
Grand Overlord

[All Systems Check...] [Downloading Avatar...] [Download Complete!] "Where am I..? Wait— Don't tell me I'm inside this—" A man of the name Raiyu Usagi has been transported into the world of Grand Overlord after a strange phenomenon occured. He is dragged into the game and is now stuck inside the game. What is Grand Overlord? It is a game where the player is an Overlord Class and they must lead their army in different worlds to conquer and destroy. Along the way, he gains more power from slaying heroes, romancing his harem, through events, or from a phenomenon called Grand Resurrection. For him, it seems like a nightmare as he only is Level 1 when he starts so his journey is nothing more than starting struggle, but soon he will become a Grand Overlord.

AncientShadow · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Start of Dawn (2)

Guinevere dodged an attack from one of the Paladins then struck her neck with a chop then kicked her into a group of mercenaries. The Vampire Girl formed a bomb made of blood and threw it at the group then it exploded. 

"We're taking heavy fire! Call the Crimson Hero!" One of the Lancers said and groaned as a Dark Miko struck her and knocked her away. 

"The Crimson Hero?" I asked. 

Guinevere smirked and chuckled as she walked forward. "My adoptive sister.." 

[Warning: Boss Unit Incoming!] 

A woman with red hair rushed forward and slashed through waves of monsters then managed to kill the three Dark Mikos in one blow then slid forward. Her armor was crimson and her red cape flowed with the wind. Her green eyes shined as she looked at us. She held a great sword in her left hand and a tower shield in her right. 

[Scanning Target...]

{Target: Rosa Scarlet (LV. 48)} 

Strength: C {270}

Endurance: C {260}

Dexterity: C {210}

Agility: D+ {160}

Magic: D {70}

Intelligence: C {210}

Power Level: D+ {197}

"So, you're attacking us head on, murderer? After the YEARS we've took care of you when your pathetic mother passed away after giving birth to a curse like you? You are really foolish, Guinevere.." Rosa said and glared. 

"You don't even know the full story, Rosa." Guinevere said and her Blood Sword shined. 

"Then what is the full story? What lies do you have to tell THIS time?!" Rosa yelled.

"Crimson wanted to be killed. She wanted me to take her life, and I did as it is in my true nature to kill heroes. It is needed for survival for my kind. It was needed to finally become free from their Divine Tyranny! The Goddesses have been trying to kill us for the longest time, every war that starts...blood is on their hands. Crimson didn't want to live that life anymore." Guinevere said. 

"HA! Like I'd believe that bullshit that you just spewed from your mouth! You killed her in cold blood...now I'm going to avenge MY mother!" Rosa yelled. 

"The truth...does hurt huh...?" Guinevere said then dodged Rosa's first slash. 

She clashed with Rosa and pushed her back then dashed toward her. She turned into a colony of bats and reappeared behind Rosa. She kicked Rosa's back then went for a killing blow, but Rosa bellowed and a burst of light pushed Guinevere away. 

Rosa dashed toward Guinevere and clashed with her multiple times before parrying her next strike and punching Guinevere's stomach then slashed upwards to knock her upwards. She spun around and struck her with her shield then another blast of light blew Guinevere away. Guinevere recovered off one hand then dashed toward Rosa. 

"Just accept the truth! Crimson wanted to die! Accept that you all are now the true enemy!" Guinevere bellowed and slashed at Rosa rapidly. 

Rosa blocked each slash then parried Guinevere's next strike, knocking her off balance. "I'll never accept it because it isn't THE TRUTH!" 

Rosa bellowed and launched Guinevere away with a power light blast. Guinevere spread her wings and flew backwards. She formed spikes made from blood and fired them at Rosa. Rosa ran toward Guinevere and used her shield to block the spikes of blood. She spun around and slashed horizontally, launching a large cutting wave at Guinevere. 

Guinevere tried to dodge, but an Assassin Class Hero appeared behind her and kicked her into the cutting wave. An explosion happened and Guinevere rolled backwards and slid backwards on one knee. 

"It's time...that I avenge Mother. I've trained years...day and night for this moment. Finally...I get to slay the Overlord...that ruined my family." Rosa said. 

