
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 40

As Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno strolled down the school corridor, their presence commanded attention and admiration from the students around them. Whispers filled the air as nearby students exchanged words of awe and appreciation, acknowledging the striking beauty of the two women.

The students couldn't help but express their admiration for Rias and Akeno, recognizing their regal and captivating presence. Some complimented their elegance and poise, while others marveled at their graceful strides. The admiration extended beyond their physical appearance, as their reputations for intelligence and leadership preceded them.

In a show of respect and admiration, the students instinctively made way for Rias and Akeno, ensuring they had a clear path to walk without the risk of bumping into anyone. The act demonstrated not only the students' awe but also their recognition of the duo's importance within the school community.

As Rias Gremory and Himejima Akeno continued their walk, a hushed conversation among some female students caught their attention. The topic of discussion centered around their mutual friend, Kiba.

"Have you heard? Kiba-senpai is sick and still in the Nurse's Room," one student whispered.

"Is it true?" another student asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Yes, I heard it from my senpai, who is in the same class as Kiba-senpai," confirmed the first student.

Rias and Akeno exchanged glances, their concern evident.

"Did he overtrain again?" Rias inquired, her worry evident in her voice.

Akeno nodded knowingly. "It's quite possible," she replied.

Deep in thought, Rias made a decision. "Hmm, I'll go check on him if that's the case," she declared, determined to ensure Kiba's well-being.

Akeno smiled and nodded in understanding. "Take care, Rias," she said, a touch of warmth in her voice.

With a purposeful stride, Rias headed towards the Nurse's Room, her mind filled with worries for her sick friend. She couldn't help but hope that Kiba hadn't pushed himself too hard once again.

As Rias made her way down the corridor, her thoughts were filled with a silent plea. 'Please don't do what I think you've done, Kiba,' she thought to herself, hoping that her concerns were unfounded and that her friend would soon recover.

Rias stood in front of the Nurse's Room door, taking a deep breath before gently pushing it open. As she stepped inside, her eyes scanned the room, and a small smile formed on her lips when she saw Kiba peacefully asleep.

"Well, here I thought he had overtrained himself," Rias murmured, relieved to see that Kiba's appearance didn't suggest any signs of exhaustion.

Approaching his bedside, Rias reached out and lightly placed her hand on Kiba's forehead, checking his temperature. A sense of relief washed over her as she realized there was nothing amiss.

"He's fine," Rias whispered to herself. "Maybe he's just tired and needed a place to rest."

With a contented sigh, she leaned in closer, her voice barely above a whisper. "Have a nice sleep, Yuuto."

Leaving the Nurse's Room, Rias gently closed the door behind her, unaware that Kiba's eyes had opened just as she turned away.

"Why did you disturb my sleep?" Kiba exclaimed, clearly annoyed.

"Now I can't sleep anymore," he sighed, sitting up on the bed.

Wiping his face, he glanced down at his palm.

'Water,' he thought to himself, noticing the droplets on his hand.

Kiba washed his face and promptly got out of bed. Stretching his body, he muttered, "Tch, I'm hungry. I should find something to eat."

+ Kiba Pov +

Damn, that woman woke me up from my sleep, but what food should I get? To build muscle and get stronger, I need something with a high protein content, not something that will make me weaker.

I walked to the cafeteria, and still, the girls looked at me like I was a piece of jewelry, while the men stared at me with hostility.

I simply ignored them, and as soon as I arrived at the cafeteria, I bought four bowls of rice and four bowls of chicken.

While getting my food, I overheard several people chattering as if it was something unusual. I paid no attention to them and sat at a nearby table.

I cracked my neck and began devouring the food. The taste was okay at best, but I couldn't really complain since it was from the cafeteria.

Once I finished eating, I quickly walked back to my class. On the way there, I spotted Shinra Tsubaki. I smiled at her and carried on with my life.

-The school ends-

Finally, I can get away from these horny girls. I stood up from my class, and several girls started to surround me like bees to honey.

"Yuuto-senpai, can I have your number?"

"Yuuto-senpai, can you teach me mathematics?"

"Can you sign my napkin, Yuuto-senpai?"

"*Sigh*," I sighed and released a wave of magic, putting them in an illusion.

I quickly escaped from the clutches of the fangirls and headed to the Occult Research Clubroom.


-Occult Research Building, Meeting Room-

I am sitting on the couch with my eyes closed, waiting for Rias to finish washing herself.

I can't believe I have to wait for her. I sighed at this predicament.

"I heard you got sent to the Nurse's Room, Kiba-senpai. Did something happen to you?" Koneko asked, sitting next to me.

"It's nothing, I'm just tired," I said with a smile, still keeping my eyes closed.

I heard her enter the meeting room. Good, I can't waste any time. I'm afraid I might get erased by that Boob Goddess.

"Tomorrow, please be ready and prepared because Issei has encountered a Fallen Angel, and he is going on a date with the Fallen Angel," Rias informed us.

I simply nodded, while the other two spoke up.

"Okay, Rias," Akeno said.

"Un" Koneko said.

"This is the client for you guys today," Rias stated.

I opened my eyes and saw three stacks of paper on the table. I stood up and took a look to see which one was mine.

"This is yours, Yuuto. Are you sure you can handle this?" Rias asked, her face displaying concern as she handed me a stack of paper from the middle.

I took it and walked out of the building. Just before leaving the room, Rias said, "Please be careful."

I simply raised my hand and left the room.

Now, I have about 10 clients to meet today. Let's finish this quickly and start my training.

I tore one of the pieces of paper in half and teleported to the client's house. A magic circle appeared beneath my feet and transported me to the client's house.

-Few seconds have passed-

"Hmm, an apartment," I said aloud, noticing a woman wearing a business suit who was looking at me with a cheerful smile.

[ Image Here ]

"Yuuto-kun, do the usual," the woman said.

"Okay, miss," I replied.

I proceeded to do the usual routine, which involved cleaning the apartment, cooking food for her, and providing massages.

-After a few minutes have passed-

"Is it good?" I asked while massaging the woman's bare back.

I can't believe I'm doing this without facing any consequences. This must be the enhanced ability I gained from reincarnating as a Devil.

"Hmm, more~" the woman moaned in response to my massage.

I continued massaging her back until my phone rang, signaling the end of the session.

"Okay, that's all. Thank you for using Gremory's service," I said as I bowed to her.

I raised both of my hands like a surgeon and cleansed them using Demonic Power.

As I turned around, the woman exclaimed, "Wait, where are you going?"

She jumped on my back and began exploring my body with her hands, her naked form pressing against my back.

"How about we do more than this?" she whispered seductively in my ear.

"Sorry, I don't have time for a normal human," I replied, turning around and gently tapping her forehead to put her to sleep using magic.

She collapsed to the ground, unconscious. I cracked my neck.

"Done, nine more to go," I muttered to myself. I lifted the woman and placed her on the couch, covering her naked body with a towel.

With that, I proceeded to my next client. This is certainly troublesome.

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