
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 3: BxB

Rias Gremory Mansion, Kuoh Town

Hmm, what should I do first? Should I create a Demonic Ring around my heart or permanently strengthen my body with Demonic Energy? Alternatively, should I use Origin Magic to power myself up? However, if I decide to use Origin Magic, whose power can I borrow without making them angry? Maybe Ophis?

Well, that could work. I have a few ways to enter her heart through her stomach by giving her cookies or putting her in a space storage type sword. This way, she will receive her silence. But before I do that, let's find an easier way to achieve Balance Breaker. Why work harder when we can work smarter? Moreover, I don't have much time before the world's story starts moving.

What is Balance Breaker, again? Let me refer back to what I know about it. It is a forbidden power and an evolution of Sacred Gears, where their full power can be released. One way to unlock it is by triggering high emotions with a change in the user's heart. Essentially, it's like the Super Saiyan form, but with all possible emotions. There's more to it, but I don't remember much about it. I wish I had read more about its lore.

Hmm, I think I can force myself to unlock Balance Breaker by using Demonic Energy. However, before trying this experiment that could destroy the nearby area, let's teleport somewhere else.


A white magic circle appears beneath me, sending me to the middle of the sea. I almost fall into the water, but my instinct saves me by sprouting my wings. After releasing my breath, I touch the surface of the water and freeze it to make a platform for me to stand on. When the ice is sturdy enough, I stand on it and make my wings disappear. I take a deep breath and release it, imagining every emotion that resides within me.

[Heighten the Emotion to the Fullest]

Anger, willpower, hope, fear, love, despair, lust, greed, sadness, happiness, and every emotion that every human felt throughout their life flows through my body.

"This...is...dangerous," I realize.

« Third Pov »

Demonic Energy within Yuuto's body is getting out of control, and the ice platform that he made is cracking and melting due to the heat and pressure that he is releasing. Yuuto tries to hold on, but it's getting worse as time passes by.

Suddenly, a voice appears out of nowhere. "[Balance Breaker: Abyss Side]"

A small wave of aura spreads out through the water, causing a small wave in the sea after the successful fusion between Yuuto and the Sacred Gear that resides within him. Yuuto doesn't know what Balance Breaker: Abyss Side means, but the only thing that is important to him is that he managed to achieve Balance Breaker.

Yuuto tries very hard to smile because of the amount of emotion he is feeling right now. "It works!" The amount of pride that he is feeling after achieving it is incredible. The other emotions are dwarfed out, but before they can catch up, Yuuto commands himself in his mind.


All of the emotions stop rising, and Yuuto is now breathing heavily after experiencing his emotions at a high level. But before he can relax, the platform breaks apart, and he spreads out his wings and flies upwards.

"Damn, I can't catch a break!" He's having trouble keeping his eyes open. "I'm going to fall into the ocean if I don't return quickly." Yuuto is very proud of himself after what he has done.


He teleports back to his bedroom.

Little does he know that his pride will change him.


At around 3 AM, someone snuck into Yuuto's room and was surprised to find him unconscious on the floor.


That person was none other than Himejima Akeno, the Queen of Rias Gremory's Peerage. She quickly checked Yuuto's body to see if anything had happened to him but sighed in relief when she found that he was unharmed.

"Did you push yourself too hard again, Yuuto?" Akeno asked with a worried smile as she looked at the unconscious Yuuto.

She gently lifted Yuuto onto the bed and lay down next to him, holding him close and resting his head on her chest.


In the morning, Yuuto wakes up to find Akeno sleeping beside him. As he glances over, he notices her attractive figure as he saw the pink nipple, but Akeno quickly catches him staring and teases him with a playful grin.

"Enjoying the view, Yuuto? Maybe you'd like to touch?" Akeno says, running her hand across his chest.

Feeling aroused, Yuuto begins to grope her breast like a beast...

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