

Death... the irreversible fate the living can never escape. However, some wouldn't rest even after they passed to the afterlife Whenever our end is close regret is the only thing we think of first. The lives we could've lived. Choices we should've made Luke a problem child in the boonies was deeply entrenched in a fate that others viewed as a fantasy A particular moonlit night was enough for the secrets of the old to resurface for they'd finally made the choice

Sleeping_Giant · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A sudden offer

As Luke was yet to be discharged and Alex was searching for the Keeper, deep within the forest lies a cave. But what placed this one apart was that it reeked of black fumes and not just one but dozens of carcasses were found. In there, a silhouette resembling a man steps forth and through the shadows and kneels upon reaching a certain point

"You're humble servant has arrived..."

"Tell me, what happened with the plan? Was the disappearance of the Keeper brought an uncountable loss? If not then why is it that I never felt the Chaos have ever increased,"

The figure tilted his head and said. "It's as you said, my lord, someone stopped the undead. But it did manage to kill three people, but even that is but a small amount for our plans. Luckily I heard they've been having some complications with the department in this area,"

"Oh? Keep going... this sounds rather interesting," The figure who constantly emits black smoke becomes intrigued by his report

"It seems apart from someone else with ties with the organization became an unknown variable in worst possible moment. I felt it as well even though it was faint... it had a reading on par with a Keeper so in a way they helped us. But I never felt it before, perhaps they mastered a stealth technique?"

"You have a very compelling theory but I doubt it... you said it was faint? Either their dying or rare cases are newly awakened. But to have so much Order are they perhaps a part of a Clan? If not then chances are he/she is one of this town's residents,"

"But that's impossible... a reading like that? You're telling me that someone has that much potential but he's never been found? Even if this town is small there's no way they could ever miss this–"

"Silence!!!" The figure irritatingly said

"Apologise my lord..."

"I know your curiosity has been piqued but this newly awakened is not of our concern. Continue with the plan... if you ever find that awakened, then kill it with no hesitation, a seedling like that is dangerous if it grows,"

"Your orders shall be done," The silhouette disappeared from the cave, and appeared in a burial near the woods

"Hear me... I'll grant you power beyond your reach. If returning is your desire then heed my call. I'll grant you another chance but only for the price of another's life," A black smoke crawled down to the ground, and suddenly the newly dug soil quivered

A corpse of dozens of different animals burst forth signaling the coming days of destruction. Whatever it was this town was intertwined with a conspiracy that intended to create an undesirable massacre. The revived vermins began to cause terror deep within the woods whilst the town was yet to receive its protector

5 hours later

In the middle of the evening after Luke's encounter with the undead, Alexander received a call. "Hello this is Royce–"

[Unknown caller: You fucking idiot!!!]

"You're as lively as ever... what's wrong? You don't look like you'd call me just for a little chat. Oh wait is it about that–"

[Unknown number: Yes it's about that! Why didn't you accept their offer? The management in that department might put in a good word for you. Don't tell me you even gave up on coming back to the organization?]

"Get back to the organization you say? More like im putting on a leash... I'm not going back, never, I'll do this on my own. I don't need that corrupt institution, I'm this close to finding his whereabouts,"

[Unknown number: Royce... are you insa–]

"Insane? Pretty much I guess, but I still haven't given up, unlike you... I know what you're gonna say and so we're clear just keep it to yourself. I've heard your excuses, I don't need your help, stay there and rot why don't you,"

[Unknown number: Wait....]

Royce broke his phone with his bare hands, he threw it right after and took another stick before getting a massive whiff. "This is my thirteenth phone this week... guess I need to change to a burner phone. I really hate it when they're still keeping tabs on their decommissioned weapon,"

After his cigar met its end he lies down after a long day of work and reviews the following events which led to this day

'I came here on August 3rd the day before they found Alphen Grey's corpse near the woods. But this report says that when they scan the area two powerful readings of Order were found. The question is who exactly... was the second person? Even though this town is a little crowded after my patrol I met the folks along the way and not a single reaction,'

'... that rebel was at the weakest tier but still that kid. How did he survive? Normally the undead will have their ability weakened if they're sealed in a coffin. The reports said it was a normal coffin without any preparations from a Grave Keeper,'

Suddenly an idea came to Royce's mind and he immediately questioned his doubts."There's no way... right? He's a kid, how could he fight against that thing?"

'But if it were me and I look it at from the perspective of a Keeper there's no way it could be true. I would say things that he got lucky, he wasn't the main target for revenge. I'll fill my head with those excuses even though it was clear as day, but how come he bypassed the procedure? Wait I remember there is a way out...'

