
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 42

I look like Kim Dokja in the outfit I'm wearing, except for the fact that my hair is blonde.

I smile as I see myself in the mirror at the clothing shop.

"I'll take this," I say to the worker.

"Thanks for purchasing this garment," the female worker says with a smile, bowing.

After paying for the clothes, I head out and observe Issei from a distance.

Using Demonic Power to change my face to that of an average-looking person is great because I won't be bothered by fangirls.

But that smile on Issei's face will disappear once he's stabbed through the stomach.

Why am I even doing this in the first place? It's just a waste of my time.


There's something strange about that black cat on the fence. Hmm, let me try petting it. I walk up to the cat, and as I attempt to pet it, she growls at me.

You think you're clever, huh?

Kuroka, if this is you, I'll make your day even worse.

I infuse Demonic Power into my right index finger and tap the black cat's forehead.

The cat falls from the fence to the other side. Well, she's not Kuroka. If she were, she would dispel it with no problem.

After that, I continued observing Issei from afar.


-6.50 PM-


Damn, the sky has already turned orange, and he hasn't died yet. I'm tired of waiting. I just wish I could leave this forsaken place and continue my training.


Gaia, it looks like you'll have to wait a little longer before I can save you. This is fucking stupid, and I'm tired of it.

Finally, I see Issei and Raynare walking toward the fountain. Yes, just die already.

Issei gets stabbed by the light spear. Yes, he finally dies, and now I can return home.

"(Please monitor the area without alerting the Fallen Angel that I'm reviving Issei)," Rias speaks to us through telepathy.

"(Roger)," I reply to her.

I continue monitoring the area until Rias says, "(Issei has been successfully reincarnated as a Devil)."

"(Great, can I go back now? I want to continue my training)," I ask Rias.

"(Okay, you can go back, and don't over-train Yuuto)," Rias says.

"(Roger)," I say and teleport away.

-5 seconds have passed-

Now that I'm here, let's begin my bodyweight training and build muscle to become stronger.

It seems like my body is going to be sore tomorrow morning.

But who cares? My life is on the line. Let's just keep moving forward and prepare for whatever challenges will be thrown at me.

-5 hours have gone by-

Dammit, my entire body is on fire with muscle pain. I can't even get up from the ground.

[ 14% ]

You've got to be kidding me, creating Yamato is taking way too long.

A weak sword or a sword with weaknesses would likely be completed in just a few minutes or at most a few hours.

Hmm, I should try and see how long it would take for Sword Birth to create this sword.

Pause the creation of Yamato.

[ Yamato - 14% (Pause) ]

Create the sword that I had in my mind.

[ Begin the creation of the sword.... ]

[ Proceeding with the creation... ]

[ Creating the sword blueprint...]

[ Processing blueprint and optimizing for maximum performance... ]

[ Generating information on the sword's unique properties and abilities... ]

[ Completing the sword design phase and evaluating the sword's attributes... ]

[ Blueprint creation complete. ]

[ Gathering the user's imagination and willpower to fuel the sword's creation... ]

[ Materializing the sword using the user's imagination and the Sword Birth's power... ]

[ 1% ]

Okay, let's see how long it will take to complete.

[ 4% ]

Whoa, that's a huge jump.

[ 6% ]

[ 12% ]

Nice, I guess I'll continue with the creation of Yamato after this. Now that I know it has limitations, I need to be smart about it.

But for now, I need to cook some food for myself because I need nutrition to get stronger.

I quickly head to the kitchen and prepare a lot of food for myself. Once I finish cooking, I start eating.

During my meal, the girls notice me eating the food that I cooked.

"That's a lot of food, Yuuto," Rias is surprised to see me eating this much, as the past Yuuto didn't eat this much.

"Ufufu, are you that hungry, Kiba-kun?" Akeno says with a sarcastic tone.

"Hmm," I simply reply to Akeno and continue eating.

"Hey, don't ignore me. You're no fun, Kiba-kun," Akeno says.

Like, who cares? I'm just trying to survive, and you're trying to hide your true self, just like Koneko.

"Have fun eating then, Yuuto," Rias says with a smile.

Rias and Akeno leave me alone, but Koneko is still here. Does she want something from me?

Koneko stands right beside me and says in a small voice, "Can you bake another batch of cookies for me?"

"Sure, after I finish eating," I reply.

"Thank you, Kiba-senpai," Koneko says as she leaves me alone in the dining room.

I should thank Koneko for reminding me that Ophis will grant me power if I give her cookies. She has a sweet tooth for some reason.

After that, I quickly finish eating and clean up all the stuff I used to prepare the meal.

I search the cabinet and see that there are enough ingredients for me to bake cookies.

"Now, let's bake some cookies."

I put on an apron and begin my baking session alone in the kitchen.

With my cooking skills, it should work out. Looks like I won't be getting to sleep early tonight.

-2 and a half hours have gone by-

It's finally finished. What time is it now?

I look at my phone, and the time is 6:50 AM. Dammit, I haven't had enough sleep.

For Koneko's cookies, I put sticky notes on the paper bag with her name on it.

As for the other three batches, I take them away. She'll only get one. These three are for Ophis, the Infinite Dragon.

Let's hope this works.

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