
Gray's Zodiac

Gray is a primitive werewolf omega who lives under the nickname Geisha. Her mate Zodiac is a modern werewolf alpha with trust and anger issues. Zodiac mistakenly assumes that Gray is a male and Gray would rather not want to have anything to do with a mate who is so blind that he can barely see past his own nose. Ridge, her brother becomes a new source of distrust for her mate but things spiral out of control when Gray has her first heat and their wolves Virgo and Capricorn decide to take matters into their own hands. Will this be a successful mating for Zodiac who thinks Gray is a whore and Gray who only wants a loving mate and not a temperamental one?

LJBleyk · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Whxre II

Gray/ Geisha's pov

It wasn't as if I didn't know he was coming. I did. But there was no point in continuing to run. I had been doing that for 4 years already and yet he still found me. I was tired of running.

He is a modern werewolf, I could smell it from his scent and I wondered if he could also tell that I'm a primitive werewolf. The moment he had walked onto the balcony, I had found myself drowning in his delicious scent. It was so exotic, one that filled not only your nostrils but your mind as well like a hypnotic spell.

My wolf, Virgo had barely been able to stay in control and I had tried my best to pass off as passive when I was dying to run to my mate and dip my nose down his neck and breathe him in deeply.

The control I was asserting on Virgo right now was making it impossible for me to even talk, all my energy was focused on making sure I didn't give my inner struggle away.

I turned to glance at him but I could barely read his expression in the dark. What would happen if I refused to go with him?. Would he leave peacefully?.

I very much doubted that.

Finally, he asked me a question that had also been plaguing my mind for the last few days. Why hadn't I run?. It was really simple, I was tired of running from him, from all of this.

He grabbed my arm forcefully, perhaps because he thought I would be unwilling to leave with him. I wouldn't, the only reason I would be reluctant would be because of him.

I glanced at the kid sleeping on the couch to my right. But maybe we could discuss it and reach an agreement. All of a sudden, I was pushed into his arms. Before I could complain about his possessive behavior, I felt something sink into the side of my neck. A painful scream wrenched from my lips and then I felt nothing but darkness slowly engulf me.

No, you idiot, my brother...what would he do after he wakes up to find his sister gone. Everything turned dark.

I woke up the next morning with a sore neck, my throat was hoarse and I found myself speaking but my voice was so far away.

What the hell?. Why can't I hear a thing even though I'm talking?. I cleared my throat and tried once again.

That idiot must have bitten too deep and now I lost my voice. Oh my God, my brother.

Just as I was about to bolt out of the door, I saw him come in with a tray of food.

So now he wanted to act like a responsible mate after he brought me here against my will.

Nice try.

I waited for him to set it nicely on the bed before I sat up to see his face. My wolf immediately became all excited as we regarded our mate. He was conventionally handsome and he had very beautiful brown eyes that made it impossible not to look at him.

He sat next to me and slowly pulled my long hair away from my neck.

"I know what you're thinking..."

He does?. Does he know I'm about to karate chop his man parts off?.

I frowned.

"I know you think I marked you without your consent but...."

Everything faded including his words as I got engulfed in my thoughts. oh yeah, I almost forgot that part where he sunk his canines into my neck, thank you for reminding me that I need to go get my brother so we can run away from my already possessive mate.

He leaned in slightly and help me up onto my feet. His nose gently ran down the side of my neck and I took the opportunity to knee him in the guts and bolt for the door. It was when I stepped outside that I realized I was in a see-through shirt and shorts.

Well, it can't be helped. I began to run alongside the road hoping to catch a cab. After however long, I managed to get one. And the driver looked at me as if I'd lost my marbles.

Even I would think the same if I met a sweaty person in nothing but see-through clothes. But I was beyond that, all I cared about was my brother, Ridge.

The moment I arrived at I club, I headed straight for the rooftop balcony. It was still a little early and I saw some drunk men from last night still at the club. I was so used to seeing them now. When I got there, I saw my brother still soundly sleeping and I immediately picked him up. We headed downstairs and as we made our way out, someone grabbed my wrist.

"hey, let go", I said even though my voice was barely a whisper and no one could hear me because I had lost my voice.

I turned to take a look at this person who had the gust to touch me. Malcolm.

I pulled my wrist from his hold forcefully but he grabbed it again. Ridge was on my shoulder and I was holding him with one hand, making it impossible for me to reach Malcolm for a lesson.

He immediately pressed my back to the nearby pillar and pushed one of his legs in between the two of mine, effectively trapping me in that position.

Nonetheless, I struggled against him, anger filling my eyes. How dare he touch me.

"Not so tough now are you?", he asked in his rotten drunk voice that made me gag.

Thoughts about my mate suddenly filled my mind. When I had kneed him earlier, it was because I had thought it was the quickest way to get to Ridge. How was I supposed to explain to him in my now non-existent voice that I had a brother whom he had left back there yesterday?. Malcolm began to kiss down my neck and I shouted helplessly. Even though I had worked here, I had never so much as had anything to do with any man here. And Malcolm had hated me for it.

After numerous attempts and my classical kneeling him in the guts, I was sure he had lost his balls but turns out he had only been waiting for an opportunity to mess with me.

He kissed down to my chest and I protested vehemently while trying to shout for help. Suddenly, a sweet scent filled my nostrils.

I felt him before I saw him. For once I felt relief from seeing him.

Mate!, Virgo sang excitedly.