

{Read the note in the auxiliary volume first}


The sound of Yuri taking a long draft of air in permeates the...wherever this was...as he jolts awake.

'What the hell?'

He was dead...or he was supposed to be. He remembers very clearly how fast the ground approached him after he jumped off the company building, his life's greatest prison. He remembers even more clearly, how the last thought he had was regret. Regret which he now knew was derived from his natural instinct to survive and the conflict it had with the knowledge that he no longer had the choice.

Yuri was a simple man. He was good at a lot of things. Almost everything, actually. If he put his mind to it, there were few things he found that he was inadequate at. Music, studies, sports, martial arts, when he gave a little bit of effort he was rewarded with slightly above average performances. The only thing he truly sucked at was art. But a house divided cannot stand.

It was after high school graduation that Yuri understood that he truly had no passion for anything he put himself into. Passions burned out quickly and faded into memory, and as he grew older a word he didn't think to categorize himself into kept nagging him in the back of his head.

A continual decay of motivation to leave the house, increasingly slower response times, trouble waking up or going to sleep, worsening communication skills, and the gentle calling to just...to just fucking jump.

The word was depressed.

Yuri decided to take a cigarette break at the top of his company prison, and when his hands touched the cold railing and his smoke mixed with the winter air, he had an impulse he finally couldn't ignore.

He jumped.

Hey Guys,

This is my first book, and my first chapter comes from a very real place. I promise, it only goes up from here though. My first registered book isn't a fanfiction like this one, but I don't think I'll start that one any time soon. This is a passion project from a guy that works those same 40 hour weeks to live, so no schedule. Come and go as you please, tell me what I'm doing wrong or right, and be human about it please.

Reddsaintcreators' thoughts
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