

It is an absolute truth that those with more 「power」 will always be at the top.

Life wasn't always like this. Long ago, those who could harness the spiritual energy in the Earth's atmosphere were few and far between. They were revered as heroes simply because they had any power at all, even if it were as simple as exceptional beauty. While others were locked away in mental institutions out of fear for being "crazy" for their ability to predict future events.

These powers were not recognized for what they were until the 「awakening」.

Those with stronger abilities began to awaken to their power. Now, everyone is born with power, whether it is something like reading minds or enhanced physical strength. Powers change from person to person, and no two powers are ever exactly the same, similar to fingerprints.

The world has long adapted to the use of power, and schools specialize in helping students learn to control and harness their power. In schools like these, those with the greatest potential and talent will always overshadow those with less talent, no matter how hard they work. Schools compete mercilessly to gather the students with the highest talents, going so far as to poach students with scholarships from other institutions and holding competitions regularly to have their students claim the "number one" title.

But those without the potential to become champions for their schools are tossed aside until graduation. Left at the bottom without any hope of ever rising, many students live their school days in obscurity. Most have little to show for their time in these specialized schools, but one student in particular was labeled as "talentless" by her peers.

To be labeled "talentless" could mean only one thing: powerless. In a school specialized in the use of power, how could someone without 「power」 exist?

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hanaercreators' thoughts