
694. Some Help

When Alexander was fighting Zulrak, the war was at its peak. There was too much loss of life going on. But, God was not worried about this. Because, as long as they win, everything could be fixed.

At the moment, the most troubling to defeat were the Doombringers of Zulrak. They were like Elder gods and archangels of Zulrak, the problem was that there were 1000 of them and they were all commanded by the new second in command of Zulrak, Thunderbird.

Shiva, Amun-Ra and Zeus were fighting them but 3 verses 1000 was not a number they could handle. So, Ragnarok and Dobby also went in to fight.

"Show me, Dobby. How does a peaceful elf fight." Ragnarok loudly said with a smirk.

Dobby shook his head and started moving as if he was a bulldozer. With his huge size, he cast hundreds of magical spells, ranging from explosions to disintegration. No matter who came in front of him got destroyed.

As he was the second in command of Alexander, his job was to stop the second in command of Zulrak. Ravenflame was dead, so now it was Thunderbird and from what he had heard, Thunderbird just got away from death at the hands of Saitama.

Speaking of Saitama, he had been training with Goku and Vegeta all this time. The three were supposed to make a surprise attack at the right time to boost the morale of Heaven's army.

Dobby after bulldozing millions of demons flew to where the Doombringers were. Some of them tried to stop him but Dobby easily killed some and brought back to sanity those who were fallen angels and were under Zulrak's mind work.

"Thunderbird, come here. I will fight you." Dobby gathered his attention.

Thunderbird had just been promoted. He wanted to prove his worth to Zulrak but he also knew that he was not as strong as Ravenflame. But, what he knew was that no matter what, today, Zulrak was going to win.

So, he went ahead to engage Dobby, not knowing how strong the other party was while the other party knew about him.

"Were you also forced by him to do it or are you following him on your own decision?" Dobby inquired.

"He is my god, I believe in him." Thunderbird gave the answer.

"I'm sure Zulrak wouldn't choose a mind-controlled pawn as his second in command. So you must be truly a believer in him. I have nothing to say to criticise you. But, what you all are doing is wrong and sinners always get punished." Dobby took out his long spear.

Thunderbird didn't have any such weapon, all he had was his thunder. Zeus was actually feeling jealous of Thunderbird's powers.

Wanting to assess the powers of the other side, Thunderbird didn't make the first move. Dobby wasn't going to sit silently though. He apparated beside Thunderbird.

"Busted..." He muttered and punched his ribs, breaking them.

Out of instinct, he shot a thunderbolt at Dobby. Usually, this attack was sufficient to kill any opponent he had met until now. But, that was the problem, he had never met anyone of Alexander or Dobby's level. He knew Zulrak and Ravenflame but had never fought them.

The lightning bolt touched Dobby and nothing happened. Dobby continuously punched his ribs until all of them were broken.

"Ravenflame was stronger than you," Dobby said.

"I know," Thunderbird replied.

Dobby saw that Thunderbird had already accepted his fate and was ready to die. So, he did not wait or torture him. The next punch went straight to his neck. It broke and he died. But Dobby also burned his body just to be sure.

"Ragnarok, round up all these so-called Doombringers," Dobby shouted at Ragnarok flying around in his enormous dragon form.

"HAHAHA... you were fast, my friend." Ragnarok laughed and started spewing fire on a grand scale.

But soon, they were attracted by the clashes happening between Zulrak and Alexander. They were a bit numb seeing them, each strike was strong enough to kill any of them.

But soon, they saw Zulrak bringing Alexander's sons. Ragnarok, Dobby and everyone else who knew him clenched their teeth.

"That Zulrak is really demanding a painful death," Ragnarok muttered.

"I hope Alexander does not lose it," Dobby said.

"Don't worry, he won't," God's voice came, reassuring them. God was all alone guarding the path to heaven.


Alexander just saw a flashback of his whole life. The days he had spent with these two were still etched in his mind as if they were just yesterday. His permanent memory was a curse in situations like these.

He saw his two sons and got slightly emotional.

"HAHAHA... look at their faces, Alexander. They are your traitorous sons, they were the ones who killed you. Look at their guilty faces... today, they are going to betray you again." Zulrak laughed mockingly. Many gods and angels raged hearing him doing this. Everyone liked Alexander in heaven for all his deeds.

