
Grand Evolution Bloodline

After his special relationship with a servant is made known Roland Bladeheart is accused of assaulting the King's favored daughter and must be punished. Disowned by his clan and his family Roland begins to wander. Barely escaping an attempt on his life Roland swears to Wreak havoc on all those who turned their backs on him!

TheSleepingGeneral · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Debauchery My A**! I have been wronged!

"Father, Sophie's doggy doesn't look well, it's stomach is wide open!" little Roland's fingers rest on its warm body, looking down at the whimpering creature at its last breath, it might even die the next second

"Don't worry it'll be fine"

"Dad is the doggy going to die?" Sophie looked up in hopes there waa something that could be done to save it's life.

"Don't worry Sophie it'll be fine"

The words 'everything would be alright', coming from his father's mouth were more like a death sentence. This was how the fourteen year old Roland saw his own prophecy- being castrated and hung. I cannot accept this! I am the protagonist, i cannot die like this!

"Father your only son is about to die, your heir is about to be executed!" Roland fell to his knees before his father and wept as loudly as possible.

"Sophie, do you want to be the heir to the family?" Reagent Bladeheart pondered then gave Sophie a warm smile.

"heir? is it tasty?" Sophie looked up at her father in confusion

"Not tasty but you'll be able to buy as many doggies as you like"


Roland was on the verge of tears "mother will resent you if you let me go like this, how can you give up on your only son?!"

"You caused this upon yourself, don't bring your mother into this" Reagent Bladeheart frowned and thought " Be a good little bastard,don't involve your mother or we'll both end up in hell"

"Father I was wrong! I see my mistakes give me another chance!" by now Roland was covered in snot and tears dripping from his face as he clung onto the Reagent's clothes.

"If not for my position as Reagent you would have already been killed a hundred times over. You have stained the family name and I have been negligent for too long, I hereby strip you of your position as the family heir and cast you from the Bladeheart clan. Your current behavior is unbefitting of my heir" Reagent Bladeheart announced his final decision without a trace of emotion. His cold voice and stern look was as if he was sentencing a criminal to death.

Roland looked up at his father and opened his mouth but nothing came out. There was nothing he could say. It felt as if something was stuck in his throat. For the first time he realized his father was serious. Subconsciously he grasped the diamond pendant around his neck and lowered his head. Roland left the room with a blank expression. Sophie had already released her hold but followed closely behind.

"Sophina starting today you are expected to cut all ties with Roland Bladeheart, as he has been exiled. Your residence will also be moved to inner Blood lake. Cultivate diligently as the new clan heir"


"Damnable old man, disowning your own son watch how can you be so heartless" Roland strolled out the family gates with a wretched look on his face. Without his father's protection his peaceful days were as good as over. Sleeping with magic items might become an option....

Ding! a message popped up on his Q Link. It was from Carter.

Roland tapped the pale blue screen and the message from Carter became visible. "The danger is yet to come, keep your head Roland, a single lucky star won't deter all dangers" it read.

"Lucky star?" while they were the same age Carter was sometimes difficult to understand so Yue Chen decided not to think too much about it. Since the news of him being disowned had yet to reach the public, today was the last day he could live under his father's umbrella.

*Ding* a notification appeared on Roland's Q Link that made his face darken immediately.

"Debauchery young master disowned by the Bladeheart clan, Reagent Bladeheart revokes protection!"

"Debauchery my a**! who dares provoke this young master?!" Roland grit his teeth at the infuriating title on his Q Link.


"Debauchery young master assaults princess"



One after another notifications of news no one dared to report before had spread like wildfire in less than an hour.


A whistling noise brushed by Roland's ear creating a small wound on his cheek as he scrolled through his notifications.

"A tiger without his fangs are still a tiger you should have dealt him a fatal strike Lusuka, the world would be a better place without him" Tanithil shot Roland a contemptuous look. Without his status as the the Reagent's son he was nothing more than an ant in her eyes.

