

Death... the irreversible fate the living can never escape. However, some wouldn't rest even after they passed to the afterlife Whenever our end is close regret is the only thing we think of first. The lives we could've lived. Choices we should've made Luke a problem child in the boonies was deeply entrenched in a fate that others viewed as a fantasy A particular moonlit night was enough for the secrets of the old to resurface for they'd finally made the choice

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Desire 1.5

On the third day of their month-long training session, Luke was greeted by a rather bizarre and bewildering feeling. Something he's yet to feel ever since he sold his soul in exchange for the extension of his old guardian's life. This arrived in the form of his teacher's impulsive suggestion which led these two back to the town's embrace

"Good morning Teach!!! What are we going to do on the third day? Ever since I learned that breathing I felt like a drug addict who's yet to reach his withdrawal. I didn't sleep for an hour long but my heart rate is more stable than ever-"

"I'm glad that you're up and ready since we'll be doing the least typical thing a Grave Keeper could ever do,"

"I guess it's finally time for the two of us to clash eh? I'd been waiting for this day. Let's start by gritting your teeth!!!"

The ground broke from the mere application of Order in his knee and the flow was uncluttered. This allowed Luke to enhance and fortify his body making his attacks charge faster, stronger, and for the most part deadlier. Royce takes a step back and yet his body escapes the ground's embrace launching him to his rear with his disciple in pursuit

"I like your spirit but no. What I meant to say was it's time for a little break. You've earned it so why don't we take a stroll?" A wormhole appeared sending the two into a violent spiral eventually leading to the forest where they once stood

"Bluargh! What the prickly ass was that? It felt like my whole body got twisted and churned from the inside out," The two were gently placed on the ground but Luke took a step back before his feet lost all strength and vomited

"Ooof… looks like I forgot about the withdrawal. Come on Lucas stop being a baby. You'll get used to it," After a few more of Royce's infuriating remarks it made him forget the pain and focus on recovering his strength

15 minutes later

"You're kidding, right? Today's a day off? Are you sure you're my Teacher? It feels a little bit off since you're the same person who tried to kill me on our first day of training. And just to remind you that was your means of knowing my capabilities. I highly doubt that even if I was one step closer to dying you wouldn't care-" It wasn't just his strength that grew but his senses as well considering he felt the faint hint of bloodlust coming from Royce

Alex sighs walking closer to his disciple frozen in fear and tapping his shoulder as his way of reassuring him. "I'm no monster kid. Although I'm your employer I wouldn't violate your rights. You're not a machine, you're a human, and in this case a teenage boy,"

"Yeah, but I still have loads of questions. I thought that I could ask you once we had the time-"

"Well fuck me! I didn't think you'd be a workaholic? Well, considering your personality this cup of tea isn't tedious. Very well I'll rub you off. I'll drop a massive lore reveal once we get there. It's my first time going to the city for something unrelated to my job so let's have some fun-" Alexander stops in his tracks scratching his brain before ultimately deciding to ask his disciple

"I've never once lived a normal life so I don't exactly know what your form of entertainment is. Well fret not, we still have hope, and by hope, I meant you, my anti-social disciple you're my best shot. For the last couple of days, I've been teaching you about the world of Grave Keepers. Now it's your turn!"

Luke was reluctant at first but knowing Alex's tendencies this wouldn't be resolved by a mere refusal so he suggests. "Fine… it's been a while since I can decide where the hell I can go. Hmmm, it's been so long since I visited the mall,"

"A mall?"

"No, you just call it the mall. It's nothing fancy, just imagine all sorts of shops combined as one mega shop. There's a store for clothes, food, flicks, and the best part of the arcade-" Luke felt the tight grip of his teacher along with his dead-ass stare giving a sign of unwavering interest

"..." He nods and the two choose to have a tour of the mall

10 minutes later at the mall

"Since you mentioned we have some fun I took you to the arcade. I would've preferred a movie but you said you'd fill me in with the Grave Keepers. Also, it would be hella rude if we talked in the middle of the show, a lot of people would be pissed,"

Luke noticed his teacher's eyes shine brighter as if his childhood innocence had returned for even a second. "A deal's a deal. I'll fill you in while we play. So this skeeball works by letting the ball fall on the hole? And I'd get tickets depending on the amount I shoot it at?"

"Yes… now about the Grave Keepers, how is it possible to gain superhuman-like abilities? Order is one key to that. I already know it well considering I can enhance my body with just a mere application,"

Alex puts a coin on the machine as the timer starts and the ball is in arm's reach where he simultaneously throws and answers. "We call them arts, halved between Celestial arts which improves the body. Manifestation art just as its name is to manifest or materialize something at the expense of Order. Lastly, we have an ability only a few can unlock called; Delusion meaning bringing fiction to reality,"

"So do Grave Robbers have some sorta Techniques as well or are they just controlling the undead?"