Guinevere stayed silent and her Devil Shard earrings shined. 

"Any last words..?" Rosa asked. 

Guinevere smirked and chuckled darkly. A red mist formed around the battlefield. "The fact that you believe...you've won already...shows your naivety.." 

"Wha—" Rosa started then groaned as a burst of powerful aura pushed her backwards. 

Guinevere's eyes shined a blood red and a pair of wings emerged from her head. Bats made of blood formed around her and her aura changed into a crimson red color. She stood up and her Stigma of Awakening shined on her clavicle then she bellowed, releasing her mana. 

Desdemona snapped the neck of one of the Angels and whistled. "Now that's a transformation~" 

I watched Guinevere and crossed my arms. I held my arm out to prevent Viropheir and Kuragari from helping Guinevere. They stopped in their tracks and watched.

Guinevere smirked at Rosa then dashed toward her and propelled herself toward Rosa. She started with a sweep kick, knocking Rosa off her feet then kicked her upwards. Rosa grunted and stopped herself in the air and threw her shield at Guinevere. Guinevere deflected the shield and flew up toward Rosa. 

Rosa bellowed and crimson wings emerged from her back. She transformed into her Crimson Angel form and her aura surged powerfully around her body. "I won't ever lose to you, Guinevere!" 

"Then show me, Sister!" Guinevere laughed and flew up toward Rosa. 

The two clashed and quickly clashed multiple times before Guinevere kicked Rosa away then flew after her. She launched orbs of corrupted light energy at Rosa, but Rosa deflected them and fired a beam of light at Guinevere. Guinevere evaded then beam and flew toward Rosa then struck the back of her neck with a chop attack. Rosa groaned then grunted as she was knocked down to the ground with another strike from Guinevere. 

Guinevere looked down at Rosa then smirked. She flew down toward Rosa and caught up with her. She palmed Rosa's back and launched her to the ground then kneed her back. Rosa groaned in pain then coughed blood when Guinevere added more pressure to her back. Guinevere got off Rosa's back then stepped on it. 

"It's over Rosa. Even with your Crimson Angel Form...it isn't enough to defeat an Awakened Overlord...especially not one of my caliber. You see because of my history...I have the Stigma of Heroism within me. You can't kill me with holy weapons." Guinevere said and dug her heel into Rosa's back. 

Rosa groaned in pain and struggled to escape Guinevere's sharp heel. 

"The truth is Crimson wanted me to kill her. I loved Crimson as she did take care of me. She took me in as a little girl. Yes even as a little girl, I have killed innocent creatures like birds and fish...but she taught me one things you heroes lack. Compassion." Guinevere said and stomped on Rosa's back. 

Rosa cried out in pain and she held back tears. She tried to escape, but couldn't. 

"Coming up as a renown Overlord...You killed someone dear to me. A Hero I spared because I loved him. You killed a Grand Hero named Ryu. Don't you remember that Rosa?! We could've had peace! We could've stopped the Dawn Ages in that period! He was the True Hero of that time and if you allowed me to marry him, the Dawn Ages would never have happened again!" Guinevere yelled and stomped on her back again. 

Rosa coughed blood and had a memory of her killing Ryu. 

"You pinned it on me...You caused the Goddesses to raid Sanguis. You caused the Godddess of Light to destroy everything I ever known. From that day forward...I sought the destruction of the Heavenly Order and all associated. So what I did as revenge..." Guinevere started and smirked evilly. 

Rosa felt the sweet sensation of relief as Guinevere got off of her back then she felt Fallen Energy. She slowly got up and looked back then noticed an army of Fallen Heroes. 

"I killed everyone in your hometown and turned them into my puppets. I am the only Overlord...that can summon DEAD Heroes as Fallen Heroes. Guess who is on the front lines..." Guinevere said then giggled evilly. 

Rosa's eyes widened as she noticed her mother. "M-Mom..?" 

"The first Crimson Hero...Crimson Scarlet. You heroes...never stood a chance against us Overlords. My Awakening...I turn into a Fallen Hero myself which is why Heroes and the Goddesses could never kill me." Guinevere said and chuckled. 

"No...I can't accept this! You're a monster! I won't accept this at all!" Rosa screamed and held her head. 

