
Second World

{I'm getting a few comments that are assuming Yuri is a completely spiritual being after the sublimation, which is entirely inaccurate. Otherwise, what would be the point of his special bones and muscles? A spirit isn't an ethereal creature in my OC, even if it is in most others. It's someone whose soul has fused with a Law or is a representation of a Law, or in Yuri's case the energy of all Law. He CAN stop being physical, but his base form is made of Mana which is Metaphysical, not spiritual, and the Life Force saturating his bones and muscles which I'll explain in greater detail in World 3. He has not lost the ability to bang and employ the good ol' fisticuffs, he will never be a non-physical being.}

A familiar scene crossed his vision at a distance that any other would call harrowing. Stars were blurring past his vision and clusters of space dust and gaseous planets were weaved through like Yuri was on rails. Yuri didn't know the criteria Akasha was assigning worlds to him on, but he hoped it would be interesting at least and not way out of his league at best. Being sent to Dragon Ball right now may screw him.

The universe he was now flying through didn't seem to be anything special in terms of Mana concentration or reactivity to his Domain. In space, he can't find out how far he can stretch his domain but he can feel the Domain weigh on his soul and energy from within and resist slightly from outside.

A world that he was sure wasn't going to pass by like all the others grew larger and larger in his vision. It had about the same size or maybe was twice as large as a relative Earth, so it didn't compare to Nirn. A normal sun and a very normal-shaped galaxy joined the world as it gently orbited the sun along with a few other planets and had its own moon. That was a good sign, he hoped. Dealing with a whole pantheon in every world may drive him mad.

A single large landmass stared at the approaching Yuri like the face of the world adrift carelessly in the seas while being closer to the north pole than the southern one. Details eventually showed themselves in the large continent facing him, to the east it seemed to be more tan, a large desert region that eclipsed the entire right face of the land with oases dotting the further east expanse to give the harsh environment some color. The west was a bit more green, perhaps jungled or prairied while the North which was closer to the north pole across most likely bitter cold waters was whiter than Skyrim. Snow dominated the lands for what seemed like more than just a season.

The central region was a mixture of colors, closer to the direct center of this central region it seemed to be prominent with industrial shades of grey, and further to the south and west could be more rural with soft greens. The North and East of the circle-shaped central region seemed to be encroaching upon the other regional lands, so they were infected by the climates of snow and embittered sun.

'This seems oddly familiar. Like this is on a map that was important...'

Yuri careened closer and closer to the desert between the central region and the eastern region, most likely to avoid any immediate altercations, and eventually was calmly set down in the middle of a sandy wasteland not even half a mile from some kind of ruin.

Yuri looked down into the sand as his hair stood on end along his arms and neck. Between the sands, drifts of black smoke wafted up and into the air like a bellowing dragon lied beneath it. But Yuri could tell the difference between what his eyes were seeing and what his heart was, that was Karma. Bad karma. His suspicion of this place was all but confirmed, but that ruin would seal the deal. Only the event he was thinking of could cast a sin so dark and deep that it would cover the whole land around him.

Yuri's ESP could currently reach about 310 miles (500 kilometers), granting him perfect control of teleportation within that range while decreasing the amount of force he could apply the further away he tries. The inventory is fully capable across this distance. His Domain was a different story, only stretching about 500 feet before running against a hard wall. In the world, Yuri could feel much more resistance to the Domain than in space and he lost a larger amount of energy while enduring more strain. Energy was no problem for him, but his intent and focus would start to take a nosedive if he did this for more than 5 minutes at the moment, leaving him a musclehead who hadn't even tested out his healing rate yet. Practice makes perfect in the future, he supposed.

Yuri dropped his Domain and flashed to the ruin in an instant to investigate, while an extra-dimensional being tried to do the same.

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{New scene border, I'll try to do that for every new world. Let me know if this looks like emoji-covered shit, because on PC it's all black and pretty cool.}

In a white space devoid of natural light or even the faintest shadow, a man who was perhaps shaped by the very space he was in crouched before a floating door of matte grey. His hair freely flowed, his chin was sunken and sharp, his brows and gaze seemed elderly and his frame was thin and unmoving yet no color could stick to a single inch of his body. Upon the door behind him, esoteric scripture lined the edges of rings inside celestial bodies lined in a perfect vertical row, while a set of opposing triangles dashed through the sun and stars and a snake weaved between them, symbolizing the creation of life and their inevitable destruction in the wide wide universe. Above, below, and to every side and angle, one could find an uncountable amount of similarly shaped doors with as many different meanings and styles, all paling in comparison to the importance to the one behind the blank man named Truth.

{Picture Here}

Truth looked to one of the doors, the only one belonging to a world with sentient beings on it so far, and with a gaze brought it before him to investigate. Some otherworldly power had disturbed the nature of this world's truth and suppressed its intervention in a single area before vanishing quickly. No matter how hard he silently looked for evidence of any causes, physically and in the very fabric of truth, he found nothing.

'...For the first time in a long time, I am surprised. This is not alchemy nor alkahestry nor any esoteric or scientific art, this is a rejection of this world's very understanding, its machinations. No mere human can do this... I must wait diligently for any sign of this anomaly and not hesitate to strike.'

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Yuri arrived just before the ruins in a flurry of wind and sand where a set of sandstone stairs led to a series of lined pillars and a barebones courtyard of crippled stone architecture. Yuri felt like a tourist in post-apocalyptic Greece. He walked calmly as the view of a circle on a wall entered his vision.

