
Great… I’m In Another World!

In the magical world of Lethren, our protagonist Aska finds himself waking up in a strange forest. He’d found himself on the outskirt of Velen Lon, the greatest labyrinth city on the continent. Realising he’d arrived in a highly advanced magical civilisation. He and his friends decided to explore the labyrinth. After all… it was more profitable than a regular job but also… way safer than the outside world.

Seseal · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 32: Lovers Reunion Part 1

When Hilda and Aska went out to make a meal for us, I kept Isak some company, as he said he still felt tired.

He hasn't eaten anything for the past three days. So it only made sense.

"…say, Julia… how did it go? Without me, I mean," Isak suddenly asked.

"Fine, I guess," I bluntly replied. "We only hunted weaker and smaller beasts, though," I added.

"I see. I'm relieved that you guys aren't hurt," he replied with a grin.

…says you. You passed out for three whole days? It wasn't just Aska who worried, you know? 

Despite my short time of knowing Isak—rather, I did know him a little since before. And Hilda, for that matter, but I wouldn't call us close.

Yet… That's different this time around. 

I, at first, saw him as nothing but an annoyance who always hung out around Aska and was oddly flirtatious for no apparent reason.

Yet he says he's not gay…