
Great Tekeshi

Takeshi Johnson was a normal person like many others... But in a second when he dies his luck becomes tremendous and he reincarnates with a RPG-System in a completely different world. What will he achieve?

alchoz · Fantasy
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5 Chs


I looked at the rat and the rat gave me a long loving stare. For a second I felt really awkward. It that moment a rat continued to wonder somewhere away from me. By closing my eyes for a second I tried to relax and prepare myself somehow for the farm. This will be my first time doing it in the real world, and I am worried a bit.

Marble tile was in my hand ready to cut the flesh of this filthy animal and get some experience to level up. After a long breath, I am ready to do it. Making a step forward, I came closer to a rat that was doing something with his claws.

Rat realized something and turned his head to me. His eyes were red with black dots in the middle. For a second I was scared, but then this fear left leaving only anger. I should not be that weak mentally to be afraid of just a rat. I am not only a human but also a cultivator. I can not be afraid of today.

With such a pump up of confidence, I went forward as fast as I could and then hit the head of the rat with a sharp edge of the marble tile. A rat was not ready for that. He screamed for a second and then started wiggling with his body. Blood was spilling all around. I hit him one more time, almost smashing his head into a mess.

A rat was in silence. I breathe out and then unintentionally smile. This is my first pray. It is actually not that hard to kill somebody if they do not expect that. I hope that cleaning this area from rats will be not that hard.

I pushed the dead body of the rat to the side. This situation was not playing as al the other. The body of the rat did not disappear. There is no loot from him. As well, I can assume that it is only because I do not have a specific skill for looting. I have played such games already.

The next rat was in the corner. It was lying on the floor and looking around. When I came closer rat looked in my eyes and then took an aggressive stance. For a second I was stunned. The rat jumped on me, trying to attack. He sliced my closing but could not go through it.

After a second I came back to my senses and tried to catch it. But it was so fast that I just missed it. Rat rolled to the side and then jumped one more time. This time a was ready a bit more, but still not so much, so I couldn't get him this time as well.

The rat rolled one more time and tried to jump on me. Aha! I get it! Before jumping towards me this rat does a roll. This is a piece of nice information that can be helpful for me. I tried to avoid the attack, but It did not work well. Rat caught the arm of my jacket with his sharp teeth.

Waving with my hand I dropped the rat, and he hit the wall with his body. With a loud sound, the rat landed on the floor. I was not waiting. I reached with my sharp marble tile and cut the body of the rat in two pieces. It was instantly dead.

"Huh," I whisper to my self "That was close."

Afterward killing rats was not a big problem anymore. They all had patterns that repeated from one to another. These rats were almost the same, attacks that they had started the same way from rolling to a jump. Repeating it multiple times I created a small trick that I used to kill those animals quickly.

When a rat was ready to jump I started to shift my whole body to the side. A rat was jumping on me and was biting my clothes. After that, I was trying to hit this rat to the wall. If it was not working, then I was repeating the same scenario over and over. When the rat became disabled, I killed it with my sharp tile.

The last rat died. After that, I was walking around the room trying to find some secrets. I was touching the walls, suspicious places, kicking the floor, but nothing came out until I stand in the corner of the room. A wall that was in front of me moved to the side. That is interesting.

I went in the small tunnel and then realize that it ends in another small room with a skeleton covered with dust and spider web. It was resting peacefully with a couple of items in the hand. I came closer and realized that on the neck of this skeleton was a small neckless. This neckless locked old, but there was no rust and no deterioration to it.

Very carefully I took it away. This neckless was light, I could not feel its weight.

|The Chaos Mirror. A spatial item, that might have some treasure in it. To open the first stage, it needs 100QI|

Oh, that is interesting. This is clearly an artifact that can give a boost in the future. On the other hand, it can have nothing interesting, but I will still consider it a win situation because I learned that there are artifacts that can contain something. Using them, I can increase my speed of cultivation tremendously.

After searching this skeleton, I found a couple of other items. One was a knife with a small Qi interaction possibility, and the other was an unreadable book. The symbols there were not understandable at all. I should take it with me and then try to read it somehow. I hope that there will be a chance for me to read these texts.

The most valuable item at this moment is a knife. It can give me some damage that I could not achieve with only sharpened marble tile. It is only because of it easier to operate with a knife. There was nothing else in this room, even though I tried to find some secrets. Maybe I would need a skill that allows me to look for actual secret storages.

After that, I just left the room and returned to the place where rats were slaughtered. A not very nice smell started to accumulate in the room. I should leave this place soon.

I returned to my room and then for a second close my eyes wishing to return from a secluded area. Only because of the strange sound I could realize that it has worked. Being back in your room feels nice. I took a knife and looked at the light reflection.

|Congratulation on finishing your task. You have killed ten big rats. Your reward is 5GC|

The reward appeared in my balance that I can see in the top corner of my eyesight. I can not spend it anywhere, so this is a bit useless for me. But for the future, I should try to farm a lot more. As well I checked how many experience points, I need to level up. It was said that I need to finish the same mission for two more times. It was just basic math.

Every rat gave me only twenty experience points. So by killing ten, I got two hundred. To increase my level, I need for hundred points more. Easy farm. So… should I go back to a secluded area and farm some more? Or maybe I should try to do something other than that?

"Tekeshi," my mother knocked in my doors. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah," answer I and try to hide the knife. I put it in my bed, so nobody can see it before time.

"How are you feeling?" asked Youi. It is actually hard for me to relate to her as my mother, even in my mind.

"I think that I am fine," answer I.

"That is good," said Youi and sit down on my chair. She put her hands under the chest making it appear a bit bigger. I don't think that there is a need for that, but well… I can not say that I do not like the sight. "If you need anything, ask for it. I will do anything for you."

She put a big emphasis on the last phrase, making me feel that she will literally do anything for me.

"Remember, you should keep your Qi Awakening in secret," said mom. "There are many girls that would love to get something from you. You should trust only your parents. I will not tell anyone about it, and your Dad as well."

What do you want? I understand that if we look from the practical point of view, I am a great opportunity for a person without a Qi to get to the top. And knowing that my Youi is a gold digger, I can form a strange line of thoughts.

"What about dad?"

Youi looked at me with a surprise. Then I realized that there was a calculation in her eyes. She smiled very warmly and seductively. Youi came close to me and murmured. "Let me worry about that."