
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 44

"*Sniff*, *Sniff*, *Sniff*"

A mysterious young woman with flowing black hair catches a tantalizing scent in the air. She discreetly positions herself behind a white pillar, patiently awaiting her unsuspecting prey.

"Oh, what a delectable aroma. I wonder what enticed this person to venture into this place. But who am I to complain? Free food has arrived," she whispers, her mouth watering in anticipation.

The entrance door creaks open, revealing none other than Kiba Yuuto, a young man with an innocent expression on his face.

"My friend told me that entering this abandoned house alone would make me brave," Kiba mutters aloud, cautiously stepping into the dilapidated building.

"Oh, he's rather charming and adorable. I think I'll start with him," she muses, her thoughts veering towards her insatiable hunger.

As Kiba nonchalantly strolled past the imposing pillar, his attention elsewhere, little did he know that he was about to become entangled in a web of desire. In an audacious move, the woman pounced on the opportunity, her heart pounding with anticipation. Swiftly, she pressed her body against his, the pillar offering both support and a clandestine vantage point and held him captive in her arms. A mischievous glint danced in her eyes as she revelled in the power of the moment.

Refusing to back down from this unexpected encounter, Kiba's instinctual defiance kicked in. He wouldn't succumb to her advances without a fight. In an act of defiance, he extended his left index finger, delicately brushing it against the smooth expanse of her stomach. Unbeknownst to her, he activated a subtle surge of magic, adding an extra layer of intrigue to their passionate connection. Simultaneously, his right hand, guided by a mix of boldness and curiosity, daringly explored the contours of her bare buttocks, igniting a primal spark within them both. With his left hand now on her shoulder, his touch conveyed a paradoxical blend of tenderness and control, silently asserting his presence.

'This guy is not as innocent as he appears,' the woman mused, her mind racing with a concoction of excitement and intrigue. The realization that Kiba possessed hidden depths beyond his initial guise only fueled her desire, intensifying the allure of the moment. She surrendered herself to the captivating kiss, relishing in its fervour and the unspoken promise it held.

Locked in a passionate struggle for dominance, their lips engaged in a heated duel. Each move, each subtle shift of their bodies, embodied their unspoken desires and the unquenchable flame that burned between them. Time seemed to stand still as their connection deepened, transcending the realm of mere physicality. In this stolen moment, boundaries blurred and inhibitions faded away, as the delicate threads of intimacy wove a tapestry of longing and unbridled passion.

They finally broke free from the magnetic pull of their lips, their heated breaths mingling in the air. A faint glisten of anticipation and a hint of mischief danced in their eyes, but as they pulled away, trails of saliva bridged the gap between their mouths, momentarily connecting them. The remnants of their passionate exchange clung to their lips, marking the intensity of their connection.

But suddenly, as Kiba's gaze fell upon the woman's neck, he noticed a white glowing tattoo. A smile spread across his face, and without warning, a surge of energy emanated from the mark. The woman felt an intense burning sensation on her neck, causing her to recoil and push Kiba against the pillar with a force that cracked it. However, to her surprise, Kiba remained steadfast, completely unfazed by the impact.

"What have you done to me?!" she demanded, her voice laced with both anger and bewilderment.

+ Kiba Pov +

"You are now my slave," I said with a grin.

"What?!" Her eyes widened, and she brought out her claws. However, before she could even slash my face, the tattoo began its magic, shocking my slave and making her weak, causing her to fall on her knees.

"What did you do to me?!" She demanded, her tone filled with frustration.

"Just as I said, you are now my slave. You must follow my rules and cannot disobey my commands or harm me, as I am your new master," I explained to her.

"Why?" She looked into my eyes, questioning my motives for making her a slave.

"Oh, nothing. Just for fun, and I need a maid to clean up some mess," I said. "Isn't it better to have free labor? I feel sorry for you, Viser. You escaped one master only to become a slave to another person," I mocked her.

She gritted her teeth, trying her best to break the spell I placed on her, but unfortunately for her, she can only break the spell if she becomes stronger than me, which won't be happening.

Kneeling down, I held her chin and said, "Give up on trying to break the spell. You need to become stronger than me first. Also, put on some clothes and follow me. I have a job for you to do. I'll be waiting for you outside."

After that, I waited for her outside, and after a few minutes, she emerged wearing a long brown wool coat.

"Where are we going, Master?" She asked me politely, even though I knew she wanted to tear me apart.

"We're going to buy a Japanese mansion," I replied.

With that said, before heading out to purchase the mansion, I bought clothes for Viser to wear using the allowance that Rias had given me. I also bought her a phone. Once we finished, we went to a nearby real estate agency. Through mental manipulation, I convinced the boss to give us the mansion for free.

I don't care whether it's right or wrong. It's simply easier for me, and I don't have time to waste anymore. Once this is done, I can continue with my training.

Money is something I can acquire easily. I can just find a millionaire or any wealthy person to give me money.

"Now that we have the mansion, let's open a bank account for the both of us," I told Viser.

"Okay," Viser replied, though her face showed confusion.

Using my abilities, I manipulated the bank to create two bank accounts, one for myself and one for Viser. Once that was done, I looked at Viser and said, "Go to the mansion and clean it. After that, stay there until I return because I'm going to get some money first."

Viser gritted her teeth and respectfully bowed to me. I grabbed her chin, forcefully kissed her lips, and squeezed her buttocks.

"Remember, you are my slave," I whispered in her ear.

"I understand," Viser said.

We went our separate ways. I headed to the largest company to acquire some money, while she made her way to the mansion.

I continued doing what worked for me. I used my mind control abilities on the people in the company and met face-to-face with the CEO.

Using my powers, I made him send his money to my bank account, disguising it as a gift.

Now, in my bank account, I have about 20 million yen, which is good enough for day-to-day expenses.

After that, I left the company, making sure to erase the CCTV footage of me, as I didn't want to create more problems.

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