
Great Doctor Ling Ran

Ling Ran, a med school senior, begins to see the world like a game UI. He uses it to pave his way towards graduation, a residency, becoming the greatest doctor in the world... And finally getting a Transformer from his newbie packs? Maybe. We don't know yet.

Village of Ambitious Birds · Urban
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1445 Chs

[Achievement: Praise]

[Achievement Description: A colleague's praise is the greatest form of reward a doctor could receive.]

[Reward: Basic Treasure Chest]

The moment Ling Ran stepped out of the operating theater, he received a lot of notifications.

In the end, he opened all the treasure chests and received a total of nine Energy Serums.

Although all he got were Energy Serums, he still looked around in surprise when he recalled the conditions needed to receive the Praise achievement.

"I'm so hungry."

"There should be some food in the canteen, right?"

"Did you order take out?"

The doctors were like the pigeons in a square. They gathered together in a disorderly fashion, then dispersed. The tense atmosphere in the operating theater vanished completely.