
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 30: The Devil's Nature Unleashed

This is the chapter for yesterday, have fun with this. My work is nearly done but I managed to slip some time for you guys. Enjoy


The lady of the lake stumbled backwards, her exchange with Yuuto leaving her disoriented. To prevent herself from soaring too far, she hastily drove her sword into the ground, using it as an anchor.

"How in the world are you so strong, being a low-ranking Devil?" she asked, struggling to regain her composure as she got back on her feet.

Yuuto grinned cheekily and replied, "Well, I may have bent the rules a little."

Her curiosity was piqued, and she pressed on, "How did you do it? Did you possess a Sacred Gear, like a Longinus?"

Yuuto chuckled. "Nah, I didn't get my hands on one of those. But I found a way to exploit a flaw in the system," he explained, pacing back and forth. "You see, the big guy himself overlooked something crucial—the human imagination is a force to be reckoned with, far more terrifying than he realized."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "So, you created that monstrous sword based on Excalibur?" she deduced.

"Exactly!" Yuuto confirmed, nodding. "And I've got a whole arsenal of even more powerful swords. But right now, I'm just here to upgrade this one. Look, we don't have to keep fighting. All I want to do is upgrade this sword, and I promise not to spill the beans on how to get here."

Her expression hardened, and she tightened her grip on her own sword. "No, that sword must be destroyed!" she declared vehemently, her determination evident. Igniting her aura, she dashed toward Yuuto with unwavering resolve.

Yuuto swiftly blocked the attack, triggering his Sin Devil Trigger Mode in response. A confident smirk played across his face as he observed the lady of the lake finally unleashing her full power.

"Oh, so you've finally decided to show me what you've got," Yuuto taunted, though he couldn't help but think, 'Damn, that was close. I need to be more careful next time.'

With a mighty slash, she unleashed her power, aiming to strike Yuuto down. However, he quickly ascended into the air, evading the surge of empowered mana that sliced through the air below.

The force of her strike cleaved the lake in half, causing water to rain down in torrents.

"Don't think you can escape, Akuma," she declared, using the air itself as a platform to pursue him.

"Fuck this shit," Yuuto muttered, deciding to unsummon Excalibur Morgan and instead summoning Devil Sword Vergil and Devil Sword Dante into his hands.

With determination, he charged towards her, clashing once again in a fierce battle.


As the lady of the lake relentlessly unleashed a barrage of slashes, Yuuto's mind raced, trying to make sense of her growing strength.

'Why is she becoming stronger? Is she using Mana Burst? Is that a thing here?' He pondered, struggling to keep up with her onslaught.

With each passing moment, he found himself being overpowered by her sheer force.

'Wait a minute,' a realization dawned on him. 'This place... it's her domain. Of course, she would draw strength from it. It's like she has an unlimited well of mana at her disposal.'

Amidst the exchange of blows, a few strikes managed to slip past Yuuto's defences, leaving behind minor scratches. However, thanks to the regenerative abilities granted by his Devil Trigger, the wounds swiftly healed.

But after a gruelling five minutes of combat, the lady of the lake finally seized an opportunity, landing a clean strike on Yuuto's chest. The impact caused him to de-transform and sent him crashing to the ground.

In the wake of Yuuto's loss of focus, Devil Sword Dante and Vergil dissipated into particles, leaving him defenceless and vulnerable.

"Urghh!" Yuuto gritted his teeth as he forced himself to stand, his gaze fixated on the wound marring his body. 'She really doesn't hold back.'

Drawing upon the Nature Energy stored within his body and the power of the Symbionblade, he swiftly initiated a healing process, mending his injuries with remarkable speed.

The lady of the lake landed gracefully on the ground, her eyes focused on Yuuto as she prepared to launch another attack. "This Devil is really cheating," she muttered, a mix of frustration and admiration evident in her voice.

"Fuck it," Yuuto exclaimed, his determination burning bright. Activating his Sage Mode, his hair took on a vibrant green hue, his eyes changed colour, and a distinctive marking adorned his right hand.

"This shouldn't be possible for a Devil to wield the power of Nature," she muttered to herself, a hint of astonishment colouring her words.

As he analyzed the situation, Yuuto realized that if he wanted to overcome her, he would need to sever her connection to mana. It was a risky move, considering it would also deplete his own reserves, but it seemed to be the only viable option that didn't involve sacrificing something significant. With unwavering resolve, he prepared himself for the daunting task ahead.

A menacing black blade materialized in Yuuto's hand, its sleek and curved design emanating an ethereal purplish-black aura. Intricate engravings adorned its surface, while its foreboding hilt exuded a powerful and ominous presence. The name of the sword is "Demon Slasher Sword."