"Remember what I told you before? It's the same thing. Order and Chaos mirror each other. Celestial meets Aggression, Manifestation with Oppression, and finally. Delusion versus Ruination! The only difference is that Chaos can defy the natural order but for the price of a restriction,"

"So you're meaning to say that as long as a Technique follows the natural order it's an ability a Keeper can learn,"

"Bingo!" The tickets kept on piling up once Luke saw that every throw he made was spammed at the highest score and his throw being a hundred or more

"This is fun! Let's try another game- What's wrong Luke? Oh, do you want the ticket? Here you go, I don't need it,"

"Please… take it down a notch. Do you want to bankrupt this arcade? Now hand over the tickets!" After Luke handed the tickets to the clerk they played another game which his teacher could win through his supernatural capabilities

"What is this now?" Royce was sitting on a stool near the screen where on the table lies a bunch of colorful shaped buttons and a joystick

"This is a fighting game. What we're playing now is Road Fighter 3. I already told you about the controls so it'll be a cinch. I'll be picking my main Jyu,"

[Road Fighter 3: Hadouken, Hadouken, Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpuu Kyaku!!! K.0 Player 2 lose]

"What the hell did I just lose?"

"Man I knew you were gonna lose but how the hell did you just dodge and simultaneously hit by my combo?" He snickered and even as the monitor was blocking his teacher's face he could feel his rage in his defeat

"Should we stop-"

"One... more game!" Alexander cut off his proposal and plainly stated his wish

"It's just a game teach, calm down-"

"One more game! The next time is different. I'll make sure of it. I'm gonna beat the fucking shit out of you-" In a flash, the two were escorted out of the arcade and they could hear the growling of their gut leading them to a restaurant

"Nice going teach now they'll probably ban us from ever coming back. Real perfect... what are we gonna do now?"

"Don't worry Luke I can brainwash them over and over plus it's easy to tamper some video. Just eat and if you still want to ask me something then go ahead. I don't want to be bothered after we enter the movies since this will be my first time,"

"Is the Grave Keeper organization democratic, a monarchy, or a dictatorship?"

"It's kind of a long story. The Elders are the highest position that can be elected by the Lords rating Keepers. Some parts of the world are strictly occupied by an organization made by that place. The second in line of power is the Heads of the 10 families,"

"So those occupied by an organization originating from that place act a dictatorship making them the law. The ten heads of the 10 families are a monarchy in which they bear many successors just so they can play battle royale. And the Elders are just politicians?"

"A dash of democracy, a pinch of royalty, and a cup full of dictatorship, and what you'll get is the organization. These three combined are what make the Grave Keeper society that the norms don't know they even exist. Additionally, the Lord rating Keepers are the third in power to the organization our pay at the lowest is half a billion per month,"

"Wait doesn't that make you rich?"

"To normal people's standards. I'm richer than Gill Baits, Emos Lunk, Steve Homeless... and even that Eatables choco maker Mr. Animal combined. Believe me, kid money doesn't amount to anything once you see the the costs of repairs. For a Grave Keeper, you'd need at least Decillion dollars if you want to be called rich,"

"Okay last question, do I have grand master?"

"I'm sorry what?" Royce acted like he didn't hear but his face suddenly flinched upon hearing his question and in a millisecond he returned to normal

"You know like if you are my teacher, then that person is the teacher of my teacher, making him my grandmaster,"

"Of course, you had one, listen to what I say closely I had a master, that means he's gone, and it's a touchy subject,"

'Well I hardly care about it but still, my master was one hell of a fucker, a cold-hearted old man with no weaknesses, the perfect killer. Under his teaching I was abused, tortured, and broken, my emotions numb, and he hardly taught us about the world. He only showed us how to kill, not to love, not to care, nor to live, making us born killers with no sense of remorse,'

"What's wrong do I have something on my face? Ugghh quit staring already. Eat your food the movie is gonna start after 5 minutes,"

'Maybe... I learned something, even a little thing about life. It's fulfilling once you find the right people and the right place. Maybe things could've gone differently if I wasn't orphaned if my parents hadn't abandoned me. Would I be able to walk without feeling every step, every heartbeat, and the faintest sound of others? Would I be able to live a normal life?'

[Beep, Beep, Beep!!!]

"Oh crud! Luke, we need to go. The movie is about to start. Come on get up!! You can eat that when we get there,"

Luke was then pulled out of his chair and as he remained afloat Alex rushed for the exit in his hurry Luke locked eyes with a person. Someone who dons brown hair and jade eyes similar to his own, though that exchange was for a second it felt like forever. They left as quickly as they arrived and the girl was baffled by the sight she witnessed

"Erick?" She says to herself

"Ms. Erica over here!" The branch manager calls for her snapping her away from her trance

"Oh, im coming!"