
Great Doctor Ling Ran

Ling Ran, a med school senior, begins to see the world like a game UI. He uses it to pave his way towards graduation, a residency, becoming the greatest doctor in the world... And finally getting a Transformer from his newbie packs? Maybe. We don't know yet.

Village of Ambitious Birds · Urban
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1445 Chs

Every job had its hardships, and also its likeable parts.

The bitter parts for those in the construction business was being the people who had to work and build things, whereas the likeable aspect was being the people who only needed to pay others to build whatever they wanted; the bitter parts for those who worked in business were the salary and rent, and the likeable part to it was earning money; the bitter side of construction work was the numbness construction workers felt in their muscles and the uncertainty of their future, and the likeable side was the day they earned their wages and their family's smiles; the bitter aspect to being leaders was having their higher ups walk all over them, and the likeable side was having themselves walk all over their subordinates.

The bitter side to being a surgeon was that the surgeon had to give up many things, and the likeable aspect was the pleasure of having an operation go smoothly.