
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 47

-Kuoh Abandoned Church-

In the heart of the abandoned church, Raynare, the enigmatic and alluring antagonist, sat regally at a weathered table. Before her stood a group of exiled exorcists, their faces etched with the weight of their past mistakes and transgressions.

With a swift yet graceful motion, Raynare leaned forward, her penetrating gaze locked onto the group. "Where is Dohnaseek?" she demanded, her voice carrying a hint of both impatience and displeasure, as she tapped her foot impatiently against the cold stone floor.

The exiled exorcists exchanged nervous glances, uncertainty evident in their eyes. One of them finally spoke up, his voice trembling slightly, "We… we don't know, Miss Raynare."

In the dimly lit room, a sudden gust of wind signaled the arrival of a captivating figure with striking blue hair and a commanding presence. She sauntered in gracefully, her alluring aura drawing everyone's attention. Raynare, seated at the table, couldn't help but glance up at the newcomer with curiosity.

"He said he just wants to monitor around a bit and taste some female that he finds delicious," the blue-haired woman stated, her voice holding a mixture of intrigue and warning.

The exiled exorcists exchanged uneasy glances, knowing all too well the implications of those words. Raynare's tapping foot halted, and a sense of tension filled the air. She spoke with authority, "If he doesn't arrive tomorrow morning..." Raynare pointed her hand threateningly at the exorcists before continuing, "All of you will be dead."

However, before the atmosphere grew entirely suffocating, a white-haired exorcist with an unsettling, crazy smile interjected, "Ooh, come on now. Be a little easy on them. It's not like it's their fault."

Raynare narrowed her eyes at the audacious exorcist named Freed Sellzen. She despised his carefree attitude, finding it both annoying and inappropriate for the dire situation at hand. "Shut up, Freed," she snapped, not willing to tolerate any distractions.

Freed's grin is only widened, undeterred by Raynare's annoyance. "And that is why I like feisty women like you, Raynare," he leered, his words dripping with an unsettling sense of desire as he licked his lips.

Raynare's disgust was evident as she recoiled from Freed's advances. "Ugh, spare me your flattery," she retorted, her voice tinged with disdain.

Meanwhile, the blue-haired woman watched the exchange with a mix of amusement and impatience. "Enough with your banter. We have a situation to deal with. The exiled nun will be arriving tomorrow" she said, her tone commanding respect.

-In the basement of Kiba mansion-

In the dimly lit, makeshift laboratory, Kiba and Viser stood in front of a peculiar sight. A lifeless, naked Fallen Angel's body lay on a table, a gaping hole in its chest suggesting a fatal battle. Above the body, a mysterious jar containing a pulsating heart immersed in an eerie, green-like liquid sat on a high shelf.

Both Kiba and Viser were clad in scientist lab coats, hinting at their unconventional research pursuits. Kiba, donning glasses, leaned nonchalantly against the cabinet, engrossed in deep contemplation. Viser, on the other hand, looked concerned, as she questioned the purpose of their experiment.

"What are you doing with the Fallen Angel's body?" Viser inquired, her voice tinged with curiosity and worry.

Kiba glanced up from his thoughts, meeting Viser's gaze with a serious expression. "I'm considering a way to rid myself of my light weakness," he confessed.

Viser's eyes widened in surprise, realizing the gravity of Kiba's intentions. "How?" She asked, intrigued yet cautious.

Kiba sighed, knowing the risks involved. "There are several potential methods, but the only viable one seems to involve utilizing the heart of this Fallen Angel along with its blood, mimicking the effect of consuming a dragon's heart. However, the problem lies in the fact that this Fallen Angel is merely of low rank," Kiba explained with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

He continued, his voice laced with concern, "Moreover, I fear that ingesting the heart might set my body ablaze, as it holds Holy magic, which could react adversely with mine."

"So, what are you planning to do now?" Viser asked again, trying to suppress her disappointment.

"I don't know," Kiba replied, his tone laced with a sense of defeat.

"All of this work for nothing?" Viser couldn't help but express her exasperation.

"Unfortunately, yes," Kiba sighed, stepping away from the cabinet. "I'll be training. See you, Viser."

He left without even sparing a glance in her direction, leaving Viser standing there, feeling annoyed.

"What's the point of me being here if you don't want to violate me?" Viser muttered in annoyance. She was feeling horny, and she couldn't even go find another man because of the command that Kiba put on her.

+ Kiba Pov +

How long does this shit need to be repaired?

[ 95% ]

"Just 5 more percent, and I can continue with my plan to become a dimensional traveler."

Now that I think about it, I haven't improved my close combat skills. Maybe I can learn more about hand-to-hand fighting techniques. It's better to have a backup plan.

I opened up my phone to search for the nearest martial arts school in Kuoh Town.

"Hmm, Karate is not that good. Boxing is also a no-go because I need martial arts that can possibly help me when fighting in the sky."

Human martial arts won't really help me as a Devil. Maybe I should ask Rias for help then. She can ask her brother to send me a teacher.

Let's go with that.

I tapped the ground to create a magic circle beneath my feet, and it teleported me away.

As I opened my eyes, I arrived in front of Rias, who was naked and holding her pink bra.

"Oops, I'm sorry," I turned around to cover my little brother, as it had risen after seeing Rias naked body.

"Eeh, Yuuto," Rias said to me.

Dammit, why did I teleport to her?


I can't believe I just barged into someone's room. If this were my original home, I would get sent to prison.

"What is it, Yuuto?" Rias asked, letting out a small chuckle.

"Wear your clothes first," I say to her.

I still have morals, unless it's towards my enemy. Yes, I am a hypocrite, but isn't that a normal trait for people to have? I am not in the wrong.

"*Click, Click, Click*"

That is the sound of a bra, I think, if I'm not mistaken.

"I'm done, you can turn around now," Rias said, which makes me confused.

Because doesn't she need more time to wear clothes?

I turn around and facepalm myself because I can't believe what she is doing to me. She's only wearing her bra and underwear.

She is really tempting me to attack her right now. Now that I think about it, Akeno and Rias did tease him a lot in the past based on the memories I have.

I respect you, Kiba, for not touching them at all, but that is bullshit.

"Is there something wrong, Yuuto?" Rias asked with a cheeky smile.

"Buchou and Akeno-san are still the same as ever. I want to ask a favor from you," I said and I bow a little bit. "Can I get a mentor to teach me hand-to-hand combat?"

"Is that it? I thought you wanted to ask something big because you teleported into my room. Okay, I will ask my brother to send you a teacher," Rias said with a smile.

"Thank you, Rias," I bowed a bit and teleported away with a smile.

She sure does look surprised by calling her name.

But first, where the hell am I? This looks like on the top of Burj Khalifa. How the fuck did my mind go here, and now my Demonic Power reserve is low.

Looks like I have to stay here for a while before it recovers fully.

"*Sigh* and let's hope the supernatural people from this country faction don't go look for me because I accidentally crossed their country."

Shit, why the fuck did I raise the flag? But let's hope I don't encounter any drama.

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