Alexander stayed quiet and kept on staring at his sons. The two looked just like they did before he died and before they were murdered in the prison.

Alexander then softly spoke, "It's okay, my sons. I'm not angry. I never was. I was only sad... but I decided to forgive you two and make peace with my past. Because in a way, you were a part of the cycle of fate, if you had not killed me, I would not be standing here, as a better man, who helped and adopted many amazing kids.

"Your mom has also forgiven you two. So don't hold any guilt in your hearts. By the way, your grandparents are also in heaven. I'm sure they would love to meet their grandkids..."

Mark and Harvey were in their 50s when they had killed Alexander. They still looked the same, albeit with longer hair and a beard. Also darkened eyes.

This whole time, they did not look at Alexander. They kept their heads down. They heard Alexander talking and felt there was no contempt in his words. All of hos words were honest.


They couldn't take it anymore. Tears fell from their eyes onto their shoes. They cried like little children. Wondering how could Alexander have forgiven them.

After their deaths, they were in hell for hundreds of years, getting punished and contemplating on what they did. Slowly, the realisation did hit them. They had just killed the nicest human in the world, their father, who was envied by kids all around the world. They had killed the one who brought them into this world... just for money.

They were angry at themselves. Angry at their choices, wondering how did they turn out to be like this.


Finally, the two lifted their heads and looked at Alexander. Their eyes were still numb. There was sorrow in them.

"Sorry, Father... you deserved angels as sons... but got demons like us." Mark breathed.

"We can never forgive ourselves, Father..." Harvey added.

"GO ATTACK HIM..." Zulrak screeched and came to them to kick them towards Alexander.


Mark and Harvey moved around simultaneously and stabbed their knives at Zulrak. Zulrak was too strong, he saw this happening from a mile away.

"YOU DARE TO BETRAY ME? YOU PESTS... I WILL DESTROY YOUR SOULS..." Zulrak was enraged. What angered him the most was betrayals.

"WE WERE NEVER LOYAL TO YOU..." The two brothers replied sternly.

Zulrak immediately threw dark greed fire at them and waved his sword at their heads.


Alexander's sword stopped the blades, "Don't you touch my sons, maggot."

Alexander's eyes were in God's eye mode and looked terrifying from up close. Feeling genuine fear that Alexander might do something to him, Zulrak stepped back. His omniscience was of no use, just like Alexander and most other people there.

Alexander grabbed his two sons and jumped back. He gave the two a hug. Just as they hugged him, they felt warmth, and their tiredness of thousands of years vanished.

"Don't be guilty now. You two did serve your punishment in the hell, right? You were meant to be reincarnated again, maybe as an animal, but Zulrak got you. You two were my world when you were small. Society changed you when you grew up and I should have noticed it. But I was too short-sighted back then." Alexander said.

"No, Dad, you didn't do anything wrong. It was us..." They argued.

"Hahaha... we'll play the blame game later, let's get rid of this guy first." Alexander made them stand behind him.

Meanwhile, Zulrak was shaken up a little. Then he burst into hysterical laughter.


All of a sudden, Alexander felt a huge surge of energy coming from everywhere and getting absorbed by Zulrak.

"Why do you think I conquered trillions of the universe? SIMPLE... they all are like my batteries. Just as we speak, trillions of universes are being disintegrated into energy... pure energy for me... It powers me and my army. IT TRULY IS UNLIMITED POWER." Zulrak shouted.

Alexander felt Zulrak was getting too strong. Much more than he was confident of handling. But, what was worse was that Zulrak's army was also getting stronger. Many were simply mutating and turning into overpowered mindless beasts.

Alexander also started absorbing the energy around him as he had the ability. Zulrak felt Alexander stealing it and his face twisted in rage.


Zulrak didn't waste time and launched himself to Alexander. It seemed as if the extra energy was also making him go crazy.


Alexander and Zulrak's fist collided. The energy produced by it destroyed the walls of the dimension and crossed over to the interdimensional space and destroyed a few universes.

Seeing this, Alexander understood he needed to stop Zulrak as soon as possible.

"Everyone, eat the beans." Alexander telepathically told all his armies. The fight had just gotten intense.

