
Gray's Zodiac

Gray is a primitive werewolf omega who lives under the nickname Geisha. Her mate Zodiac is a modern werewolf alpha with trust and anger issues. Zodiac mistakenly assumes that Gray is a male and Gray would rather not want to have anything to do with a mate who is so blind that he can barely see past his own nose. Ridge, her brother becomes a new source of distrust for her mate but things spiral out of control when Gray has her first heat and their wolves Virgo and Capricorn decide to take matters into their own hands. Will this be a successful mating for Zodiac who thinks Gray is a whore and Gray who only wants a loving mate and not a temperamental one?

LJBleyk · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Whxre III

Zodiac's POV

I didn't know whether to consider myself a genuis or to consider him an idiot. Not only had he ran back to the club like I had predicted

But here he was busily having his neck being kissed when he had kneed me in my most sensitive parts just a few minutes ago.

Anger boiled inside me and I immediately pulled the wretched idiot away from him. My fists connected with his face instantly and I enjoyed the sickening sound from his broken nose. I couldn't stop, I wanted to rip him apart, my fist asking for some pacification as I practically tried to maul his face in.

Then I heard it.

A terrified scream that made my fist stop midair.

"Please....please stop", he pleaded.

Was he seriously pleading for his lover right now?. in front of me?.

Sending a glare his way, I left the idiot on the floor and grabbed him by the arms. I pulled him to the car parked outside and ordered him in immediately.

The entire drive was so silent that it became almost impossible to breathe. I could hear his harsh breaths from the backseat. I was still angry that he had tried to run away and he was obviously in deep thoughts of his lover who could be disfigured as we speak.

The thought of him and his lover made me so jealous that I wanted to grab him and lock him up forever so he wouldn't get to see the idiot again. How dare him ignore his mate for a peewny lover. Was the man that great that he can get an unmated male so attached to him.

And what about me?. Did he not care at all about what i think or feel?.

I brought the car to a screeching stop, asking him out and he complied. He followed me silently until I opened the door to tge room where he'd slept last night.

"sit", I ordered him and he obeyed. I didn't know what it was but he was definitely doing everything I was saying without questuoning me. Maybe its guilt.

I turned to look at him carefully. He had soft feminine features and his long hair was dyed blue almost like a mane. He had the most beautiful shade of blue eyes I had seen so far and his lips looked so soft and plump.

He must be an omega if he looks so enchanting.

I stepped closer, intending to touch his soft-looking cheeks when I abruptly stopped midway.

What the hell was that?

His eyes followed the direction of mine and he immediately gulped.

"This is Ridge my baby-"

"Your son?".

"No, no.... he's my responsibility". Would he believe me if I told him he was my baby brother?. Perhaps I can tell him later when we get to know each other, Geisha thought.

I sent him a glare that could dissipate diamonds.

Responsibility. He had a son with another man and he was not ashamed to bring him to his mates house.

Jealousy filled me instantly. I didn't really care that he wasn't a virgin, that was too cliché for me but I did care that he had willingly decided to birth a pup who isn't from my knot.

I couldn't stand seeing him at the moment so I turned on my heels and immediately walked out heading to my room so I can take a cold bath to calm down.

Maybe it wasn't his fault afterall. I mean I took long to find him. If only I had found him earlier, none of this would have happened.

I didn't even know my own mate's name and I was already angry at his actions. Who was I to judge him when I wasn't exactly innocent either. I have had my fair share of dallying in the promiscuous acts. I had had plenty of both genders.

I sighed in annoyance thinking of a way to ask him for his name. I could either politely ask him or demand it out of him. Either could also backfire since I don't know his rank.

He doesn't look like an Alpha or he could be supressing it.

But normally, only omeags give birth among the ranks. Even though some betas especially females may be blessed with that ability, it was rare for a beta male to birth pups.

Right now, my best bet was that he was an omega.

I pulled on a shirt and boxer shorts and immediately exited the bathroom, towel still wrapped around my shoulder. My eyes searched the room the moment I entered. He was not in the room and I briefly wondered if he had made another attempt to secretly escape. My heart began to pound mindlessly in my chest and I felt the slow rise of anger in my veins.

But my eyes landed on the baby lying on the bed and I immediately calmed down. He wouldn't run away and leave his son. He wasn't that callous right?.

I slowly sat by the baby and studied his features. The baby had long lashes and the softest rosy cheeks and when I saw the small smile on those lips, I couldn't help but smile back. So adorable.

Just then, I heard the bathroom door open and I lifted my eyes only to meet his gaze. He had a towel wrappped around his chest but I couldn't help the way my eyes sweet his entire body.

He gulped nervously and I cleared my throat.

"Is he a boy or a girl?, I asked instead although I didn't expect him to answer.

"Boy", he answered softly although his voice was unclear and barely above a whisper.

"Who's his father?", I asked again.

"Fremont", he answered.

I took the opportunity to unsuspectingly ask her name. The atmosphere was no longer awkward and for the first time we were actually talking.

"What about you.... what's your name?", I asked


"I'm Zodiac"

And then our eyes widened at the same time when the realisation hit him...he was naked underneath the towel and I on the other hand, could smell the sudden delicious smell that had instantly filled the room.

My eyes instantly narrowed to his legs... I could smell his slick.

Was he in rut or heat?