
Grand Sorcerer in the Omniverse

Yuri Nightingale is a man whose life has been defined by extraordinary talent in numerous areas, and a feeling of depression and worthlessness that made all of it go unused. He fled from these feelings the same way most of us do, consuming Japanese media and fanfictions like his life depended on it. In a fleeting moment of impulse built up from years of living this way, Yuri leaps off his company building... and immediately regrets it. He feels what everyone else feels when they die, absolutely nothing. It isn't long before he's woken up by a god that offers him... a job? Yuri's talents weren't meant for a mortal life, it seems. Join Yuri in taking the Records of worlds for his patron and himself and living a life filled with the fantasies he never knew were actually real all along. {First World: Nirn, Elder Scrolls 4E 200 - Chapters 4-104} {Second World: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Chapters 104-?} *I do not own cover art, if you do and would like me to take it down just ask* *I won't be making smut every chapter like Devil_Paragon sama, but it will happen so be warned*

Reddsaint · Anime & Comics
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153 Chs

First World

Yuri finally righted himself in the direction he believed he was heading, using only the stars passing him as a clue. After several minutes of what looked eerily similar to warp speed in the 'Millennium Falcon', he finally found himself staring at a galaxy that was getting closer and closer. In this galaxy, he found that a blue world with green continents like earth was the one he was heading towards. It had two moons, a big one orbiting the unnamed world and a smaller one orbiting that moon. A cursory glance showed another world that was much closer than should be possible, yet far enough to avoid being seen. It was red, with a blood colored fog concealing its surface. There were a smattering of smaller worlds with earthy colors at a much greater distance, and finally a sun that shone in blue and gold upon all these worlds. Strangely enough, they were all rotating in place and didn't seem to be orbiting at all like the moons were.

Before Yuri could make any theories, he abruptly accelerated and the blue and Earth-looking planet grew closer and closer before he finally entered the atmosphere and continued toward one of the two large continents.

"What kind of landing am I in for?" Yuri nervously wondered, but as he was approaching closer and closer to what now appeared to be a region covered in snow and mountains a forcefield of sorts surrounded him and slowed his descent before gracefully putting him down right outside some sort of village. He noticed a giant castle before he landed...where?

Before he got to look around and find it, a blue screen popped up and blocked his vision!

'Neat, a system' Yuri spoiled before it could introduce itself.


Greetings, Host.

I am the piece of the Akashic Records you have been fused with, and have transformed into a tool more suitable and familiar for the user's comfort. I come with a few options, which are listed below.

Map: All areas the user has visited, or are already familiar with previously, are available to be reviewed through the map feature. Skills involving sight and spatial coordinates may be synergized or make use of this feature.

Inventory: Just as it sounds, items may be stored away in unique slots no matter their size within certain limits. Items with will or sentience cannot be stored. Items in your inventory remain connected to you, and in some cases do not need to be taken out of the inventory to be used.

Exchange: Actions the Record describes as an achievement will earn you Record Points (RP). Finding an object that may be intrinsically dangerous to the safety of the resident world or beyond can be exchanged here for even more RP. In this feature, you may find tools or helpful knowledge from various worlds the Record has already contacted and purchase them for varying RP. Objects you are familiar with yet the Record isn't cannot be purchased without clearing the world it originated from.

Status: Shows the user their basic stats, race, titles, and skills.

Introduction complete. Happy Hunting!


"This system is beautiful! It checks all my boxes, living without an inventory would be inconvenient and I have a shop feature! The map might help later for teleporting shenanigans. I can also probably use it to increase my enemy detection range artificially"

Yuri was on cloud nine. The features were simple, but it held everything an adventurer needed if used correctly and wasn't giving him too much of an edge. Magic would do the rest. Plus, his inventory seemed extremely resourceful.

"Even if I can't buy myself some 'sharingan' right off the bat, I'm sure there are plenty of things that will give me an edge. Wait, Race? Akasha changed my race?" Yuri assumed, and his inquiry received only the howling of the cold winter wind. 'I'm not cold at all either'. He noticed that he was only wearing an all black fabric pant and long sleeve shirt set with shoes that didn't look too well made. 'Are these really that thermal? Anyway...'

"I always wanted to say this. STATUS" Yuri shouted with all his might!


Status: Yuri Nightingale

Titles: Champion of Akasha

Race: Arch Human

Power: 30

Speed: 30

Perception: 30

Mana: 150

Stamina: 150

Record Points: 0


-Mana Construct: Use the mana in your body to create basic shapes and projectiles. Costs between 1-10 mana based on density or complexity.


Power: unified score for muscle strength and power output. Scales directly to speed score and movement and keeping balance with Speed score will help the subject remain agile and control their speed.

(A/N: Too many stats are hard to keep up with and don't add anything to the story unless you are creative about it, these stats provide a basic understanding of what he can do and a sense of progression. Stats like Charisma and Luck will only be reflected in how he handles a situation, not values he can raise artificially. I don't want to focus too much on the status either, so it won't come up often.)

Arch Human Race: The evolution of the human race following their adaptation to the use of mana and its assimilation. Arch humans are not known for their physical prowess, although they can certainly reach far greater physical limits than the previous homosapien. They are, in fact, known as mages and are more inclined to perform intellectually instead of physically. Picture elves without the ears but with the same skin care routine and a little better at fighting and procreating.

"Oh, I'm still kinda human. Glad I haven't changed too much, and it matches my needs. Wait, what is my Title for?"

