
Grand Dad Is The Pervert God

{Warning: Mature Content} Porno is just a click away on any phone. The God of perversion (Eros) is now the strongest God in the heavens. Even the king of the gods is scared, and so the gods plan and betray him for his power. But just before he fades out of existence. His favorite concubine risks her life to save his soul and hides it in another realm. Around the same time another person also experiences reincarnation. However, the only compatible body is that of an old noble man with lots of problems and no Rizz. But now the pervert God is in the scene. He needs to get his revenge in the heavens but first he must build his strength and power the only way he knows how. By cultivating with beautiful women.... disclaimer: Not my book cover. Just love the art. If it's yours, all credit to you. Pls say so in the comments. Yes people: This book as what you are thinking about...

Dere_Isaac · Fantasy
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173 Chs

The Anchored stone, and its call...

A spyglass was raised high up in the air.

Its line of view was pointed at the flag of a ship in the distance.

the flag had a red background and a red bra on it.

The person holding the spyglass to his face was a fat man. He had wide lips and a full-bearded face.

He had an eyepatch on one side of his eyes that was crossed over a deep scar.

His clothes were as black as his beards while his beards were braided.

He was not favored on the height spectrum and could be a short man. However, from the respect those around him showed, his height did not matter.

"Commander Tender Eye, is it as you suspected?" One of the taller rugged men of his crew asked.

"Hmmm!" Commander Tender Eye nodded. "Those blighting hoes called for reinforcement."

The men around him frowned.

"Does that mean we should stop the pursuit and release the prisoners? After all, according to the code of the Blue sea, We are allies with the red bra pirates."

Commander Tender-eye frowned once he heard this. He turned around and using the spyglass, he smacked the crew member that just spoke right in the face.

Blood stained the ground as a tooth flew out of the unlucky fella's mouth.

But that was not all. Commander Tender Eye was not satisfied with just that.

He gave a few more kicks to the unlucky fella. "How dare you!? How dare you say that? After all I have been through!!"

The kicks continued until the unlucky fella stopped moving.

Blood stained Commander Tender Eye's boot.

However, he did not care. He stroked his long black beard as he turned to the remaining men.

"Do any of you still think we should honor the code of the Blue sea?" he asked.

After seeing the fate that had just befell the man on the ground, nobody was going to argue with whatsoever the commander was going to say.

"Ten years! For ten good years, I have searched the edge of the twelfth sea for the anchored stones and now that I have my sights on one of them, you want me to honor a stupid CODE!?"

As he spoke, all of the men and women of his crew bowed their heads.

All of them avoided eye contact with him. No one wanted to be the next unfortunate soul that would be kicked like a rag doll.

Commander Tender Eye stroked his well-braided beard.

"We are going to get the anchored stone, and we are going to kill all witnesses. After all, if there are no witnesses, no one would know that we did not honor the code."

He strolled to the bow of the ship, and then he turned, "What are you maggots waiting for? Kill the prisoners and hunt the rest of those damn HARLOTS!!!"

The moment he spoke, the men immediately ran about as they did as he ordered.

"And some of you get on that damn black rock and get me that map!?"

Many of the crew members rushed out of the ship as there ran for one of the black islands with their swords in hand.


Meanwhile, Commander Half bra had also just spied on their ship with her own spyglass.

She frowned, "It's the Black eye pirates."

She turned to her crew members, "I want everybody prepared for battle."

"For battle?" One of the ladies asked.

"Yes!" She replied.

"But commander Half Bra! Those are the Black eye pirates. According to the code of the Blue sea, we are allies with them."

Commander half bra sighed loudly, "Trust me, I know. But firstly, the black islands are not considered a part of the blue sea. They are at the border of the black sea. Secondly, the commander of that ship is commander Tender eye. Even amongst the commanders of the black eye pirates, he is known as the most ruthless."

As she spoke, she paced about the place, "Thirdly, if there was no danger, then sister Full bra would not have asked for our help. Lastly, which is the most important, if it is what I think it is, then we are definitely going to fight."

*Cough!* Cough!*

Commander Half bra coughed out some blood.

Two ladies leaned in to help her. However, she shook them off, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. What is most important now, is getting on that island and helping sister Full bra."

She walked away towards her cabin. "Grab what you'll be needing for a fight. We leave in ten minutes."

Eros stood at a corner. Even though commander Half bra said she was fine, he could clearly see that she was in terrible shape.

As much as he wanted to help, and really wanted to, he was not one to dive into other people's business. Unless of course it was tied to his benefits.

Besides, in his eyes, it was not yet time to render help. Going forward to offer it now, was only going to do more harm than good.

As he was in thought, he suddenly heard a low hum.

And then the piece of divine shard inside him suddenly reacted to the hum.

He immediately turned and looked at the black Island in the distance. The closer they got to it, the louder the hum, and the more the divine shard inside him reacted.

Eros suddenly cracked a slight smile, "Who could have thought that I would come across one of those toys so soon? This is really unexpected."

He nodded his head.

However, unknown to him, he was not the only one that could hear the hum. Dan could hear it too.

In fact, while Eros could only hear a low hum, Dan could hear and feel something else.

If he were to describe it, then he would say that it was a tender call that pulled at his heart.

It was like the call a mother gave her child. It was filled with so much attention and affection.

It felt like he was needed badly...