
Chapter 1

In the cold night at the city of XXXX, amidst the noisy chattering of the sea of people in the busy nightmarket, a vague cry of a baby is heard. However, due to the noisy crowd, the loud crying noise seemed to be reduced to nothing and therefore almost no one could hear it.

Even if some people could hear it and felt pitiful, they never thought of the possibility that it came from an abandoned baby, alone and helplessly crying, only brushing it off as a baby crying in their mothers arms.

Amongst the sea of people coming and going however, a little girl at about 5 to 6 years old, curiously turned her head to look at a narrowed alleyway where the pitiful cries and pleas of the baby seemed to come from. She turned her head back to look at har mother tugging at her sleeves.

"Mom, can you hear that...?"

Her mother, who was looking at some clips and accessories then looked at her before lifting her up, and carrying her in her arms.

"Hear what exactly sweetie?"

The little girl hugged her mother as she was lifted up and pointed at a dark and narrow alleyway, blinking at her before speaking.

"There... I heard a baby crying."

Her mother then looked over at where her daughter was pointing at and fell silent. The extreme darkness gave birth to a depressive atmosphere, and the narrowness could barely fit two people walking side by side.


The little girl tilted her head and stared at her mother in confusion.

"Mom, shouldn't we go and check it out?"

"Sweetie are you sure that you weren't hearing things? Mom can't hear anythi—"

Before she even finished her words, the cries and pleas of the child rose louder, enough for her to hear clearly.