
Gravity Falls: Ruthless(Old)

A young boy strangely smart for his age wakes up in the body of Dipper Pines read on as he becomes Ruthless! ___________________________________ Story is being rewritten and moved to the account 'SirRandom' where I am writing 'Adventure Time: Shadow Elemental'.

TheCartoonist · TV
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17 Chs

This is gonna be fun.

I open my eyes and find myself to be in a unfamiliar room, "Where am I" I say and sit up on the soft bed I'm on, I take a look around and see I am on the bottom bunk of a bunkbed.

"Its really dark here" I say and look out the window on the wall parallel to the bunk, "Oh its night that makes sense I guess but... where am I?" I say quietly not wanting to wake up whoever might be in the bunk above me.

I try standing up from the bed I am on and suddenly a piercing headache hits me, forcing me to sit back down and like they have always been there I can suddenly remember a life definitely not mine and the room that felt so unfamiliar before feels like I've been using it my whole life not just the room but the whole house.

'W-what the...!' I shout in my head but not in confusion but... excitement, 'No way this is where I think it is' I think to myself, I stand up and make my way towards the door of the room not paying any mind to the headache that didn't even let me stand before.

I open the door and walk down the dark hallway until I find a door that according to my memories is the bathroom it sits right next to the staircase heading downstairs, I open the door and lock myself in and turn on the light.

I stand in from of the mirror in the bathroom and look at myself, I now have dark brown hair and a rounded face and look to be around eight 'Huh my memories tell me I am Dipper but this doesn't look like the shows art, looks more... anime like' I think to myself.

'But I can see Dipper in this face and everyone else in my memories has this anime feel to them' I mentally sigh to myself 'honestly I like this more then the shows art I really don't want to be half the size of people only a couple years older than me'.

I continue looking at myself in the mirror and think to myself 'Why am I here? I'm not complaining tho' I never did have any connection to my old life it was just boring, my parents died when I was 5 and I lived in a orphanage until I was 10.

But now I'm here, in a 8 year old's body not like a 8 year old's and 10 year old's body are too different I chuckle at that.

I had always been smarter then the other kids in the orphanage but had no motivation do do anything with that intelligence, 'I was bored of life at 10' I laugh at myself.

But one thing I always loved was Gravity Falls it was amazing whenever I could get the remote in the orphanage I would watch it even after it ended I still watched it watched it to the point I have memorized it I even read the comics.

'Would of never imagined to end up here' I say in my head pushing away the thought of why I am here in the first place knowing it isn't a can of worms I would want to open right now.

"Ugh time for bed this headache is killing me" I groan and make my way to my room and lie down in my bed, I close my eyes and start thinking of what I am going to do now while waiting to drift off to sleep, 'This is gonna be fun' I think with a toothy grin plastered on my face.


I wake up to a blaring alarm clock and sit up, I hear the person above me wake up too, 'holy crap that wasn't a dream' I shout in my head and sit on the side of my bed.

"Morning Dipper" I hear a voice say, I look up and see my sister Mabel staring down at me from her bunk. She looks the same as in the show but more anime like.

"Morning Mabel" I say back like its is second nature, when I obtained Dippers memories I guess I also received his habits and affection towards others so I don't see Mabel as a cartoon character but instead I see her as family.

'Thank god its a weekend right now' I think since we are still in elementary school, "Race you down stairs Dipper!" Mabel shouts and jumps off her Bunk and runs towards the door.

"Oh no you don't!" I shout back and chase after her.


I have been here for about a year and I am starting to get used to it, school has been boring as it always has but now I'm trying my hardest in preparation for Gravity Falls.

That isn't the only thing I have been doing, I have also been running around more to work on my abysmal stamina, I've also been heading to the library everyday to read up on myths and folklore to try and gather knowledge of the unknown even if its inaccurate you never know one day I could be fighting something and some crap I read in the library could save me.

I have always wondered what Dipper and Mabel's parents looked like and they look just like I imagined them my father is a pretty tall guy with brown hair and eyes his name is Michael Pines and my mother is on the shorter side and has dirty blond hair and green eyes, my mother is about 170cm and my father is 187cm.

I am about 140cm slightly above average for my age but Mabel is about 133cm. I've grown to love my family and its nice having one after I lost my own, my mother is the stricter of the two while my father is just a funny guy.


Check out the comments for this chapter for what everyone looks like now

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