[Title: Champion of Akasha]

[Only those who physically see and interact with the Champion can perceive his existence. Divination, remote viewing, karmic, temporal, spatial perception skills, etc. initiated by a lesser being than Akasha will always fail. All knowledge learned by the Champion is given to the Record. All souls of those killed by the Champion belong to the Record unless the Champion specifically intends to manipulate or capture it.]

"So if they can't see me physically, I'm invisible to prying eyes? That knocks out a lot of the concerns with any much bigger figures if its true."

Yuri looked down at his hands, and found his skin to be paler than he remembered, but obviously much healthier. Before he took the jump, his diet and sleep routine were taking a plunge, so his unhealthy skin and baggy eyes were a staple of that. He was developing a saggy stomach too, and his hair lost its shine.

If Yuri had a mirror right now, he would see all that was gone. His wavy and raven black hair swallowed the sunlight and blew with the wind in an unkempt yet docile and stylish manner. His golden eyes shone sharply, and would glow in a dark room thanks to the mana charging his body. His frame remained at 6'1, yet he gained the muscle mass of his peak and felt much stronger. He was lean, with a rock steady build that most likely meant a good balance of speed, strength, and durability.

{Picture in Comments Here}

"Mana Construct, huh? I can feel mana in the air, I instinctually know it is mana but I don't know how to use it yet. Let's try it out before I make contact with anyone so I can protect myself" It seems Yuri kept his habit of talking to himself.

Yuri held out his hands and already knew how to use the skill, he pulled the mana from a place he couldn't identify within himself and formed it into a blue arrow shape. He concentrated it to its' maximum before it grew too bright and the mana was dispersed in the wind. "It lost its' structural integrity, it did say 10 mana is the limit. I lost 12 points. Lets try again. I'll keep an eye on the status until I can get a feel for it"

Like this, he made sure to only put 10 points into his arrow, and after his third try he had a stable looking bolt with a four sided tip and two sided fletching. He walked over to the mountain that the path he was on bordered and threw it against it. The bolt made a whistling sound and struck with a loud 'thump' before burying itself about a half a foot in the stone and stopping.

"10 points is overkill for an average human. An unarmored assailant will only need 5. Let's try..."

He whipped his head to his right at the sound of growls and heated breaths. 140 feet away and closing quickly, 3 wolves approached.

"Shit" Yuri started backpedaling and charging a 5 point bolt to save time, hopefully he was right about the damage. When the leading wolf got within 50 feet, he was confident in his aim and fired. The bolt whizzed at a speed that the wolf couldn't keep up with, and it impaled him in the eye. That one was down for now, but not dead. The other two were already within 20 feet!

Yuri started double charging, and maintaining the bolts charge in both hands proved more difficult than he had hoped. He only had time to get the bolts to 3 points before the wolves were already lunging at him. He reached both his hands out and unloaded them, one luckily got in the open jaw, but another missed and only hit the other's chest. Yuri was tackled by the latter with his arm in its jaw attempting to rip his guard open and aim for the throat.

"AAAGGHHH!!!" Yuri felt something he hadn't in a long time, the pain made him furious. With his free hand he charged another 10 point bolt while the wolf latched and tore, and grabbed it before shoving it in the side of the filthy dogs head. The wolf slouched over, dead.

But it wasn't over. The first wolf he hit in the eye was now making a beeline, and almost to the body of 'throat-shot'. It leaped over its companion, but not before Yuri charged another 5 point and hit him in the underside of his chest. The wolf was dead, but it still landed on Yuri and knocked the wind out of him.

He found it easy to lift the 5 foot long, 150 pound wolf off of him, something he'll think about later. Remembering a sacred piece of advice from his favorite zombie movie, Yuri went around and double tapped all the wolves with 5 point bolts before he slouched over beside the mountainside wall he had shot at earlier.

"Shit, the smell of blood will attract others" Yuri was only injured on the forearm that was bit. "If an Arch Human dies from rabies, Akasha would probably kill me a second time." He caught his breath, then hoisted himself up and brushed off the snow. He looked in his panel for anything that could wrap or cure the wound, but noticed something else first.

[First Blood of the Burgeoning Champion: 100 RP]

[Snow Wolf Slayed: 5 RP]

[Snow Wolf Slayed: 5 RP]

"Heh, I got an achievement. Akasha is too nice. Even killing mobs grants some form of points for now at least. Now I need to find something in the shop to disinfect-"

*Briiing* Cheapest solution for problem detected. [Minor Cure Wounds Potion: 15 RP]

"Hah! Thought activated! This will save me in a tight spot. Purchase!"

The potion was bought, reducing his RP to 95, and skipped the inventory process he would later find it used most the time. The glass vial of green liquid appeared directly in his hand, along with the knowledge that he only needs to poor it on his wounds. He rolled up his black garment sleeves, and did so, and watched as they visibly healed and closed. It burned a little bit, but nothing he was about to whine about.

"On a side note, I can't ever reveal where I get these potions or most other things. My inventory is a great boon, but I'll be targeted or schemed against anyway if I start flashing around strange shop items in the wrong crowd"

He rolled his sleeve down again, and noticed that it now had holes. "I hope clothes are in the shop too, those aren't going to cause too much issue"

It was time to hike up the path and reach that town he saw a short distance away next to the castle. Before he forgot, he put the wolf corpses in his inventory before getting a move on again.

After a 5 minute trek, he found a stone arch acting as the entrance to a town guarded by two men in leather and fabric armor with fur boots, fur lined steel helmets with two eye holes, and shields with the insignia of a crown on it. It was too iconic not to know where he was now, and an involuntary "OOOOooooh" escaped his lips.

"I'm in..."

Where is he?

Reddsaintcreators' thoughts