
Grasping The Multiverse

this novel is a experimental one, I do not expect this to be deep and meaningful for I am not that guy! anything will be on a whim so don't expect any logic on it. as for the worlds the mc is going it is not yet settled. I am not or neither claim to be a writer, I do this for I am bored asf. chapter will usually be around 1k+ and updates will be on my whim :D any inconsistent on the story or worlds the mc is in consider it an alternate universe. and lastly my inglish is not good, it is not my 1st language. i do not own anything except for my oc and original story. all the contents belong to their respective owners!!!!!!!!

Daoist_Cain · Anime & Comics
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Aux Things you will see.. maybe

I have nothing to do so I'm making this novel the mc will be grey sometimes bad sometimes good like the man himself said "Sometimes maybe good, Sometimes maybe shit"

not sure if ill do harem but expect him to have "ENTANGLEMENTS" so worry not but i also don't know how to write them so bear with it.

expect nothing because when you do it will hurt so pls don't hurt yourselves!!!!

1(A/N very important info. I have researched how the mind reacts to things but the essay I read was very long so I simplified them and it might not do justice but I tried so if you see any resemblance of a research you read and think that I still them then congrats you were right. :D)

2(A/N hi guys author here the mc will be kind of evil maybe not evil but he does not like things not going his way because of the planning he did that did not go as he planned. Also he doesn't do things that will not benefit him or does not interest him so if you're not into that please leave asap your wasting your time commenting "not for me" "too illogical for me" "your grammar sucks" and many petty things you can pick on. Instead of commenting that why don't you use that extra time to find what you are looking for? On your way. As the man said "you are not that guy pal trust me."

P.s also suggestion for power is very much appreciated. The first world is set so pls suggestion to the second world would be awesome so I can research it also if any kind of messed up plot in the world I'm going to consider it as A.U and if you don't what that means it means alternate universe so pls bear with it.)

my thoughts are empty.

on your way and read on this foolery :D

almost forgot pls dont send those stones i dont need them if you like the story then add it to your list.

also if you have any world in mind or power pls comment them i will consider them to add on the next world or if a chance shows it self :D

Daoist_Caincreators' thoughts