
Great assassin in Meeting with god Volume 1 Chapter 2

Were the hell am it hurts huh wait no it doesn't wait a minute why my heart is not working is it some kind of dream or something and why the hell am standing on cloud is it some kind joke man wait a min yeah i remember now after that i killed that chusky bastard i was going to hospital and what i donated everything men what hell i was thinking wait why a old man standing in infront of

kai : my name is kai and who are you

old man said: my name is John kid

kai : can i ask u why my heart is not working am i dead or am sleep coma or something

John : no kid your already dead

kai : i must think carefully before asking him questions can i ask u why am i here is it some type reincarnation or something like u are god and u will send me to isekai where i will learn magic

john : yep kid ok now kid stand infront of me i will

check how capable u are

Kai : okay and how would prove u that

John : first sit kid and calm down it will depend on you how powerful u will be in this life i will transport skill in your soul so u can survive in this world because your hand to hand combat won't be enough your in this world because there are monsters and it will depend on how many magic affinity u have let put magic aside and start with your new body got opinion

Kai : yep i have i need my eyes to golden colour and i want red hair and this body is fine i am used to it

John : kid ok but i will u you your past life body in baby form

kai : ok now transfer the skills to me

John : ok kid and i will give u a system

Kai : System?

John : yep kid u will get a powerful system

Kai : okay now start process old man

John : kid how dare u call old man i am 98 million old i am new god i just changed my form

Kai : ok old man

John : you

Kai : man are starting the process or not i am excited wait will i remember the memories

John : yes kid