
Gravemaster: Rest In Peace

Constantly, I feel someone or something watching me from afar. I didn't know what it is but things starts to fall into pieces now. --------- Slow Update Till finalization of World Building. Book Cover isn't mine. i just edited it out from some I saw. -------

LoveJoy · Fantasy
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Day 1: Hi!

Day 1, Dec 24, 2020

I'm still not used to this but Hi! Dear Diary... I'm Marvin Cabal, a Call Center Agent living in the City. Being alone and playing games was the only thing I can excel in life.

I agree with the saying the world is a crappy game, a crappy game that was made with so many requirements and luck to fulfill to get some achievement in life only those who seem to have plot armor can go on. I write this to somehow see myself be writing my personal experience and maybe this will the first book I will ever write.

Let's go to my appearance, I'm lean and fit with no visible muscles. Yes, I'm one of those homies playing all day long when I hit the door from work. I'm just a pretty average blue-eyed man with curly short hair and plain clothing of white tee-shirt and pants with a sling bag.

I only got to do this from someone's encouragement. This day, the head of our team just quit his position and he was just a few years longer than me, being the senior of our team. I think I'll receive that promotion and do something worthwhile now.

And I confessed, I'm a murderer.

"Ding!" The door of the train opens. People starts to come in like a pack of ants knowing sugar is stored in. This is just the usual thing I have always been on. I see a man at the very door walking strangely as he supports himself with a cane. He also has a weird color around him and the oozing aura of Pride. He slowly walks out without bumping like was a ghost everyone is avoiding. Someone then appears in front of me.

"Hi! How was your day?" A nerdy looking lady, she has black hair in the same length my mother used to keep hers, brown eyes that is so soul-sucking and thin lips, and an upright nose, she is gorgeous with modest racks and wide hips were hidden below her checkered long sleeve oversize polo shirt. She was Celine or Ma'am Celine Garcia. She is a private high school teacher just near my work's office building. She was deeply very gorgeous hiding behind her average get-up.

"Fine, you?" I saw her once wearing skimpy clothes from her apartment's window. Yeah, she is my neighbor. So I know things others don't know about her. Like how she loves the song 'Every Breath You Take' jamming at it every Sunday night dining with herself. Sneaking a peek at her when she grins and laughs all by herself is mesmerizing.

"Hmmm... Great! Hehehe," her smile sure is intoxicating. She wears a sweet perfume that always pulls me closer to her.

"Take my seat," I offer her my seat. It would be rude to make her stand while I just sit. My mother wished me to be a Gentleman, not some simpliciton that always blames and ask the world about 'Unfairness'.

"Thank you..." Celine then slings her bag to her front and takes a sit on my lap. I hear gulps from the side of me and my throat seems to have gotten a large chunk of meatballs as I can't even get a word out of my mouth.

"So what have you play this weekend?" She asks. I honestly wanted to answer 'I don't have any plans.'

"Sorry, but I have something to do..." I replied. My mother said that women only come to men when they needed something or they wanted to play. "Ohh... That's okay, just reserve me the next weekend okay?"

"Ding!" The train reached another station and this is our drop. "Here we are, let me help you up." I nod at her as she pulls me up. She looks from somewhere and I also look but didn't see anyone familiar. Pulling my hand she hooks it with hers and together we got out. This woman seems to be using me to push out other suitors. "Thank you but I can go on my own."

"Sorry about that," she didn't let go but squeeze her breast closer to my hand. "Cough! It's touching me..." I know this is intentional but I won't take advantage of her when she just wanted to play it intimately.

Walking out of the white station full of people with a bunch of clothes and odors that were mixed from interaction with others. It feels disgusting to imagine a bunch of scents in pictures of animals and flowers be jumbled up and ground to become some chimera scent that's very bad for the nose.

"Cough!" Celine looks at me worried. Is this genuine? I just it is. "Are you fine? I have some medicine in my bag..." She offers me. "Cough! I'm fine, it's just you still haven't let go of me."

She just ignores my gentleman's attempt to let her know it's an unnecessary intimate act. We walk past the street and got to a silent neighborhood where a 24-floor tall apartment building is at. I look up and Celine finally let go of me.

"Do you want to dine with me tonight?" She asks me and I shake my head. "Naahh, I wanted to play some before taking a rest."

"Ahhh, playing LoL, again? That's fine but can you eat with me now? I'll give you some snacks while you were at it? I also brought a desktop computer and I don't know if it's perfect for gaming. I wish to try what you have been doing and my students. It's bad if you don't understand what they were doing right?"

That was very good reasoning. Very nice for her. I wish to be her student, be cared about, and be under watch in her Misfortune-ate guidance.

"Fine by me... I can help you out and maybe we can play in a few times. It won't be that bad right?" I replied and she giggles like some soft chimes of the wind. I'm starting to like her much and much...

"Okay, let's go?" The elevator opens up and inside it is a young woman a few years younger than me. I bowed in acknowledgment of her presence. Celine also nodded at her with a polite smile. Then a heel stepping back came. I look behind and see the young woman seems to distance herself from us with sweat forming on her forehead.

"Are you fine ma'am?" I ask. "Y-yes... Please don't mind me," she replied with some stuttering on maybe she is unsettled these days. I hope she will be fine. I'm not familiar with her but I saw her a few times on the rooftop when I hang out there.

"Hhmm..." I pushed the button for floor 7. A C-shaped Apartment Complex and it has 12 apartments per floor. Mine was at the left edge and Celine was at the opposite right edge.

"Ding!" The elevator tugged to a stop. I gave the young woman another nod and some goodbye. Celine seems to be very silent from the moment we enter the apartment complex. "Are you fine Miss Celine?" I ask. "Didn't I always said Celine is fine... If you will call me Honey. I'll let you take the extra room inside my apartment without a charge."

Is she serious? Well, I won't... My mother will kill me if she discovers such an act of mine. That will be very bad for me. Just a peek from the window will suffice for now. Why not court her? She is still single? It's not bad trying right? Well, maybe next year if she is still single.