Guinevere tilted her head slightly and smirked. "Face reality, Sister. THIS is Reality, This is the TRUTH! This...This is who I am.." 

As I watched Guinevere mentally torture Rosa, I noticed her Mental Endurance quickly depleting. Guinevere wasn't just a vampire...she was something far more sinister. She had the power to corrupt anyone's light and turn them into a Fallen Hero without the need to go into a Corruption Process. 

"This is the power of the Renegade Overlord." Desdemona said and walked toward me. 

Meliae nodded and watched as well. "Guinevere's lack of Unique Monsters are fixed with her being able to summon any Hero from that Index Crimson left her it seems. All Hero Classes from Normal Classes to Grand Hero Classes. She's the only Overlord who can summon 'Heroes'." 

[Notice: Rosa has been corrupted.] 

I watched the other Heroes retreat. We had won this battle and the MVP was Guinevere. "We have this entire side of the city to ourselves. Let's Rest up for the evening and get at it tomorrow." 

Everyone agreed to rest and we all went to a large building to rest in for the night.


"Mother Ashliel! We just lost Rosa!" A Heavenly Knight reported. 

Ashliel stopped praying and opened her eyes. "Okay? What's the status on the Overlords? Are they dead?" 

"Actually...the Overlord Karius warned us about was on the battlefield. He has an Ancient Monster in his arsenal and Guinevere was with him...as well as Desdemona and Meliae." One of the High Paladins said. 

"Hm? Guinevere..?" Ashliel asked and turned around to look at her units. 

Karius crossed his arms and closed his eyes. "The Renegade Overlord. The Overlord who killed Ryu." 

"The same one who killed Crimson? She's here as well as Meliae and Desdemona? Heh...HAHA! A bunch of sinners have come here for what?! To just die?! What was the name of the Overlord you fought, Karius?" Ashliel asked.

"Raiyu. Overlord of Astarfall. He's a strange Overlord as he's the only Null Elemental User in history. He can change his element at will and has a strong connection to the other Overlords. He is able to corrupt Heroes into Fallen Heroes." Karius answered. 

X opened her eyes and looked at Karius and Ashliel. "...Raiyu..? The Grand Overlord?" 

"Yes. Do you know him?" Karius asked. 

X's eyes shined and she began to walk off. "I can kill him easily. Once he dies, the other Overlords will be powerless. Astarfall dies with him." 

"Wait—" Karius started. 

"Let her go. Her weapon, X-Cutter, is able to kill even the strongest Overlords. She's known for slaying the Dark Lords of her Universe in one strike. She's only making our job easier." Ashliel said. 

The Reverend Mother watched and held her arms. "Be safe, X!" 


[Day 11] 

I stood on the roof of a building and looked around. I noticed a light shine then grunted as I dodged a large pair of scissors. My eyes widened and I noticed a figure in a white cloak appeared behind me. She slashed at me and noticed I dodged her slash then she separated the two blades and slashed in a circle to try and slice me. 

I summoned my sword and blocked her slash. 'Is this...X..?!' 

[Retreat! Now! She's only targeting you! There's no need in bringing the others in this!] 

I dashed off and and she chased after me. I dodged her cutting waves and noticed she teleported in front of me. I slid backwards and dodged her slash. She thrusted her scissors at me and I barely dodged her attack. 

I jumped backwards and got into my stance. "She won't leave me alone, so I'm forced to fight her!" 

[You can't win! Don't be stupid!] 

"What other choice to I have?!" I asked.


I dashed toward her and bellowed and slashed at her. She stood still and let my sword phase through her body, but noticed me move out of the way at lightspeeds. 

'He's definitely smart...I can see how he defeated Karius, but he's still slower than me!' X thought to herself. 

She twirled and slashed at me, but noticed I used one of my Slime Monsters to take the hit for me. She grunted and noticed me moving around her at light speeds. "Running won't do you any good, Overlord!" 

"You're blessed with Immortality and you're immune to all damage. I can't beat you and I know this, however that won't stop me from finding a weakness!" I bellowed. 

