
Great Doctor Ling Ran

Ling Ran, a med school senior, begins to see the world like a game UI. He uses it to pave his way towards graduation, a residency, becoming the greatest doctor in the world... And finally getting a Transformer from his newbie packs? Maybe. We don't know yet.

Village of Ambitious Birds · Urban
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1445 Chs

Operating Theater

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The first experience that Ling Ran had in the operating theater was while he was affiliated to a medical organization.

In order to ensure the bleeding control's effectiveness, Ling Ran stretched out his arm and held on for nearly an hour. While he waited for the moment his arm would be liberated, his entire limb went numb.

However, this also allowed him to observe an operation from another closer angle. It was also quite a valuable experience for a medical student.

"How did you know the point was at the Glisson's capsule?" After the vital signs of the patient were stabilized, Huo Congjun was also much more relieved than before. He did not even inform the General Surgery Department before he started performing the surgery himself.

He came first from the General Surgery Department. Although he had been transferred to the Emergency Department many years ago, snatching the General Surgery Department's surgeries was still what he did most.