
Chapter 39

Damn, my whole body hurts. I massaged my neck to alleviate the soreness. He certainly isn't merciful towards his own body. He kept swinging Bokuto until he was exhausted.

I look around and smile because his room is definitely the house of a wealthy individual. Since I am the new owner of this body, I should be careful about how I act around important people.

I rubbed my chin, thinking of a good way to get stronger faster. I won't be focusing too much on the other people because I have a few more days before Issei becomes a Devil.

If I gain enough power, I could prevent the world from being destroyed. I need the Gaia blessing to strengthen my body and potentially remove my weakness against light and holy elements.

The only sword I need now is Yamato. With Yamato, I might be able to use it to travel into the Multiverse. If the world gets accidentally destroyed, I can still save myself and come back stronger to defeat that bitch. After that, I can simply create Judecca to monitor my Sacred Gear.

Also, I need to better utilize my demonic power. This body's control over Demonic Power is inferior compared to that of higher-ranked Devils.

I have to thank that faceless dude for giving Kiba memories. If he hadn't given them to me, it would have been insanely hard to regain the skill and knowledge.

"Now, let's begin the procedure to create Yamato."

I crack my neck and close my eyes, focusing on the creation of my sword.

[ Sword Birth is Online ]

"Heh" Sword Art Online. Link Start!

[ Proceeding with the creation of Elucidator... ]

Ayo, stop. I lost my focus for a few seconds. It was taken over by my mind. I need to empty my mind and clear out unimportant stuff.

[ Stopping the creation process ]

Try again. Vergil's katana is the sword that was given to him. It is a sword with the ability to cut through space and time, and it can also separate man from the devil. The sword is named Yamato.

[ Proceeding with the creation of Yamato... ]

[ Creating the sword blueprint... ]

[ Processing blueprint and optimizing for maximum performance... ]

[ Generating information on the sword's unique properties and abilities... ]

[ Completing the sword design phase and evaluating the sword's attributes... ]

[ Blueprint creation complete. ]

[ Gathering the user's imagination and willpower to fuel the sword's creation... ]

[ Materializing the sword using the user's imagination and the Sword Birth's power... ]

[ 1% ]

Good, now I can focus on getting a stronger body.

I get off my bed and grab my phone. I press the power button and see that it's now 7:40 AM. In ten minutes, school will be starting. I wonder why Rias wants to attend school.

I snap my fingers and imagine a cleaning spell on my body. It works like magic, and now my body smells nice.

I understand Sona's reasons. She wants to create a school for low-ranking Devils. As for Rias, I think she attends school because she wants to experience school life, just like in her Shoujo Manga.

What a waste of time. I guess she doesn't know how much pain school can cause. She'll never feel the pain because she must have used magic to finish her homework.

I quickly put on the Kuoh school uniform and snap my fingers again, creating a magic circle beneath my feet to teleport me to the Kuoh School backyard.

As I blink, I already arrive at my destination. Let's go to my class and get over it.

On my way to my class, I receive multiple glances from the female students and a few stares from the male students.

Kiba, do you have to create multiple enemies among the men? They are the best comrades you can get. It's going to be hard to make friends.

Women and men cannot be friends, and I stand by that opinion.

I arrive at my class. As I enter, I receive a few glances from the girls in my class and a few hateful stares from the men.


I go to my seat and sit down. I put my head on the table and close my eyes.

I won't talk to people. It will drain my social energy. Forget about them. I need to focus on creating a Magic Ring around my heart. In my case, it's a Demonic Magic Ring.

That's just pure stupidity.

Focus, Kiba. Sense your Demonic Power.

Hmm, I found it. Mine is quite small, at least it's not non-existent like Issei's. With this amount, I can create one or two, but I should keep it simple and create one first because I don't know if it will create a shockwave.

Let's try it first. Hmm, I see my beating heart. Now I can begin creating a Magic Ring around it.


Done, the magic circle is working properly. It does feel like I've improved a bit, but creating a Demonic Magic Circle took about half of my reserves.

After school ends, I can continue creating another Demonic Magic Circle.

"Kiba-san, are you okay?" I hear a woman's voice tapping my shoulder.

I open my eyes and look at her. Shit, it's my teacher, Ririko-sensei.

[ Image Here ]

"I'm fine," I said to her.

"You're not okay; you're sweating heavily," Ririko-sensei said as she wiped the sweat off my forehead.

Her boobs are quite large.

Oh, I'm sweating like crazy. I get up and say, "I'll head to the Nurse's Room first."

"Do you need any help, Kiba-san?" Ririko-sensei asked.

"Nah, I'm fine," I said as I quickly leave the class without looking back.

I should do that in a secluded place where no one is looking. I head to the Nurse's Room, and when I arrive, I'm greeted by Amagi-sensei.

[ Image Here ]

"Are you okay? You look exhausted," Amagi-sensei asked.

"I just need a little sleep, and I'll be good," I said as I slumped onto the bed.

"Before you go to sleep, let me check your temperature first," Amagi-sensei said.

I turned around so she could easily check my temperature. She took a thermometer and placed it in my mouth while putting her hand on my forehead.

Does she have to show her cleavage like Ririko-sensei? Wait, I forgot this world is governed by the Boob Goddess because Trihexia is not out yet.

"Hmm, normal temperature," Amagi-sensei said as she removed the thermometer and her hand from my forehead. "Have a nice sleep."

"Hmm," I closed my eyes and continued with what I was going to do.

Now that no one is going to disturb me, I can continue experimenting with Demonic Power.

But first, let's check the percentage.

[ 2.5 % ]

You've got to be kidding me. My friends and my brother, all of them can easily create a sword without waiting.

Let's forget about it. I want to get some sleep first and replenish my reserves.

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