I switch to the Lightning Element and tried to strike her, but my attacks only phased through her. She tried to strike me, but I dodged her attacks then switched to the Water Element and went for multi attacks, but they only phased through her. 

"Your means of attacking me are futile! You won't ever land one!" X bellowed and slashed at me. 

I blocked the attack and slid backwards then switched to the Fire Element. "I WILL find a weakness!" 

I dashed toward her and bellowed. I slashed at her and noticed her dodge. My eyes widened then both me and Astar figured it out. 

'She's weak to Fire!' I thought to myself. 

[Go all out!] 

I kicked X away and landed on the ground then bellowed, transforming into my Awakened Form. I activate my Gift of Null ability and smirked. "How the tables turn...X." 

[Scanning Target...]

{Target: X (LV. 60)} 

Strength: C {290}

Endurance: C {270}

Dexterity: C {250}

Agility: C {245}

Magic: C {300}

Intelligence: C {295}

Power Level: C {275}

"So what? You figured out I'm an Ice Elemental User, you still have to defeat me!" X bellowed and summoned a blizzard. 

"That means I know how your ability works because there's no way the Divine Domain will make you STRONGER than the Goddesses! Your Phantom Ability only works...on everything that isn't super effective!" I bellowed and propelled myself toward her. 

X blocked my slash and grunted. I pushed her back and had a sadistic smirk on my face. I bellowed and broke through her guard and slashed at her once again. We clashed and pushed each other back then clashed rapidly before I pushed her back and struck her stomach with a palm strike infused with fire. 

X groaned as she was launched backwards. I flew after her and laughed. X landed on the ground and parried my next strike and fired ice shards at me. I grunted as I was hit with the ice shards then she kicked me away. I rebounded off one hand then flipped backwards. I noticed X changed her element. 


I noticed her eyes shining yellow and switched my element to Earth. I dashed toward her and laughed. "I've figured you out, X!" 

X blocked my slashed and moved around me at lightning speeds then slashed at me, striking me. She noticed I hadn't immediately died and her eyes widened. 

"Your ability...You can only kill someone in one hit if they are weaker than you, but I have no WEAKNESS!" I roared and struck her face with a powerful strike and launched her away. 

X groaned as she crashed through a building and rolled on the floor. She got up and noticed I had appeared above her. I slashed down at her and she dodged it then grunted as an earthquake happened. We clashed rapidly and generated shockwaves. 

'This Overlord..! Why can't I beat him?! I can't outsmart him! How is he this strong?!' X thought to herself. 

"What's wrong?! The Legendary Otherworld Hero can't do what she's prophesized to do?! What a shame!" I bellowed and caused a blast of earth energy around the area. 

Guinevere noticed the explosion and looked surprised. "Raiyu!" 

"Who the hell is he fighting?! Their aura feels completely out of this world!" Desdemona asked in shock. 

Meliae grunted and clutched her staff tightly. "I hope he's okay..!" 

X slid backwards and panted. She grunted and fell onto one knee. "Impossible...I have killed countless Dark Lords like you...and somehow...you are the first to outsmart me..." 

I walked over to X and smirked. "I'll give it to you, X...You are full of tricks. You can change your element...you can become completely immune to all damage if you're a stronger element than your opponent...you're immortal under certain conditions. Your downfall...was when you dodged my attack.." 

X grunted and slowly stood up. She pointed her scissors at me and got ready to deal the next strike. 

"But I can tell...you aren't all you say to be." I said.

X paused and stared at me. "What are you talking about..?" 

"You honestly expect me to believe you're truly a Hero? With power like that...and that emblem in your left eye...I can tell...you are an Overlord yourself." I said.

X's eyes widened. She grunted and warped away immediately. 

[Wait..? She's an Overlord?] 

"Yeah and just like Guinevere who embodies a Sin...X...is a Fraudulent Hero." I said. 

[How could you tell?] 

"When I battle against heroes like Karius, I gain a special boost called Benevolent Slayer. Against X...I didn't even gain a minor boost like I would against these normal heroes. She's an Illusionist. An Overlord playing the role of a Hero." I said. 

[Wow...I am actually impressed. We should tell the others. I'm sure they would love to hear about this.] 

"Right." I said. 

{To Be Continued.}