'No wonder this desert is screaming with sin, this is Xerxes, the kingdom that paid the toll for the world's first two immortals with the blood of over a million innocents. I'm in Fullmetal Alchemist.'

Yuri approached closer to the circle to appraise its details: a two-headed dragon overturning the notion of god, paragraphs of text in Xerxesian walling the important details, and suns and stars taking stage at every vertices of sacred geometry.

'That king was willing to use the Dwarf in the Flask to commit an atrocity involving all his citizens to avoid death. Through our greed, the Flask was made and through fear and selfishness he was allowed to take advantage of that king and immortalize himself. Him, and Hohenheim.'

It was during this moment of pondering that Yuri received a message.

'Did you get there yet?!' Shouted Toni.

'Yeah, yeah! What's it like?!' Alera pantomimed. Drem said nothing, but Yuri could feel that he too was curious.

'Drem, stay in your human form. I'm bringing you all out.'

In the midst of the ruins, three bursts of air poofed aside to make way for the trio. They joined Yuri in looking at the alchemical circle just a few feet above and before them.

"Right, what's this all about?" Drem interrupted while paying close attention to the two-headed dragon on it.

"This... is this world's crux. Alchemy."

Toni raised an eyebrow and commented about how Alchemy usually involved ingredients. Yuri laughed before explaining further.

"Alchemy is the science of understanding, decomposing, and reconstructing matter, or solid material, using the energy of tectonic movement. It's this world's most prominent source of enforcing a person's will into reality, quite like magic."

"Tectonic movement?"

"I can guarantee mana will be a better power source for Alchemy, maybe too good at it, but they use the friction between the plates that hold up the continent to power their Alchemy. It's a very studious art."

"So you know this world pretty well, it seems?"

"If nothing has changed, like the back of my hand. Instead of taking my time explaining it, let me send all the information you'll need to your Sigils to unpack it."

As the trio grew a bit blank-faced while they were unpacking all that, Yuri put his thoughts together.

'Knowing the timeline events will be my greatest boon here. There are no Ishvalan refugees here, meaning the War of Extermination hasn't ended or maybe even began. I need to find the year to make plans, or ignore the need for plans entirely if the year is after 1914...'

The events of the entire show are within a single year, and the Ishvalan Genocide, as it should be called, is begun in the year 1901. Yuri would like to put his hands in that event, if only to save an entire race. Taking Scar's place in the story as a wild card while sparing Winry's parents would be a good place to start, but the earlier he can cut in the better.

A juicy idea popped into his head just as the trio awakened from their stupor.

"Wow..." The girls said simultaneously while Drem seemed unimpressed. But eventually the girls also shared a tinge of that sentiment.

"Is that it?" Toni was waiting for some great reveal that this world was actually a dream or something. Yuri laughed lightly again.

"Alchemy has a lot of potential, especially with Mana paying the toll instead of souls and the need only for knowledge and energy, and a bit of talent. Even if the combat here will be a cakewalk for us, let's just take it as an opportunity to relax."

"Fuck all those details, what about that girl?! Is she already beyond hope?! Is she already dead?!" Alera was stammering and her eyes were getting a bit wet as Yuri remembered that he showed them Nina Tucker's fate without a second thought.

Yuri sighed, he would want to save her first and foremost and hoped it wasn't too late. "We need to find the date first. I don't think it's happened yet for a few reasons, but we can't go in there until the very same day it happens to save her, or we'll be called kidnappers."

"I volunteer to Tsukuyomi that bastard," Toni said Yuri's mental torture technique name in coldness.

"When the time comes, we'll all take a piece, I promise."

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Yuri quickly moved to Amestris surreptitiously while leaving the gang behind for a while. With his Obfuscation Intent he was undetectable among the masses who technically could see him just fine. He was in Central, the most densely populated and highest-earning district in Amestris. Old fashioned cars with curved bodies and flat leather tops crossed cobblestone streets between buildings with an average of four stories and a usual color palate that refused to be too bright even in greens and pinks. Little shops jutted out till the sidewalks with umbrellas and fences as coffee and wine were shared among the customers, and a newspaper wasn't hard to find among the tables. One unlucky customer lost theirs to an invisible boy from beyond the stars.

'June 14th, 1903. I'm a year away from the death of the Elric brother's mom, I should probably not alter her fate, that was practically the catalyst to the whole story. Nina is transmuted in 1914, the Alchemists aren't called to finish the Ishvalan War until 1908 but I should stop it as soon as I can if I can't find a way to bring back their souls from the circle.'

Yuri had one more thing he wanted to achieve before going back and grabbing them before they took their places in this story. He needed a basic understanding of Alchemy, but why do that when you can just perform Human Transmutation?

{And so begins the FMA arc. I have cool plans for the next Chapter, and no, Yuri isn't recklessly throwing himself in front of Truth. This arc isn't gonna be nearly as long as Elder Scrolls, purely because it's much easier to digest, but I'll still be explaining plot points in case there are readers who have never seen FMA: Brotherhood. If you have ideas for a new kind of Alchemy, and if I use your idea I'll give you a shoutout as usual. Yuri will be revisiting one of the Rituals that we introduced but didn't do last arc, and also learning a few OC spells along the way.}

Next chapter