
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 23: Meeting The Zanpakutou Spirit

Just want to rant a bit, I got into a debate with someone in the TikTok comment section where he said The Flash has no Destructive Capacity. Like what the hell are you on about?

I even tell him that The Flash uses Infinite Mass Punch. He rejects the feat like what the hell?!

It's like that guy doesn't even know what Infinite Mass Punch is. I am tired when I found people like this but please enjoyed this chapter


The swords that had been stuck in the ground vanished, dissipating into a cascade of delicate white particles.

"So, what brings Sona-san here?" Yuuto asked, retrieving his shirt from the ground and lightly dusting it off.

"I came because of your clone," Sona replied, adjusting her glasses.

"Ah, yes. Could you refresh my memory on its actions? As far as I recall, I only instructed it to attend my classes. That's all," Yuuto explained as he slipped his shirt back on. "Has it been causing trouble? I'm guessing it must have insulted you, maybe because you're seen as too serious and doomed to be single forever. Am I on the right track?" Yuuto added, his smile playful.

Rias couldn't help but burst into laughter, her hand instinctively covering her mouth. However, she soon realized that Yuuto's remark had crossed a line, even for her, and her laughter subsided.

Sona could feel her frustration building, but she managed to keep it in check. "Yes," she replied, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Just please attend school like a normal student," she pleaded, letting out a sigh.

Yuuto shook his head. "Nope," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "But I have a brilliant idea instead—I'm going to drop out of school."

"Ehh, why would you do that, Yuuto?" Rias questioned, puzzled.

"Well, it's a complete waste of time, isn't it? I can learn whatever I need to on my own schedule. So, Sona-san, will you accept this as a solution?" Yuuto proposed.

Sona pondered for a moment, weighing the options before coming to a decision. "Alright, starting now, you're officially exempt from attending school since you've chosen to drop out," she acquiesced.

"See? It's that easy," Yuuto declared, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips as he strolled towards the mansion to catch some well-deserved sleep.

Sona hesitated for a moment before mustering the courage to ask her question. "Wait, I have a question," she spoke up, her voice betraying a hint of curiosity.

Yuuto turned around, his interest piqued. "Sure, go ahead. Just keep in mind, nothing too personal," he replied, his tone inviting.

Sona took a deep breath before asking, "What rank are you in terms of strength?"

"Hmm, in my base form, I'm a High-Class Devil," Yuuto responded casually, resuming his walk towards the mansion.

Deep down, though, Yuuto couldn't help but think, 'If I were to unleash my full power, I'd easily be at least Maou-Class.'

Sona couldn't help but doubt Yuuto's answer, suspecting that he might be lying. Unless she had witnessed his incredible transformation firsthand, she would have classified him as a High-Class Devil. All she had seen was him impaling himself with three swords, an image that was etched in her memory. However, without witnessing his Sin Devil Trigger Mode, she remained uncertain about the extent of his true power.

Rias couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness for Yuuto's remarkable growth. She admired his determination to become stronger and felt a strong desire to achieve the same level of strength herself.

If Sona were to discover the extent of Yuuto's cheating, she would undoubtedly be disgusted beyond measure.

"Let's head back, Rias. We still have a class to attend," Sona suggested, bringing their focus back to their responsibilities.

"Hmm, maybe I should follow in his footsteps," Rias pondered aloud, contemplating the idea of dropping out. However, before she could delve further into that thought, Sona intervened.

"Have you forgotten the agreement between your family and the Phoenix family?" Sona reminded Rias, prompting her to recall their prior commitment.

"Ohh, right! I completely forgot," Rias said, tilting her head and playfully tapping it.


Yuuto let out a tired yawn as he drifted off to sleep, finding himself immersed in a vivid dream. In this dream, he found himself seated upon a serene, verdant field, with a vast expanse of clear sky above him.

He marvelled at the dream's tranquillity, remarking to himself, "It's been a while since I had such a peaceful dream. No nightmares or anything, just pure relaxation."

But then, his gaze fell upon a woman dressed in black, and an uncanny sense of familiarity washed over him. The woman began to approach him, her face strikingly similar to his own.

