tables once more.

After enduring a series of relentless slams to the ground, Kiba found himself thrown back down by Tannin, the Dragon King. Despite the punishing blows, Kiba remained determined to keep going, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back.

With a sly smirk, Tannin asked, "Can you still stand, Kiba?"

"Of course," Kiba replied, rising to his feet with unwavering resolve and settling into his fighting stance once more.

The spar between the two combatants was an exhibition of pure strength, devoid of any additional powers or magic. It was an opportunity for Kiba to develop and hone his own unique fighting style, a testament to his growth as a warrior.

Amidst the intense duel, the spectators watched intently, unable to see the full extent of Kiba's struggle—except for Grayfia, whose subtle smile revealed her trust in Kiba's capabilities.

Issei, who had arrived at the scene just moments ago, was taken aback and filled with trepidation at the sight of Kiba's determined yet battered form.

Meanwhile, Rias, Akeno, and Koneko, witnessing their friend in such a dire state for the first time, couldn't bear to watch and closed their eyes, their concern evident.

However, amidst the struggle, Kiba's resilience shone through. Cracking his neck, he tapped into a remarkable ability he had developed—the rapid healing of his body through small, black tentacles. As his wounds began to mend, the tentacles smoothly receded back into his form.

Curious about this unique power, Tannin inquired, "What is that, Kiba? I've never seen such an ability before."

"It's an ability I've developed on my own, though it still doesn't match the Phoenix family's regeneration," Kiba explained.

Chuckling heartily, Tannin praised him, "Gahaha, it's truly impressive for a Low-Class Devil to possess such regeneration ability. You've proven me wrong multiple times. I'm looking forward to teaching you more."

Kiba bowed respectfully and replied, "It's my pleasure, Shisho. I'm eager to learn and grow under your guidance."

Rias, Akeno, and Koneko were taken aback, their eyes widening in surprise as they witnessed Kiba's newfound ability in action. They couldn't help but wonder when he had acquired the power to heal himself.

"Buchou, can Devils do that?" Issei asked, his curiosity piqued by this revelation.

Rias nodded, explaining, "Not all Devils possess such abilities, Issei. Only those with unique Devil Traits can manifest special powers. For instance, I have the Power of Destruction, the ability to annihilate anything in my path. As for Kiba, it seems he has developed the power to heal himself. However, I'm intrigued to know when he acquired this skill."

Issei's shock at the existence of such diverse abilities among Devils was evident, and he turned his attention back to the ongoing fight, eager to see more of Kiba's surprising capabilities.

The intense duel between Kiba and Tannin continued unabated. Their fists and feet blurred in a flurry of strikes, the air resonating with the sound of powerful impacts.

Despite their fierce exchange, it was apparent that Kiba bore the brunt of the damage, as his durability didn't match Tannin's formidable resilience. However, the hits he managed to land carried a considerable impact.

The battle raged on for some time until Kiba delivered a potent punch to Tannin's stomach. As the punch connected, a spark of black lightning crackled around Kiba's fist, intensifying the blow.

Tannin was taken aback, sensing the surge in power behind Kiba's attack. Nonetheless, he endured the strike, showcasing his immense strength, but the force sent him skidding several yards backward from the impact.

"What is that increase in power?" Tannin questioned himself, bewildered by the sudden surge in Kiba's attack.

As the adrenaline of the battle coursed through him, Kiba was equally astonished by the force behind his punch. He gazed at his clenched fist, realizing, 'Isn't that Black Flash? How the hell did I do that? Did my Cursed Energy just flow by accident? It must be the case.'

Observing the surprise etched on Kiba's face, Tannin swiftly deduced, "If he's also taken aback, then it's evident he unleashed some sort of new power by accident."

Curious to understand this unexpected development, Tannin inquired, "Do you know what power you just unleashed? I'm certain it's not Demonic Power or any kind of Senjutsu or Touki."

Kiba nodded, responding honestly, "Yes, I do know, but I don't think I can reproduce it at will. It is based on a combination of luck and skill."

Amused by Kiba's straightforwardness, Tannin probed further, "So, that was just a lucky accident?"

With a nod, Kiba admitted, "Yes, perhaps. It's as if I was in the perfect flow, and that punch felt instinctively right, targeting your stomach."

Tannin's laughter filled the air as he remarked, "Guhahaha, you're truly an interesting one. No wonder Souji said you're his best student."

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