

"Auntie Bessy you great bully how there you bully me like that, I am going to tell mummy when she is back". Lisa shouted auntie Bessy laughed.

Thirty minutes later Mrs Felicia Lisa's mom came back home auntie Bessy and Lisa prepared the dining table for dinner while waiting for Mrs Felicia to freshen up downstairs. Soon she came downstairs for dinner, Mrs Felicia looked at her daughter lovingly. "Lisa dear how is your new school" she asked worriedly, she really hoped that Lisa will be able to mingle well in her new school, though she was quite confident that she would.

"It's good I think I might fit in, though time will tell". There was silence only the clattering of plates could be heard. After a while Mrs Felicia raised her head and looked at her daughter, " sweet heart I knew that your powers have seemed like a curse to you but in your new school you are going to meet people like you, and when you feel belonged you will no longer feel like that" she smiled.

"What do you mean mom" Lisa asked sharply but her mom only smiled and didn't say a thing. Knowing her mom she knew that once her mom has decided not to say a thing there was nothing she said that will change her mind, thus she continued eating as she allowed her mom's word to sink in.


Lisa drove her car to school in a quite lively mood, she was feeling very blissful today for no reason in particular. She drove inside the school and soon packed her car. Looking around her she could make out some of her classmates. She walked towards one of them his name is Todd, he happened to be a schoraly student and his academical knowledge impressed Lisa a lot. Being a new student she really needed somebody like Todd, with his help she could be able to catch up on what she had missed. So naturally she made Todd a friend, Todd is a very shy guy and would rarely speak to anyone but deep inside he was a very easy going and accommodating person so naturally it wasn't hard for Lisa to make him a friend.

"Hi Todd" she called out to him. Todd turned and seeing it was her grinned " miss Lisa it's you come let go to the classroom now, I have the book you asked for.... His voice tread off all of a sudden. Lisa frowned silently she naturally knew why Todd had paused, it was Jason. He was glaring fiercely at Todd clearly warning him with his eyes but Lisa couldn't understand why Todd obediently stopped talking. And beside looking at Jason it looked like the group of boys there circled him as if he was there leader including Todd. Todd doesn't look like a person who associates with these kinds of people in short he looked off. Yet he was standing with them and even seemed very obedient.

They must have been threatening him she thought to herself, since Todd is a genius it wouldn't be surprising if others threatened him and forced him to help them do their assignments and also teach them after school. This caused Lisa to have a bad impression of Jason.

" Ehhm miss Lisa, I think I forgot the book I will bring it tomorrow please don't be offended miss Lisa" Todd gave her a bright smile. She simply nodded her head in agreement there's no way she going to make things difficult for Todd.

Lisa simple headed straight for the classroom, she was glad to meet Lena on the way. The both of them headed to the classroom together.

Soon the first lesson is over, Lena headed for the cafeteria to obtain refreshment, somebody blocked her way, it was Todd. He was holding a book. "Miss Lisa I have found the book here is the book" he said handing over the book to her. Lisa was touched even after being threatened Todd still gave her the book she smiled and took the book from him.

Jason was heading for the cafeteria he was troubled, he felt really bad over what happened in the morning. It looked like I over did it he thought to himself. He had already apologized to Todd. The beta is already grown up, there no way he should have meddled in his business. But yet when he saw Lisa head straight for Todd that morning without even sparing him a glance he felt a deep jealousy from the soul.

"Why was I over reacting" he thought to himself wondering why he should be jealous of his own pack mate over a who he barely know.

Lisa sat on a table by herself and ordered refreshment, while waiting for her refreshment somebody pulled the chair opposite her and sat facing her. Looking up she was furious to see that it was Jason "what is this punk doing" she thought to herself.

"Hi" Jason greeted Lisa simple nodded and wouldn't say a thing. I want to apologise for what happened this morning.

Lisa looked at her in confusion "oh! What happened, I don't seem to remember a thing" she feigned ignorance. Jason was speechless for a while before smiling. He looked at her beautiful face, "you shouldn't bother to pretend like you don't know what I am saying, your pretence wasn't good enough".

Lisa pouted and start eating her refreshment have been served. After stuffing her mouth for a while she said " I don't like people who only knows how to bully others, young master Jason am sorry but I can't associate with you".

Jason was stunned for a while before he burst out laughing, he didn't know that this action of his has put somebody in tumor. Lisa couldn't stop looking at his face at that moment, "by the great goddess he looks very handsome just by standing there and laughing, what is happening to me why do I feel mesmerized by him she couldn't help but think to herself.

Lisa rose from the table "sorry Mr Jason but I have to go" she said and without waiting for his reply left cafeteria. Jason was left on the table by himself. There were some girls around, they were throwing him flirtatious glances, but he wasn't in the mood to.