
Great...I'm A Devil Swordman (DxD)

A man from our world took over Yuuto Kiba's body

Taidanotsumi · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 11: A Day in the Life of a Demon

Akeno sat comfortably on a pristine white chair positioned just outside the entrance to the Occult Research Club building. She cradled a porcelain teacup in her delicate hands, savoring the soothing warmth of the fragrant liquid as it flowed down her throat. Her gaze shifted over to Yuuto, who was currently engaged in a rigorous training session with a massive sword.

She watched with keen interest as he swung the weapon back and forth.

Akeno had always admired Yuuto's dedication to his training, his unwavering determination to improve his skills and become a more formidable warrior.

As she continued to observe his practice, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and admiration for her boyfriend. Watching Yuuto hone his skills was always a fascinating experience for Akeno.

[ Image Here ]

The motion of the swing is languid, a product of Yuuto's inexperience with the heavy and massive sword he now wields. He augments himself to the point where he can properly handle the weapon.

Yuuto mutters to himself as he swings his sword like a man possessed, "Guts, damn you make this seem effortless."

Rias exits the building and observes Yuuto's frenzied swings from afar. She walks towards Akeno and sits down, savoring a cup of tea that her friend brewed.

With a forceful downward slice, Yuuto shatters the sound barrier, producing a deafening boom that catches Rias and Akeno off guard.

"Wow, I never expected it to be that loud," Yuuto remarks, surprised by his own strength as he continues to swing his sword.

Yuuto acknowledges that he is still relatively weak, murmuring to himself, "Damn, I need to train harder until I can wield this sword without relying on Demonic Energy."

He refocuses and starts swinging with greater accuracy and force.

Curiosity gets the better of Rias, and she turns to Akeno, asking, "How long has he been at it?"

"I'd say about two hours, and he hasn't stopped since," Akeno replies, taking another sip of tea.

"Are you not worried that he will push himself too hard?" Rias inquires, expressing her concern for those around her.

Akeno responds confidently, "Just watch him. You know why I'm not worried."

Rias watches intently as Yuuto's body begins to glow a verdant hue, signaling that he is healing himself. Despite Yuuto's visible exhaustion, Rias notices his smile, which raises an inexplicable concern in her.

Rias pondered internally, 'Why he is smiling like that?'

After an extensive hour of training, Yuuto finally ceased his efforts and settled down on a chair beside Akeno and Rias.

"Here, drink this I made specifically for you," Akeno offered Yuuto a cup of tea.

Yuuto thanked her and promptly consumed the hot beverage in one gulp.

Rias drew closer to Yuuto, ensuring he had not overexerted himself during training.

"Phew, it seems you are in good condition," Rias breathed a sigh of relief.

"Of course, I'm fine I know when to stop" Yuuto replied before requesting a refill of tea.

Akeno obligingly refilled Yuuto's cup, showcasing her wifely demeanour. Yuuto's unconsciously beaming smile was the result of Akeno's affectionate gestures.

"I'll be returning home late, Akeno. So, don't wait for me, tonight" Yuuto informed her while finishing his second cup of tea.

"Ara ara, you're leaving a stunning woman alone in the evening. I expected better from you," Akeno retorted with a sly grin.

"Don't push your luck, Akeno. I could devour you like a hungry tiger," Yuuto retorted teasingly with a smile.

"Ufufu, I would love to witness that," Akeno chuckled, playfully tracing her finger along his physique.

Rias observed the exchange before her and felt like an outsider. Akeno detected Rias's discomfort and buried her face in Yuuto's chest.

As Akeno savoured his scent, she realized that he had no odour. 'He must have used magic to cleanse himself,' Akeno mused inwardly.

"Can I have a sweet kiss, my dear?" Akeno requested sensually, staring into Yuuto's eyes.

Yuuto responded by kissing her forehead. Akeno glanced at Rias with a smirk. Although Yuuto perceived this, he chose to dismiss it since it was an innocuous prank.


Around Kuoh Town,

Yuuto pauses to take a deep breath, attempting to quell the fatigue caused by his rigorous training. As he considers the type of sword that would turn the tides of battle in his favor, he muses, "What kind of blade should I forge?"

He ponders the creation of an Asauchi, as he's heard that a Zanpakuto's power is intrinsically linked to its wielder. 'Perhaps my version of a Zanpakuto would be exceptionally formidable, similar to those of the Shinigami in Bleach,' he thinks, a grin forming on his lips.

The onlookers are captivated by Yuuto's smile, with the women gushing over his handsome features, and the men expressing envy and resentment.

As he moves towards the forest where he trains, Yuuto activates his Balance Breaker and creates his sword, eager to test his new weapon.

[ Balance Breaker: Asauchi ]

"I should familiarize myself with its capabilities before putting it to the test," he reasons, preparing to embark on yet another training session.

However, as he delves deeper into the forest, he begins to contemplate Asta's potential if he were to join the Golden Dawn. 'Mimosa's healing powers coupled with Asta's unrelenting training regimen would make him an unstoppable force,' he ponders.

Yuuto clears his mind and summons his Asauchi, aware that the sword's power is linked to his soul, independent of his Sacred Gear. "I must continue my training to achieve my Zanpakuto's true name within a year," he resolves, cracking his neck and launching into another intense training session.

Yuuto takes a deep breath, inhaling the crisp scent of the forest air. The surrounding trees rustle gently in the wind, as if welcoming him back to this familiar training ground.

As he draws his new sword, the Asauchi, he marvels at its flawless design. The blade gleams in the sunlight, casting a warm golden glow upon his surroundings.

Yuuto begins to swing the sword in a series of swift and fluid motions, testing its weight and balance. He feels the energy coursing through his body as he wields the blade with increasing speed and precision.

With each swing, he becomes more attuned to the Asauchi's unique properties. He can sense the weapon's power and potential, as if it were a living being communicating with him through his grip.

Yuuto's movements become more confident and fluid as he continues to hone his skills. He is a master swordsman, and this new weapon feels like an extension of his very being.

As the sun begins to set, Yuuto sheaths the Asauchi and takes a moment to catch his breath. He feels invigorated, recharged by the energy he has expended in training.

He looks up at the sky, taking in the oranges and pinks of the setting sun. He feels a sense of gratitude for the power he possesses.

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