
Grant me a wish

"Marry me," he murmured. "I'm the only one that can get you out of this mess." I stared at his dull eyes, knowing my freedom would come at a price more than marriage. "What's the deal ?" I asked, knowing that I won't be satisfied with his answer. "Have a child with me," he suddenly said. "Nurture it for one year. After that, you can leave and have the freedom you have always wanted." I looked up at him. A surprised look has drawn to my face. He sounded too calm for his words to match the seriousness on his face. "Don't worry, sweetheart," he continued. "Your secret is safe with me." "What do you know," I replied confidently. "That expression on your face says it all," he said, slightly chuckling. "I know you killed him, along with the reason why." Mature content is to be displayed throughout this novel. Please take time to read the warning notice posted at the beginning of each chapter. Please and thank you.

DaoistjINpfJ · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

My other half

*Warning Mature Content will be displayed in this chapter*

"Are you done," I asked, looking back at Philip with a smile.

Sensing my words, he turned his gaze back to me, his eyes filled with anger. Taking a deep breath, Philip ran a hand through his hand, calming himself down.

"What," I added, noticing his stare. "Are you going to cry again," continued mocking him.

"Don't start something you can't finish," replied Philip, walking out the door.

Closing my eyes, they immediately shot open, hearing the door shut behind him. I looked around, trying to spot something that could free me. Desperately, I leaned over to the nightstand spotting a pair of keys.

Reaching my toes, I grasped the keys, a smile of accomplishment aligning on my face. As I fought to free myself, loud footsteps echoed through the hall, causing me to become wary.

"Ana," yelled Philip, his tone gradually becoming frightened, unable to see me on the bed. "Anastasia, where are you ?"

Hearing his voice, I walked out of the closet, a shard of glass placed on my next.

"One more step, and you know what will happen," I said, walking over to the door. "Don't move."

Opening the door, I dropped the piece of glass, closing the door. Without thinking twice, I ran down the hallway.

"Find her," screamed Philip, his voice followed by footsteps sounding through the hall.

I smirked, slowing down to stop in front of a corner. Raising my head, I laughed at the camera.

"Guess who's in trouble now," I mouthed, blowing a kiss.

I slowly made my way over to the kitchen, my hand grazing the walls remembering all the happy moments in this home. Opening a drawer, I grabbed a knife, gracefully grazing the tip.

Hearing him make his way over to the kitchen, I turned off the light leaving us in pitch darkness.

"Ana," said Philip entering the kitchen, almost stumbling due to his inability to see.

"You know Philip, I liked you," I said, walking behind him, still gazing at the knife. "I thought the two of us could make it out, but I guess I was wrong."

Without thinking twice, I chucked the knife into his chest, blood splattering on my hand. I watched his body drop to the ground as his eyes became as dull as my heart.

"One of us had to live," I said, staring at his lifeless body, which seemed to be pleading with me to stay with him and comply with his sickly desires.

Tears rolled down my eyes, realizing my actions as I snapped back to reality. I felt frightened by the blood on my hands and Philips lifeless body.

I guess freedom is not something that's gained but earned.

Dropping the knife, I headed out the door, where Alex and Emma were waiting anxious looks on their faces.