
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 25: Breaking Through Limitations

Yuuto landed a solid punch straight to the brown bear's stomach, causing it to double over in pain. The bear expelled a gush of saliva and collapsed to its knees before eventually sprawling out on the ground, visibly exhausted.

"Come on, Kuma. You can't expect to attract a mate if you're this weak," Yuuto taunted, a mischievous grin on his face.

The bear let out a tired growl, almost like a plea. "Grrrhmm... (Shut up. You're just too strong)," Kuma responded wearily.

Yuuto chuckled, acknowledging the bear's point. "Well, that's true. If you prefer to stay down there, I'll be off doing my thing," he said, pointing towards the other side of the forest.

"Grhm... (Okay)," Kuma replied, closing his eyes and allowing his weary body to rest.

Yuuto strolled towards the designated spot, finding a comfortable spot on the forest floor. With a flick of his hand, he conjured a new sword that he had just finished crafting during his training session with Kuma.

Yuuto performed an act that would be deemed insane by most—plunging the sword into his own body. As the blade made contact, it seemingly dissolved into particles, entering him.

"It does feel different," Yuuto mused aloud, his voice carrying a mixture of curiosity and satisfaction, as the influx of Demonic Power coursed through his veins.

The sword he had used was called Shadowbane, a remarkable weapon capable of absorbing Demonic Power from its surroundings and replenishing the user's own reserves. It was essentially a shortcut to hasten the recovery of his Demonic Power—a cheat if you will.

Within Yuuto's being, there were already five swords dwelling: his Zanpakutou, Devil Sword Yamato, Devil Sword Rebellion, Symbionblade, and now Shadowbane. Yet, undeterred, he sought to acquire yet another sword, intending to further exploit this shortcut to unimaginable levels of power.

"This one's for Koneko," Yuuto muttered, his voice tinged with determination. "I want her to be able to tap into Senjutsu without sacrificing her sanity."

Devoting his attention to the task at hand, Yuuto spent several minutes crafting his latest masterpiece. He chose to name it Sylvanheart—a fitting moniker for a sword that possessed the exact qualities he desired. It had the remarkable ability to absorb the untamed energy emanating from nature itself, while also harbouring the power to cleanse and restore corrupted natural forces.

With Sylvanheart firmly in his grasp, Yuuto couldn't resist emulating his previous action. He carefully drove the blade into his own body, a mix of anticipation and excitement coursing through him.

"Whoa," Yuuto exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face. A profound sense of harmony enveloped him as Nature's Energy merged with his very being. "This feeling," he mused, almost intoxicated by the experience, "has the potential to become downright addictive."

Standing tall, Yuuto decided to put his newfound strength to the test. Focusing his energy, he channelled Nature Energy into his fist and unleashed a powerful punch upon a nearby tree. The impact was so forceful that several trees in the vicinity trembled and threatened to topple.

"Nice! I can definitely feel the improvement from using Nature Energy," Yuuto exclaimed, a satisfied smile gracing his face as he witnessed the raw strength he had gained.

Kuma, observing the spectacle, couldn't help but gape in astonishment. However, a shiver of fear coursed through his body as he caught a glimpse of Yuuto's now unsettling smile.

'Sorry, God. This must be karma,' Kuma silently admitted to himself, mentally preparing for yet another pummeling at the hands of Yuuto.


After completing his training session with his soon-to-be familiar, Yuuto teleported to where his vampire disciple awaited him.

"Are you ready, Gasper?" Yuuto inquired, his voice filled with anticipation.

From the depths of darkness, a pair of red eyes stared intently at Yuuto. Without warning, they lunged forward, attempting to strike him. Yet, with nimble agility, Yuuto swiftly evaded the attack by gracefully sidestepping.

"Good effort, Gasper," Yuuto remarked, a warm smile adorning his face as he released his grip on the collar.

Gasper, a charming young vampire dressed in a neat suit—a black sweater paired with black pants—voiced his curiosity. "How do you always manage to do that, Kiba-senpai?" he asked, his eyes filled with admiration and wonder.

Yuuto chuckled lightly, his confidence is evident. "I suppose I'm just built different," he replied, clapping his hands together. "Now, let's begin your training to unlock your true potential, to become the best version of yourself."

"Yes, Kiba-senpai," Gasper affirmed, offering a salute to Yuuto, ready to embark on the journey of self-improvement.

They commenced their training, with Yuuto assuming the form of Kamen Rider Sasword. "Use your Sacred Gear and give it your all to try and stop me from moving," he instructed Gasper.

Yuuto initiated Clock Up, causing his entire body to accelerate to incredible speeds. Gasper, in response, activated his Forbidden Balor View, causing his eyes to transform into a striking crimson hue. Multiple rings of varying sizes materialized within his irises, resembling the concentric circles of a target.

With determination in his eyes, Gasper attempted to impede Yuuto's movements, but his efforts seemed futile. Yuuto manoeuvred effortlessly, though he did encounter some minor challenges.

"Push yourself beyond your limits, even if your eyes start to bleed," Yuuto encouraged, his voice brimming with motivation. "True growth comes from experiencing pain and surpassing it. Right here, Gasper, break through your limitations and become the best version of yourself."

"URGH!!!" Gasper's eyes were adorned with an increasing number of rings as he exerted himself to halt Yuuto's movements.

"Hmm," Yuuto grinned, feeling the slight rise in difficulty. "You've definitely made some progress."

Gasper's eyes began to bleed as he ceased utilizing his Sacred Gear, his hand resting on his knees to prevent himself from collapsing due to exhaustion.

"Kiba-senpai," Gasper gasped, taking a deep breath, "you've become even stronger, haven't you?"

Yuuto nodded in affirmation. "Indeed," he replied. "Continue following the training regimen I've given you. Once you're confident in your ability to control your Sacred Gear, you'll be free to leave this room."

"I understand, Kiba-senpai," Gasper replied. "But, can you stay a little longer?"

Yuuto dematerialized his Kamen Rider form and approached Gasper, gently patting his head. "Of course," he said warmly. "Anything for my little brother."

After several weeks of training, Yuuto had come to see Gasper as a little brother figure. They sat together in comfortable chairs, their gazes fixed on the serene view of nature through the window. Yuuto affectionately patted Gasper's back, offering words of reassurance.

"Don't worry about failure, Gasper," Yuuto spoke with a gentle tone. "It's an inevitable part of being alive. Even I have experienced my fair share of failures. But the key is to use those setbacks as stepping stones for improvement, to become an even better version of yourself."

Gasper nodded, his determination shining through his eyes. He held Yuuto's words close to his heart, knowing that they would guide him on his journey. Over the past few weeks, Yuuto had poured his efforts into moulding Gasper into the best possible version of himself, even going so far as to help him wear a men's outfit.

"I will give it my all," Gasper declared, his voice brimming with resolve.

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