Observing the appearance of the sword, the lady of the lake couldn't help but think to herself, 'Yet another dangerous weapon.'

With unwavering determination, Yuuto wielded the dark blade, channelling Anti-Magic energy throughout his body. As the energy surged within him, he underwent a profound transformation.

His entire form became cloaked in darkness, altering his appearance drastically. His once vibrant hair turned a dark shade of green, and his eyes blazed with a fierce crimson hue, adorned with a distinct cross marking. An aura of dark reddish energy radiated from his transformed body.

Armour materialized, encasing his form, while four reddish-black wings unfurled from his back, adding an even more imposing presence to his newfound state.

[ Image Here ]

Without wasting a moment, the lady of the lake swiftly dashed towards Yuuto, unleashing a horizontal slash with incredible speed. However, Yuuto effortlessly intercepted the attack, blocking it with ease.

As the intense battle raged on, the lady of the lake couldn't help but feel her mana being drained, a realization that filled her with growing concern.

Seizing an opportunity, Yuuto swiftly delivered a powerful kick to her stomach, propelling her through the air until she collided with multiple trees, the impact leaving her momentarily stunned.

Gritting her teeth, she regained her footing, determination etched on her face. "Akuma, prepare yourself," she declared, her grip tightening around the hilt of her sword. Raising it high into the sky, she infused it with an immense surge of magical energy. A swirling vortex of golden light enveloped the blade, signifying its charged state.

"Ecáli búr, ibháram úth láminn!" she exclaimed, her voice resonating with power as she brought the sword down, unleashing a devastating slash of pure golden energy "EXCALIBUR!!!"

In a display of unwavering resolve, Yuuto pointed his own sword toward the incoming onslaught. With a focused gaze and amplified strength from both the Union Mode and Sage Mode, he managed to dispel the golden energy slash with his sword. Though the force of the impact caused his blade to tremble slightly, his enhanced abilities allowed him to successfully counter the attack.

"I'm going to end this fight," Yuuto declared with determination, raising the Demon-Destroyer's sword high into the air. An ominous aura emanated from the weapon, casting an eerie atmosphere over the surroundings.

The very foundation of the place began to tremble relentlessly, causing cracks to form in the defensive barriers and becoming visible even in the sky above.

Alarmed by the potential exposure of the location, the lady of the lake realized the dire consequences that could follow. 'If this place is revealed, many will come for me. I must find a way to stop him,' she thought urgently, searching for a solution.

However, before she could take any action, a massive black sword hurtled through the air, landing forcefully in front of her. Its placement served as a clear warning, communicating that any attempt to intervene would be met with swift and severe consequences.

She glanced up at Yuuto, catching a glimpse of the expression on his face, which seemed to convey a simple message: "Make a move, and I will strike you down."

Curiously, he then lowered his sword, refraining from carrying out the intended action. As a result, the cracks in the defensive barrier ceased their expansion, and a healing process was initiated, slowly repairing the damage. The lady of the lake watched Yuuto, her confusion is evident in her eyes, unsure of his sudden change in demeanour.

"Why did you stop?" she asked, a mix of curiosity and relief evident in her voice.

Yuuto's expression softened, and he met her gaze with sincerity. "I realized that my actions were hasty, and I never intended to make enemies or cause harm to this beautiful place," he admitted, his tone genuine. A sheepish smile appeared on his face as he scratched his head. "I should have thought things through before acting so impulsively. I truly apologize."

His humility and honesty struck a chord with her, and she felt the tension between them ease. It became clear that he wasn't the immediate threat she had initially perceived him to be.

Taking a moment to absorb his words, she nodded slowly, indicating her acceptance of his apology. "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," she responded, her voice softer now. "However, I strongly urge you to destroy that sword. I don't want to ever see that abomination again."

"Ehh, why?" Yuuto asked, genuine confusion colouring his tone.

She sighed, her expression showing a mix of frustration and determination. "How about we make an exchange? If you agree to destroy that sword, I will create a Holy sword specifically for you—one that is even stronger than the one you had."

Yuuto's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Are you being truthful?" he asked cautiously, his eyes searching her face for any signs of deception.

She met his gaze directly, her own unwavering. "I assure you, I speak the truth. Whether or not you choose to believe it is up to you," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of conviction.

Considering her proposition, Yuuto hesitated for a moment before summoning Excalibur Morgan once more. With a muttered command, he instructed, "Destroy."

His Sacred Gear responded, "[Destroying Excalibur Morgan]," as the sword in his hand disintegrated into a cascade of red particles.

"So, when will the new sword be ready?" Yuuto inquired, his curiosity piqued.

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Advanced chapter is now at Chapter 38

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