"Why does she feel so familiar?" Yuuto wondered aloud, his curiosity piqued.

"Because I am you, and you are me," the woman replied, materializing behind him and resting her back against his.

Taken aback, Yuuto instinctively took a step back, bracing himself for a potential confrontation. He summoned a sword, only to find that the very first sword he had created in this world, Asauchi, now appeared in his hand.

Confusion clouded his thoughts as he exclaimed, "Wait, why do I have Asauchi in my hand when I summoned Yamato? What's going on?"

"Because you're in the Inner World, and I didn't want you using any other sword," the woman with black hair replied, her tone tinged with a hint of jealousy.

A flicker of realization crossed Yuuto's face as he recognized his Zanpakuto spirit standing before him. "Ah, so you're my Zanpakuto spirit," he said, his body language easing as he understood the situation.

"That's right," she huffed, crossing her arms and pouting cutely. "I've been feeling neglected, you know. You never even thought to use me during your training sessions. It's like you didn't want to connect with me at all."

Yuuto's eyes widened slightly as he grasped her feelings of jealousy. "Well, I did try to reach out, but you never gave me any hints or signs," he responded, trying to explain himself.

Her expression softened, and she let out a sigh. "Okay, fine. I admit I could have done a better job at showing you the way," she conceded, her jealousy subsiding just a bit.

"So, what's your name?" Yuuto asked, his curiosity piqued.

She chuckled, feigning shyness. "You should be able to hear my name after that transformation you just undergo," she replied. "I'm Shinen No Tachi, the Sword of Abyss," she said with a serious tone, before quickly adopting a more playful voice. "But when you're not using Shikai, you can call me Yumi."

"Alright," Yuuto nodded, acknowledging her name choice but not dwelling on it. Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself. "Shinen no Tachi," he declared, releasing a surge of vibrant blue energy that rippled outward. His hand remained unchanged, but his sword underwent a magnificent transformation.

The blade shifted, becoming pitch-black which exuded an aura of darkness. The air around it grew heavy and the atmosphere became charged with a palpable intensity.

"What do you think about it?" Yumi eagerly awaited Yuuto's response, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Yuuto took a moment to examine the transformed sword, feeling its weight in his hand. "It's simple, cool, and practical," he remarked, giving it a few practice swings that produced a striking black aura slash.

Yumi's face lit up with joy. "Yay! I'm so glad you like it!" she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement as she jumped up and down.

Yuuto couldn't help but smile, his heart warming at the sight of his spirited sword companion's happiness.

"So, will you teach me about the sword's abilities?" Yuuto asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Absolutely! I'd be thrilled to," Yumi responded eagerly, ready to share her knowledge and unveil the true potential of the sword.


Roughly 9 pm,

Everyone in the mansion sat around the dining table, except for Yuuto, who was still engrossed in his training within his Inner World.

"Do both of you like Yuuto?" Akeno suddenly blurted out the question, catching Rias and Koneko off guard.

Rias, taken aback and blushing, replied, "Wh-where did that come from?"

Koneko, ever composed, only had a faint hint of redness on her cheeks, attempting to conceal her emotions. However, Akeno, skilled in reading people, immediately noticed Koneko's subtle reaction.

"Just answer the question," Akeno insisted, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Rias fidgeted with her fingers, her gaze fixed on the table, and finally confessed, "Yes, I do."

Koneko, true to her nature, simply nodded in response to Akeno's inquiry.

"Alright then, I give you my permission to pursue him, but winning his heart is all on you. I won't be helping you with that," Akeno declared, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Wait, are you okay with the idea of us sharing him?" Rias asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Akeno grinned playfully. "Yes, because it's you two. Besides, Rias-chan, I was worried you'd remain single forever," she teased, poking fun at her friend.

Rias huffed and stood up, a touch of annoyance evident on her face. "Ay! But there might be some truth to that," she grumbled, before settling back into her seat.

Akeno stood up, winking mischievously, and exclaimed, "Well, I'll be having some fun tonight!" With that, she left the dining room, leaving Rias and Koneko to process her playful words.


I may not be able to update the chapter tomorrow

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