
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 43

-Kuoh Forest-


I should go to sleep first, but the cookies won't be warm if I sleep. Let's call her up using Demonic Power.

I extend my hand and create a magic circle on the ground, sending a message to the one and only Ophis, the infinite dragon.

The message would be, "If you give me power, I will exchange it with two bags of cookies."

Let's hope that message works.

After a few seconds, Ophis arrives in front of me. She does look like a Gothic Lolita. I wonder who taught her to wear this obscene clothing.

Ophis looks at me and says, "Will you keep your promise, Devil?"

"Of course, but as this is our first time meeting, I will give one more bag of cookies. You can give it a try," I say with a smile and hand her one of the bags.

She takes the paper and pulls out one cookie, biting into it. Her eyes light up while eating the cookies.

Well, that works. I guess I will be stronger than before.

"Give me the other two bags of cookies?" She asks me while eating the cookies.

She looks very cute with her chubby cheeks.

"You need to give me power and bless me first before I can give two more bags of cookies," I say while putting the two bags of cookies behind my back.

"Okay," she extends her hand and a magic circle appears on her palms as multiple black purplish snakes come out and release toward me.

I know that snakes will increase my power.

The snakes roam around my body, and I feel intense heat as my power rises. One snake grabs the two bags of cookies that are in my hand and gives them to Ophis.

But damn, this is burning my skin. I grit my teeth to endure the pain. The snakes emerge from my skin, causing me to bite my own lips because it hurts even more.

I feel a little bit more comfortable, but my skin still feels off because of the snakes' presence.

"*Blurghh* Why am I puking out blood?"

My Sacred Gear is cracking. Shit, she is crazier than I thought. Did she put more snakes into my body because I managed to satisfy her stomach?

Who cares? I will survive this fucking situation. My life is on the line. I WILL SURVIVE.


My body releases a dark purplish aura, and I don't feel anything roaming around my body anymore.

Damn, I'm tired now. I fall on my butt, and when I look up, I see Ophis smiling at me and teleporting away.


I fall back on the ground and stare at the sky.

I never thought that would work, but is my Sacred Gear okay after that? It cracked when it happened. Let's hope nothing else happens to it.

I close my eyes and focus on my Sacred Gear.

It was cracked. Shit, my cheat item nearly got destroyed by my stupidity. Well, I never thought about Ophis giving me a lot of snakes.

Sword Birth, repair yourself. Forget about the creation of a sword.

[Stopping the production of Symbiote Sword (Venom) and beginning repairs, Shutting Down]

Okay, I'm fucking relieved that it can repair itself. If it can't, I will likely need to meet with Azazel and try to fix it. That is a whole lot of problems that I don't want to be involved with.

Now, I guess I can test my newfound power while waiting for the Sword Birth to be fully repaired.

But I want to sleep first before doing anything else.

-One hour has gone by-

Woah, my whole body feels energized. This is new. Let's try now to see how strong I am.

I kick up and land on my two feet. I see a tree in front of me and assume the horse stance.

I take a deep breath before punching the tree with my full strength.

Multiple trees got obliterated, which is amazing because I haven't enhanced my punch with Demonic Power.

If my calculations are correct, my strength would be upper High-Class Devil in terms of my overall stats. I'm sure my speed has already reached low Ultimate-Class.

Hmm, but this is still not enough if I want to save myself, my friends, and my little brother.

I leave the forest and teleport back to my room.

"Hmm, I should take a shower. It's been a while since I took a bath."

I head to the bathroom, or should I say a luxury pool with all the essentials. Before entering the bathroom, I wrap a towel around my waist in the changing room.

Gremory sure is rich as fuck.

When I enter the bathroom, there is no one in the pool. So, it's good. I have the whole place to myself.

Before I enter the pool, I take my towel that is around my waist, fold it, and put it on the ground.

"Ahhh" The water feels nice. I should take a bath after training. This is very nice.

I close my eyes and take a nap.

-Twenty minutes have passed-

That sure does feel nice. I stretch my arms and get out of the pool. I take my towel and proceed to wipe my body, then wrap it back around my waist.

Just as I open the door to leave the bathroom, Rias and Akeno are standing in front of me, fully naked.

"Yuuto, you also take a bath," Rias says with a smile, seeing me.

While Akeno is still trying to tease me with her smirk.

"Ara ara, Kiba-kun is a pervert."

I rub my eyes because I can't believe that these two girls are this shameless.

Ignoring them, I quickly walk out, and I hear Akeno comment when I do that, "At least show me some reaction."

I don't care and head back to my room.

I put on a black jacket, a white T-shirt, black trousers, and a black cap. It's time to get a subordinate.

I snap my fingers and teleport to the top of a building. She should be in some abandoned luxury house.

I start running and jumping from roof to roof like a ninja.

-A few minutes have passed-

So, this is the place where she is supposed to be. I look at the fucking huge mansion, but it's not as big as Rias' mansion.

I guess now I can capture her to become my slave because I need her to take care of Asia for me. I won't let Issei touch the innocent girl.

Let's cover my scent with a human first. I snap my fingers and change my scent into a fragrant human male smell.

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