"I WILL KILL YOU... I WILL KILL YOU... I OWN THIS OMNIVERSE... I WORKED SO HARD..." Zulrak was muttering senseless things. But he was growing stronger than Alexander as he didn't have to actively absorb the energy, he was the designated path so it was going to him on its own.

Soon, he started slightly overpowering Alexander and finally started landing hits. Alexander fought hard, it was close combat. He was also able to put some dents on Zulrak's face.

Alexander's clothes tore apart from a few places and his right eyebrow and cheeks started bleeding golden blood.


"NO..." Alexander replied and landed a good punch on Zulrak's nose, breaking it.

Both of them were so busy fighting that they did not feel pain. Alexander was also increasing his speed of absorbing the energy. Doing this was hurting him and he felt as if his body was being torn apart from inside.

Zulrak realising Alexander was not going to go down, thought of changing the tactic.

He punched Alexander in the face and didn't wait for any more seconds. He changed his trajectory and appeared in front of Mark and Harvey at the speed of light.

The two didn't get to respond. "YOU FILTHY TRAITORS... DIEEEE..."

Alexander, seeing this, also dashed to stop him at full power. His eyes turning angry. But he was too late, he and Zulrak were on the same level. Their speed was the same and Zulrak had already proceeded to attack his sons.

"ZULRAAAAK..." Alexander did his utmost to reach. So he could at least take the strike on himself and save them.




Alexander couldn't reach in time. But, to his shock, Zulrak couldn't kill his sons either. He was stopped by someone's attack.

Alexander looked at what it was and it turned out to be a hammer, a round shield, an arrow, some magical red energy, some missiles.

He didn't waste a second and punched confused Zulrak so hard that he was thrown a few kilometres away. His nose was now missing as Alexander had shattered it. But he himself was injured with broken bones here and there.

Alexander breathed heavily and looked around at the battlefield. It was a massacre. They were winning not long ago and now they were losing. All because of the energy Zulrak was giving to his army. Even Ragnarok, Dobby, Douglas were finding it difficult to fight.

But, he was confused as to who helped him. According to the weapons that attacked Zulrak, these people shouldn't be able to come here.

"On your left," Alexander heard the voice. His eyes twitched as he remembered the scene and also the voice.

He turned around and all of a sudden, millions and millions of red portals opened up. Behind them were millions of people who genuinely scared Alexander.

All were Deadpools. But they were cosplaying and also showing the powers of all kinds of superheroes. There were a lot of Dr Strange Deadpools, Thor Deadpools, Iron Man Deadpools, and even Black Widow Deadpools.

"Is he the one?" One of the Deadpool voiced.

"YES... HE IS THE SEXY OLD MAN I TOLD YOU ABOUT... Isn't he hot..." Alexander heard the voice of Deadpool he was familiar with.

All the other Deadpools looked at Alexander as if looking at a juicy candy. Then they started commenting.

"Damn... that's hot."

"Senpai... f*ck me."

"Does he do anal?"

"Aw... he's so cute."

"Ah... Watashi no Kokoro."

"I like what I see."

Soon, one Deadpool came to Alexander, "My sexy old man, sorry I was late to the party. I brought all my brothers from all the timelines and universes I could go to. Believe me, some even tried to bang me, alternate universes are crazy.

"But, all these are the good ones. GUYS... SAY HELLO."

"HELLO..." All millions of Deadpools spoke at the same time, creating an ear-shattering and scary noise.

Alexander appreciatively looked at Deadpool. This was really helpful to him. Although he was a pain in the ass, sometimes he was very useful.

"Good job, we need your help dealing with the enemy army." Alexander patted Deadpool's shoulder.

"AHHHHH... I think I nutted. OMG... you touched me." Deadpool cried out.

Alexander's face contorted. "Okay, get to work. Even with you all Deadpools, it's going to be very hard to win."

Deadpool laughed, "HAHAHAAAAA... that's is why I brought more backup. It's not just us Deadpools."

Hearing that, Alexander looked at the various more portals opening. Once he looked at the people inside, a big smile grew on his face.

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GRANDPA UNIVERSE has ended and you can read all chapters on -patreon.com/misterimmortal. I have also started another fic, called NARUTO: CHILD OF CHAKRA.

Also, check out my new fic - Harry Potter: BLOOD OF THE DRAGON

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

Thank you for your support!

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