
The Butler

I left the room with a worried feeling. My usually swift and light step felt heavier the moment I left the room. I have a feeling in my gut telling me to stay with him all the time but alas, I'm just a butler and he is my master. It was never my intention to leave him. It is my duty to serve my master and now that he have told my his wish of a heavy duty wardrobe I have to oblige.

Despite the war happening in my head it seems that my body have stopped. I looked at the name plate. 'Principal Dominic'. Have the girls be found. I'm not saying anything. It's just that he could be the father to all these kids.

*Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock*

"Come.. in." weird. Is he tired? Whatever. Mr Gray Lux's wish must be fulfilled.

Opening the door I could see a mess. None of the surface is wiped clean, everything is filled with dust. Look at that pile of trash just sitting there. Ugh the books aren't arranged neatly, some were even put upside down. Does nobody clean this place at all? The smell is making me uncomfortable.

"I'm here under the order of Director Lux. I wish you would be willing to cooperate with me Principal Dominic."

I could see the principal sighing. Are there any tension between him and master?

"As long as it is within my power. I will try to give cooperation. What is it that Mr Lux asked for?"

"I'm sure it is within your power which is why I'm here. Director Lux wishes to know more information about some new students here. May I have a quick look at the full registry of today?"

"Personal information huh? Did someone get on his bad side? See the screen there? It's not locked as long as I'm here. Just tap the screen and you will see." He said while pointing to a large mirror on the wall.

I hate technologies. It might be easy for someone young and in touch but I'm 73 this year. Not to mention the master I serve is also a user of the antiques. I went near to the mirror anyway and poke it. I may be old and hate technologies but it just might come in handy at some unexpected situations. As a butler, I will have to be ready for every thing.

The screen crumbles apart with a slight touch of my finger. Just as I was about to jump back I noticed it was just the images that makes it like a mirror was broken and falling down. Nice little trick almost made a fool of myself.

"Grant authorization. Spread the registration list for today with full background details." the principal just stood there unmoving. Only the occasionally moving hand would make the observer doesn't think he is a statue.

With power comes responsibilities. That is what my master always said. No matter what people said about him, the fact is true that he is greatly increasing the life experience in this city. Compared to other cities which focuses on the military, master cares more about the comfort of his citizen. Everyone is given free house which has basic furnishing. Many incentive were given to help the poor survive in this dark age alas some would prefer to die. Death is easy, surviving every day of life is challenging.

The worst kind of people is those that doesn't wish to live anymore but doesn't have the gut to end their own live. Government wouldnt care, scientists would love to have a free test subject but my master instead encourage them to continue living. I was like that once.


"Operation Completed."

Did I just have a flashback? Is my Master's habit were infectious? No, blaming others is just plain wrong. Still, I am amazed what technology these days could do.

"Just grab it and throw it around. This whole roo- office is capable of augmented reality. This much is just a waste of resources. I bet you wou- I am going to continue my work."

What was that? One moment he was so happy to boast something and the next second he was depressed so much he looked older in an instant. Should I report this to master? I should. After all the principal is also a citizen and making his citizen satisfied is his utmost goal. I'm afraid if this were to go on for a year, he might die.

Anyway back to my goal. All these files, looked so real. I saw something similar 3 months ago when accompanying my master. He called it prototype testing. Let's see. Points at any two corner of this document then drag it as if you are stretching them bigger. It works! Then in a swift movement, slides your hand on all these document and repeat the previous action. Woah it feels Magic!

My eye caught a sight of someone mouth opened and happiness was on hid face. It is me? So I could do a face like this too. A tear unknowingly slips down my cheek. Was it a tear of joy or sorrow? I don't know.

Things like documents would be a lot faster using technology and I'm in short of it. Telling the 'computer' to separate the male from the female, only a fourth remains. Telling the 'computer' to filter the powerful family, one remains. I noted all her particulars. I jot down all the unimportant bits in my small notebook. Something I learn from my master.

'Nothing is unimportant, only we ourself doesn't know how to utilize it.'

A quote from my master. Moving on to the second girl, I search for petite and about 500 documents were left, entering red hair however leave it to around 50. Lots of petite girls these days. I jot it down assuming my master would know something. After checking the family history, there is only one girl left. Nina Raven.

The Raven family have fallen. Truly unbelievable. I need to further verify this matter at a later time. It seems there is no third girl or twin of the raven family. Then my task here is complete. As I was about to leave the office, a thought crossed my mind.

"Thank you for your cooperation principal. You wouldn't happen to have a mounting tool with you right?"

"Humm? Mounting tool? On top of the desk. What are you going to use it for?"

My lucky day. Nothing is lost in asking but if you get an answer you want, you would benefit.

"Mr Lux's wardrobe broke. I'm going to need one to repair it. Sorry for the trouble principal. Do you need any help from me?"

"Broke? Impossible. Sure we did use som- No no for now i dont need any help. Sheesh what a terrible day."

With that, I leave the office after taking the mounting tool, a new technology developed to ease the repair on furniture. Why is it called mounting? Probably because it repairs and reinforce furniture.