
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 31: In Search Of Strength

Yuuto sat by the lake, his face reflecting a mix of curiosity and confusion. "I'm a bit puzzled. Why did you go through the trouble of making a custom Holy sword for me?" he asked.

Standing beside him, the Lady of the Lake responded, "I know someone like you won't rest until they attain what they desire. Besides, it will satisfy you with something superior when you possess the power to shatter my magical barrier."

"I apologize," Yuuto said, rising to his feet and extending his hand. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Yuuto Kiba, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Lady of the Lake."

She accepted his handshake and replied, "You can call me Vivian, Yuuto."

"Alright, Vivian. So, once you finish crafting the sword, will you send it to me or should I return here to retrieve it?" Yuuto inquired.

"You will retrieve it yourself. After so many years of hiding, it would be quite shocking for many people to see me again," Vivian explained.

"In that case, please accept this," Yuuto offered, presenting a kunai with a slender blade, a handle wrapped in bandages, and intricate seals engraved on its surface.

She took the kunai, her eyes filled with curiosity. "What's this?" she asked.

"Just throw it on the ground, and I'll show up right here," Yuuto replied.

She examined the kunai, then looked back at Yuuto. "So, what kind of Sacred Gear do you have?" she inquired.

"I've got Sword Birth," Yuuto answered.

"Oh, that's a low-rank Sacred Gear," she said, surprise evident in her voice. "To think it could create such dangerous weapons. If the God of the Bible were around, even he would be shocked. It means that if you had the opposite version, you could create even stronger Holy Swords."

Vivian thought to herself, amazed by Yuuto's creativity and skill in crafting such incredible weapons.

"Yeah, that's right," Yuuto confirmed. "By the way, I've been wondering, how long have you been living here all by yourself? It must get pretty lonely."

Her tone changed as she walked away. "Lonely? Oh, definitely," she admitted, glancing back at Yuuto. "You're actually my first visitor in millennia."

"Really? Would you like me to come by more often?" Yuuto felt a twinge of sadness, wanting to help ease her loneliness however he could.

"It's up to you," she responded, her voice tinged with sadness.

"Alright, even if it's just for a few minutes, I'll make sure to visit you," Yuuto promised, thumping his chest and extending his fist.

Vivian turned her gaze away, but a faint smile graced her lips.

"Do I appear that pitiable, that even a Devil would feel sorry for me?" she wondered silently.

When she glanced back at him, she saw Yuuto smiling warmly at her. Emotions welled up within her, but she managed to keep them under control.

"I'll be heading back now. See you tomorrow, Vivian," Yuuto said, waving at her.

"See you too," Vivian replied slowly, her eyes fixed on Yuuto's retreating figure. For a brief moment, an image of Arthur Pendragon flashed in her mind.

Using Gremory's Magic Circle, he teleported away.

"He must be connected to the Gremory family in some way," Vivian murmured to herself. "Though, based on his demeanour, he seems more like a servant."


Yuuto Room,

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Yuuto collapsed, dropping to his knees, a splutter of blood escaping his lips. "Damn it," he gasped, his voice strained. "I underestimated the backlash from trying to counter that attack. I thought I could shake it off, but this Holy Energy is wreaking havoc inside me."

Desperate to heal himself, Yuuto tapped into the wellspring of Nature's Energy within him, combining it with the power of his Symbionblade. The energy surged through his body, mending his wounds with an intense rush. As his body repaired itself, he pushed himself back up, wiping away the traces of blood using his Demonic Power.

Seated on the edge of his bed, Yuuto stared up at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts. "I'm losing that fight," he murmured, his voice tinged with frustration. "Unless I'm willing to sacrifice something to reach her level."

A voice echoed inside his head, Yumi's voice, his constant companion. 'How can you be losing? You have me, and you haven't fully unleashed the potential of Devil Sword Dante and Vergil,' she admonished him, her concern evident.

Yuuto let out a weary sigh, his eyes revealing a mixture of emotions. "I can't bring myself to go that far," he responded, his voice heavy with determination. "I won't take a life when all they're doing is protecting their home. We're just guests there, and if I were to unleash my full power, the barrier surrounding this place would crumble. Vivian would be left to deal with the aftermath alone."

"Then what about Excalibur Morgan? You completely destroy it, don't you?" Yumi inquired.

"Yes, but even if the sword is erased, the blueprint remains within the Sacred Gear, so I can always bring it back," Yuuto replied.

"No wonder you destroy it without hesitation," Yumi remarked.

"Haha, it was nice talking to you. I'm off to training," Yuuto said.

"Hmm, you too," Yumi responded.

As he made his way to the backyard, a brilliant idea sparked in Yuuto's mind.

"Perhaps I should ask Vivian to train me in swordsmanship. She has the experience and can teach me a new form of sword fighting," Yuuto smiled while muttering.


Koneko seemed deeply engrossed as she sought tips from Grayfia, her pen gliding across the paper as she diligently noted down anything that could be useful.

Akeno and Rias, on the other hand, found themselves feeling rather puzzled, wondering why the three of them had gathered in this particular place.

"I think I might have an idea about why we're here," Akeno said to Rias, her brow furrowing in thought.

"Oh? What makes you say that?" Rias asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, I have a hunch that Yuuto is behind this. He probably mentioned something about wanting to train with Grayfia-san or, in this case, you, Rias. Maybe he felt he lacked professionalism and thought it would be better to train with your brother instead. Does that sound about right?" Akeno proposed, trying to make sense of the situation.

Rias nodded in agreement, a hint of understanding crossing her face. "Yes, it does seem to align with what he might have said."

"He also mentioned something similar to me, suggesting that if I wanted to improve myself faster," Akeno chimed in, recalling the conversation.

Rias raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Akeno's revelation. "Really? What exactly did he say?"

"Secret" Akeno placed her index finger on her lips, a secretive gesture that mirrored the memories flooding her mind.


Yuuto stood before the window, his gaze fixed upon the radiant full moon. Meanwhile, Akeno sat on the bed, observing him with curiosity.

"Akeno, there's something I need to tell you," Yuuto spoke with a tinge of solemnity, his voice laden with the guilt of leaving her alone. "In the future, there's a possibility that I may sacrifice my life to protect the world. I fear I may not possess enough strength to thwart the impending threat."

Akeno, taken aback by the sudden revelation, rose from the bed and reached out to hold Yuuto's hand. "Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden? What do you mean?" she questioned, her concern evident.

Yuuto let out a sigh and locked his gaze with hers, finding solace in her presence. "It's nothing. I think I can handle it alone. Let's try to get some rest," he replied, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead before settling onto the bed.

Akeno, left bewildered by his words, sensed that there must be something he is hiding from her. "There's something troubling him," she mused silently, contemplating the thoughts swirling in her mind.

xx-Flashback Ends-xx

"Come on, tell me," Rias pleaded with a hint of impatience in her voice.

Akeno simply smiled, choosing to ignore Rias's plea.

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