"That only counts if he's a newly awakened? They have 'Order' but it's deeply locked in their body. It only appears if their life is nearing its end... there are also cases in an aerial scan that they can be detected," He rubbed his chin after he finally pieced the whole outcome of this fiasco

'I remember something else... there was a time when newly awakened disrupted the scanning procedure. Because of that, they tweaked the aerial technique that now only picks up a certain density of Order... that density should amount to a Keeper at most which are people who trained their entire life,'

"Guess after this genius gets booted another one appeared it kinda feels like a decade ago all over again," He left the graveyard after thoroughly searching the perimeter and quickly headed to the hospital

'Man who's idea was it to send him to the 3rd floor? If I had known about it before I could've just jumped from the rooftop. Well, there's no gain about crying over spilled milk–'

Before he could reach the door handle it twist and turned and he saw Luke up close wrapped in loads of bandages. "Mr. Royce?"

It took him about a second and Luke quickly reverted to his act and pretended to fall and Alex caught him. "Whoa slow down there kiddo. You're not going to walk any time soon. Take it slow okay?"

'I think I know why this little kid went past the memory zap. Looks like pretending to be the friend of that bastard came in handy. Should I give him an Oscar for that spectacular performance of his? Wait no pull it together this is serious! I can't joke around in this situation,'

Despite his lack of interest, Alex didn't hesitate to close their gap and whisper his question. "That night there was no earthquake and there were no bears. You... you're pretending to forget, aren't you? You still remember the undead?"

Luke flinches and he suddenly kicks Royce out of the room before he enters a stance and clenches his fist. "... what a feisty little boy you are. If you weren't a student of mine I would've suspected you're a spy. But don't worry I already checked, would you mind taking a seat?"

Luke was prepared for a brawl but even he didn't sense Alex's presence. He saw his body leave the room but in a flash, he was behind him. His blade pointed at Luke's neck and he quickly threw him onto the bed and he sat close to the edge

"Let me ask you a few questions and this will go smoothly do you copy," He quickly nods in agreement and the air eventually grows cold

"What's your name?"

"Luke Grimes,"



"Blood type?"


"What gender are you?"

"I'm a straight-ass male,"

"Well everything checks out... sorry about that little spook. I didn't mean to scare you but with your attitude, I knew I needed to do so. Now for the last question, do you want to join the organization?"

Luke was hesitant to answer but before he could say anything he asked for a reasonable request. "If you just want to ask me then don't I have the right to ask you anything as well?"

"Hmmm... now that you said that I am typically your guidance counselor. Think about this as a career interview you know you share what you wanna do and I'll give you my opinion. Being a member of the organization is typically a profession even though it's a sensitive subject,"

"By organization do you mean the FBI?"

"Heavens no! Do you think the feds are this qualified? The organization is something more ancient than you could ever imagine," Royce said whilst he opened the door and whiff out a smoke

'So I was right... a secret organization does exist but not something like the Feds or the CIA. Seeing as they made people believe their lies I can say that their deeply rooted just as Mr. Alexander says,'

"What exactly is the 'Organization' you speak of and why am I being recruited?"

Alex snickered and said. "Oh right to the main point I see? I love working with smart people. So the Organization is a group of powerful people be they physical, mental, or wealthy. We protect a secret that people today would only see as fiction, you know, the rise of the undead,"

"What exactly is their purpose–"

"I'll stop you right there..." Alex cut him off and Luke was surprised by his sudden change of air

'What the...? He suddenly became silent. He did say that the topic was sensitive. But I guess it's at that level where I really shouldn't know,'

"Correction your face says it all... the thing I said before is just the tip of the iceberg, that's the only thing I can say. Anything further and I might need to silence you, through physical, means, such as... murder," Royce suddenly gave a bone-chilling aura, and Luke trembled in response

'Guess there's only that question...'

"What you scared or something? Sorry im having a rough day. So please excuse me if I can't control my mood–"

"Will I be happy, or even get to live how I want, will I be tied by orders, and never question their every word? Tell me sir Royce... do you think they could provide me the wish that my grandfather gave his life for. Will I get a normal life?"

Alex's eyes widened and he looked down to the ground and said. "No... you might gain wealth but in no way they'll give you what you want. The moment you enter you'll either turn wicked, or a loyal hunting dog, there's nothing in between,"

"Are you answering from experience? You're asking me this... but deep down you might have thought I'd get taken away. Are they lacking in manpower that even I would be taken by force if I refused?" Luke says with a cold piercing glare backing his words of despair

"What if I gave you a choice? You can remain the same but have the responsibilities of the organization. But the more you get caught they'll take you away... but im promising you a chance to grow strong!"

He closed the windows after it got so breezy and went back to his seat and there he continued. "Your life may be put at risk but you'll get strong... strong that even they can't put a leash on your life. Do you want to be a rogue like me?"