
Chapter 1

Where do I begin, you see I'm just a young man..., "but not like all young men'..,

"Why do I say I'm not like all young men'..?

"Well I got u'.. You see, I live in Nigeria. Right in the middle of Africa, what makes me different is, people here don't give much attention to the (paranormal or the existence of extra-terrestrial and stuff like that)...

My family are always complaining about what kind of person I am.., "but me'? "I don't care I just live my life'...,

People here are busy hustling, and making names for themselves.., but me?., I'm only looking for money for subscriptions, and once I got that money I'm off to YouTube, to see what my favourite YouTubers uploaded..,

And if I'm done with YouTube I jump to Netflix to watch some horror movies..

name any horror movie you know.. "I've seen it'... So let's jump into the story..

You see I love YouTube and the videos I watch there were those blurry videos, "you know what I'm saying right'?..,

( ghost caught on camera, UFO's videos, bigfoots videos)... you name it, those blurry fake videos.. i love those types of videos..

"The thing is I've never heard or witness any supernatural or paranormal event in my life'.., "not until now',..

I've even tried homemade Ouija board, to try and contact any spirit or ghost.., but nothing happen that's why I called those videos fake.. I believed some though.. Because this night change everything..

"My name is Ukasha',.. "And I'm 23'...,

its was not like every other night of cause . Because that night change my life forever...

The sky was black, the moon is shining very brightly, and the stars are twinkling,...

I was very happy that night because I manage to save enough money to buy myself a brand new Nexstar SE8.

Upon all the videos I've seen on YouTube.. the once I'm more into is the existence of aliens I'm so obsessed with the aliens part... that's why I buy myself the new Nexstar SE8 to explore the galaxy myself..

"So after midnight when every where went dead silent, I climb the the roof top of my house..

"Wait'!!., "did I mention that I live alone'?, yes I'm "23' of cause i did... and I live all by myself in my dad's old house at the end of a deserted street by the side of the high way with no less than 50 to 100 people...

So I stand on the roof scanning the sky first before I will start using the telescope, "and there I saw a tiny light'.. "At first I thought it was airplane'.

but it was very high in the sky...

the light is really tiny so I use my "nexstar SE8' to have a better look....

And there it was some kind of triangular shape military airplane.. or so I thought at that time...

I don't really know what exactly I'm looking at. "Was it a drone'..? Was it "Japanese robot stuff?.. or some "US military warplanes'…? I don't know for sure

So I just go back on looking at the moon and forget about what I saw.

"After a couple of minutes of exploration'.., i manage to find the moon and mars I tried to find Saturn or Jupiter but I couldn't so I just say I should pack my stuff and call it a night since I'm an amateur for this stuffs...

Once more I take a look at the sky and spot the same weird aircrafts but this time it more closer than before .. So I just shrugged it off and go to bed..

30 mins into my sleep I was awoken by the sound of a huge "crash' like a huge thunderstorm., right outside my house.., the crash send my house shaking on it hinges.., I got really scared and my whole body began to shake...

I've never been so scared in my life.. I live far away from people.., and what if bad thing happen to me.., I started thinking about my mom and all the fun time we have together...

I gather all my courage and braveness and climb of my bed., I grab my phone and flashlight and walk outside..

Not far from my house I can spot some thing in the distance and it looks like fire was catching on something and I'm pretty sure that's where the sound came from....

After some minutes of walking.., I finally gets to the site,.. I stood 3 to 5 foot away from the thing that crash it was the same huge triangular shaped object I was minutes a go and all the everywhere is catching on fire but the thing is fine..

Honestly I've never seen a jet closeup before.., so I thought it was a jet..,

I was half scared and half excited..

I stood there for like 3 to 5 mins looking at the jet or so I thought..

Then I saw movement inside, and I heard a deep male voice saying "help me'!!..

My blood ran cold, I stood there unable to move,.. Then I heard the voice again, this time little louder "don't just stand there,' "help me out'!!.. That's when I get back to my senses and I rush to the object and manage to open the heavy door..

When I got inside I was paralyze by fear..

Inside laid on the pilot seat the ugliest thing I've ever seen.,

"It's eyes were huge and black like coal'., it doesn't have any "lips or nose'., only slit for mouth and two tiny holes for nose, and it "hands'.. "Oh. My god'.. Her hands are really tiny and slender like that of the slender man...,

with "huge head and brown hair'.., and it was wearing some kind of tight black suite.. He then opens that tiny mouth and utter "help me up I'm hurt'.. I wanted to run but I can see it needs help so I walk to it and bent down to help the thing up....