
Gray's Zodiac

Gray is a primitive werewolf omega who lives under the nickname Geisha. Her mate Zodiac is a modern werewolf alpha with trust and anger issues. Zodiac mistakenly assumes that Gray is a male and Gray would rather not want to have anything to do with a mate who is so blind that he can barely see past his own nose. Ridge, her brother becomes a new source of distrust for her mate but things spiral out of control when Gray has her first heat and their wolves Virgo and Capricorn decide to take matters into their own hands. Will this be a successful mating for Zodiac who thinks Gray is a whore and Gray who only wants a loving mate and not a temperamental one?

LJBleyk · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Aftermath II

Virgo's POV

Gray wasn't really the outgoing type especially after that incident 6years ago.

She and Ridge had been abandoned by their entire family and although she acted tough and all, she was just a person who had been hurt by people she had loved.

When I met Capricorn, my first natural instinct had been to get to know him and when he had shown himslef to be a really sweet and funny wolf, I hadn't even thought twice of the fact that he was the perfect mate for us. And although Gray had some misgivings, I knew she wouldn't run from this.

We had spent a lot of time running from everyone including our mate and even destiny. And yes I knew she was reluctant and that is why I decided to take matters into my hands, or in this case my paws.

I knew talking to her about mating with our mate was out of the question, she didn't know our human mate but I knew his wolf and I was ready to take the next step even if that would lead to major misunderstandings between me and Gray.

Its been a whole three days now and I can't seem to reach Gray after that night with Capricorn. She has caged herself in and refuses to let me in. For three days, I've stayed in wolf form while she hides away deep in my consciousness. Zodiac is back to normal after Cap had a talk with him and although he is weary of me and tries to keep his distance, he still tries to care for Ridge while Gray is in this state that I unintentionally put her in. It hurts especially since Ridge has been crying a lot in the past couple of days.

I don't even know when she'll finally allow me to explain but I really hope it happens soon. I kept chanting a multitude of I'm sorrys subconsciously to her. She immediately told me to leave her alone and I reel back in shock because this is the first communication we've had in 3 days.

She reverts to the back of my mind once again and my ears perk up almost immediately. The sudden cries fill the room and I whine at the scene as Zodiac walks in with Ridge.

His face is all puffy from crying and Zodiac looks like he's on the verge of frustration, like he doesn't know what to do anymore.

"Gray!", I called out to her but she didn't bother to respond.

"if you can hear me...please you need to take over control", my voice cracked "Ridge needs you. Your brother needs you"

There was dead silence after I said that. She didn't react in any way and I felt that she had just ignored me. Perhaps she had shut me off once again. I whined in pain at my own rash decision,maybe i should have given Gray a little time to accept Zodiac and Capricorn on her own.

"is she okay?", I heard Cap ask me and I responded with a yes "but she's not ready to take control once again"

"maybe I can try using my alpha voice on her", he suggested but it was a huge risk. If that didn't work, the situation might get a whole lot worse than it was at the moment. She could go into complete shock!.

And I would remain in wolf form forever!.

That would be an ordeal for both me and Zodiac, who would have to take care of Ridge till he was old enough to find his own mate.

I couldn't bear to deny Gray that chance of seeing, living and raising Ridge nor could I bear to saddle Zodiac with such a huge responsibility when he barely knows how to change diapers.

There was a whimper as Ridge continued to cry and I immediately tried to communicate with Gray.

"I'm sorry Gray, I really can't tell you that I regret mating with our mate but I do regret how things turned out afterwards. And I know you're very mad at me right now but you shouldn't take it out on Ridge. He's just a baby and he needs you, he misses you a lot and won't stop crying. Hr hasn't felt your touch nor heard your voice in days. Please, even if it's just for a few minutes...you need to take control so that you can calm your baby brother down".

Another whimper.

And I knew that she was fighting with herself, she was debating it out whether it was wise to take control.

"I promise, I won't deny you the opportunity to relinquish control later on", I added in order to convince her.

There was a loud groan and then the sound of bones breaking and tgen there was silence as I felt Gray take back control.

She immediately lunged for her brother and began to slowly rock him in her arms.

I saw Zodiac smile unawares as he stared at her.

Ridge hiccuped and then his cries slowly died down. He began to giggle as he stared up at Gray.

Gray smiled down at him

"My little baby looks like he cried a lot. Did they scare you hm?", she asked cutely.

It was a sight to see as she continued to rock him.

Zodiac look hesitant, like he was dying to say something so I asked Capricorn through the link and he confirmed that he wasnted to apologize and he'd asked Zodiac to help him.

Zodiac cleared his throat awkwardly as he thought of a way to render his apology. I actually felt sorry for him, that he had to clean up Cap's mess but I really hoped that Gray would at least be polite to him.

I could feel her anger even as she smiled down at her brother. I had never felt her being so angry before and I couldn't help but feel guilty, knowing the role I had played in all of this.

The environment was awkward and tense as Zodiac cleared his throat once again.

"Gray...I, I wanted to -"

She turned to glare at him, eyes sending daggers that could kill in an instant.

"Don't you dare ever talk to me again!"