"Y-yes" Lusuka gave Roland a wronged look as she hesitantly nodded at Tanithil's remark.

"Haha did the slutty princess come to strike me when I'm down?"with a knowing smile Roland wiped the blood from his cheek. It was only a matter of time before this would happen it just took place a little sooner than he had expected.

"You vulgar person, I will not waste words on an insect, Lusuka!" Tanithil combed the fluttering peach colored hair from her face with a look of disgust.

"I-I c-"

"What, too scared to raise your weapon or do you pity me? I, Roland Bladeheart does not need a commoner's pity, strike me if you dare!" Roland's tone was wrought with disgust as he stressed the word 'commoner'.

"How useless!" Tanithil shoved Lusuka to the side "don't even think of eating tonight"

"You really are a bitchy princess Tanithil we would make a wonderful couple" a silver scythe appeared in Roland's hands as he said this.

The silver scythe had a very sharp bat-wing shaped edge that was 50 inch long and it's steel handle of 83 inches that was encrusted in flaming red jewels. This was Roland's treasured weapon 'Tyrannical Reaper'.

"I would never marry a useless debauchee like you!" Tanithil wielded a topaz double Edged, Two-handed Sword.

Roland cried internally when he saw Tanithil's blade. How could he not know the emperor's childhood sword?

The blade was known to be strong with an extremely sharp edge that could cut through most metals. An what was overly eye catching was the insignia engraved on one side - the emperor's to be exact.

It had an elaborate guard, a solid gold grip, and a spherical pommel, it was of an average weight, is perfectly balanced and is uncomfortable to hold for the average person. Only a true descendant of the emperor could wield something like this.

"Bringing a 3-star amethyst grade weapon to fight against someone younger than you are, where is your shame?!" Roland felt frustrated just looking at the sword shining with sword will. Had it been any other weapon would he have been so upset? of course not, even a thousand of his Tyrannical Reaper would not be a match for a gold class weapon not to mention a 3-star amethyst grade weapon.

"When dealing with cockroaches like you it's best to make sure there's nothing left behind!" Tanithil dashed towards Roland at full speed with her blade tilted to her side.

Unwilling to give her the first strike Roland swiped forward as soon as Tanithil entered his reach. If she managed to land as much as a single strike he would be as good as dead.

Swoosh! Tanithil escaped the path of the blade by leaping in the air. Tanithil tapped lightly on the handle of Roland's scythe and cut down at his chest.


The sound of metal colliding rang out followed by the shattering of Roland's weapon. In Roland's hands was what was left of a sword he had drawn from his inventory in a hurry.


Roland retreated with his palm pressed against his wound to control the blood flow. "You bitch that was clearly a rapier technique how much more shameless can you get?!"

"Rapier are swords used for piercing naturally it is also a sword technique" Tanithil shrugged and shot Roland a smug look.


[Poison Detected. Failure to remove within 10 minutes will prove fatal]

Poison? Tanithil you b****!

Seeing Roland's despairing face Tanithil's smile grew wider " that's right this sword was laced with 'Viscious Scale Venom' with the intention to deal with someone like you"

"Haha...I must be really important....for you to go to such lengths...." Roland spat a mouthful of dark red blood as his face grew pale. The poison in his body was extremely toxic. Perhaps the only one capable of curing him now was the princess Tanithil herself.

Is this how my story ends? I haven't conquered the the seven continents yet here I am losing to a mere poison, how pitiful Roland.

As Roland's consciousness had begun to fade, a soft feeling greeted his lips and his strength gradually returned. Opening his eyes Roland was greeted by a teary eyed Lusuka.

"Lusuka , what are you doing?!" get back here right this instant!" Tanithil cried out

"Young Master Roland this is all my fault that you.....I'm sorry" Lusuka's head drooped and her tears fell onto Roland's face.

"Cough....I never asked for your help, commoner" Roland pushed Lusuka away and fought to maintain his balance.


[Toxins are being removed]

"Are you deaf?! Lusuka get over here this instant!"