
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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The Revival of Olga Marie

"…. Check."

"…. Mhm." (Heracles)

"I check." (Hassan)

"Ha! I raise!" Cu Chulainn says with a large grin as he doubles down with the QP, the only real currency left in this world, that he got from going into one of the other controlled singularity's that can help you get money.

It's been a few days since Heracles, Arthuria, Ibuki and Medusa had leveled up, after that we had an excess of embers on us from that so we had enough to help Gareth, Chulainn and Asclepius to also go through ascension as well.

(Gareth 1st ascension)

(Cu Chulainn Caster 1st ascension)

(Asclepius 1st ascension)

After that though we went through all the embers we had, but Roman said we couldn't do it for free anymore as to do ascensions on servants takes energy from the core, but because of the explosion that partially destroyed the core so we needed to give something in return to compensate for the energy loss.

And him knowing I didn't want to be a walking battery for the core what was needed to be used in return was these things called Quantum Pieces, or QP for short, which would need to be used to compensate for future ascensions, and the stronger the servant the larger the cost to help them ascend.

So the day after we went and decided to go into another singularity that is best to get them, though the enemies we had to fight were…. Strange looking to say the least as they looked like doors with either women or dragons on them that shot fire balls at us.

Although when they break they open there doors and treasure chests drop where they stood before they fade away.

And in them is of course a ton of QP, after getting those the day after, me, Archer, Hassan and Salome went to fight the embers again to help get them stronger and afterwards get them to ascend as well with all the QP we got.

(Salome 1st ascension)

(Hassan 1st ascension, but prefers to keep his cloak on)

(Archer 1st ascension)

Though with Salome getting stronger, so was her madness that I was taking in myself to keep her calm as a result.

But she started to become…. Clingy? Or something like that, I dunno but she's being annoying so I just ignore her for the most part.

Back in the present.

I just look at Chulainn and at my cards, a King and an Ace of Spades, but we haven't had any of the cards placed yet as Archer was playing dealer for us.

"Gah!" Heracles folded.

"Fold." Hassan folded as well.

"Call." I say as I match his bet, and with that the cards were placed by Archer.

King of Hearts, 10 of Spades & Jack of Spades.

"Raise" I said as I offered up more QP chips to see if Chulainn would keep going.

But he just grinned before he pushed all his chips fowlrward, "All In!" He said with confidence.

I smirked, "Sure why not?" As I went all in as well.

"Alright, show your hands." Archer says and me and Chulainn showed our hands.

Chulainn with the King of Clubs and King of Diamonds while I had the King of Spades and Ace of Spades, it was 1 pair vs. 3 of a kind with me losing.

"Hehe! Looks like I'm winning today!"


2 of Spades was the fourth card, and seeing this made Chulainn start to sweat slightly, one more spade and I have a straight flush making it my win.

But before the last card could be flipped over, both Asclepius and DiVinci decided to show up.

"Ahh! There you are Asura! Come on, it's finally time to help bring Olga Marie back to life." (DiVinci)

"Yes, it's best we don't leave a patient waiting, I rather get this done with sooner than later so I can get back to my work." Asclepius said in a somewhat annoyed fashion, but he clearly did want to help save and even revive Olga Marie.

"Agh, fine whatever I say as I get from the table, man my luck is just terrible." I say after I drop the cards before following after them and leaving the poker game.

"Sooo…. Is it my win?" Chulainn says with a grin after I left.

Archer didn't say anything at first before placing the 5th card.

7 of Spades.

"No you didn't, so I'll be holding onto this until he gets back." Archer says taking all the chips to hold onto them.

"God Dammit!!!"



Where we were was the infirmary, there was the newly created body of Olga Marie, laying bare for all to see.

Though I wasn't looking at her, as in all honesty it's like looking at a kids body from my perspective, and I'm only attracted to more mature bodies than hers.

"DiVinci, everything is ready right?" Asclepius asks just to make sure, as it's not the easiest of things for him to merge a soul back into a body, and even if this was a perfect copy or even a better version of there body there's a chance of failure.

"Everything is fine, with my perfect memory I know every facet of her body to the smallest of details, though I did give it my touches of removing any minor blemishes on her body is all." She explained what she did, and indeed she did have flawless skin.

"Well let's hope that won't cause issues with those minor changes, Master, I'm going to activate my noble phantasm, when I do so, please release her soul so I can place it into her body." He explained before her pulled out his snake like staff before letting it float before him.

"Got it, let's get this done…. Though why is Medusa here?" I say realizing Medusa was here but was wearing those glasses I had earned from the summons I did a few days ago, supposedly it was a spiritron dress which is like a mystic code for servants, and this one was for Medusa specifically or something.

(Medusa Costume)

"Ehem!…. Well…. Medusa's blood can be used as an amazing catalyst with resurrections…. I'm ashamed to admit it but…. After her death I had gotten my hands on her blood and was what helped me bring humans back to life back then…. And I have already apologized for that of course since I'm talking and even sometimes working with her now under different circumstances now…." He said rather awkwardly before he brushed it off.

"I'm only going to do this if it's to save lives if need be, and only rarely at that." She clarified.

"Ehem! Anyway, let's do this!" He pushes it off as his staff generates a ball of blood, Medusa's blood, on top of it.

"Now, release her soul." He said as he held it in place.

I nodded as I pulled out Olga Marie's rather fragile soul, but because of the surrounding field that he created kept her soul from breaking apart and vanishing into nothingness.

I then rested the soul on top of her body, which made it sink into her new body.

"Now! Resurrection Fraught Hades!" He shouts out as he fully activates his noble phantasm.

Soon after a bright light of healing centered upon her body went off and soon her body took on a healthy glow as her new heart began to beat.

"Mmmmhmmm?" She groaned slightly as she opened her eyes before she looked around confused.

"Welcome back to the land of the living chief." DiVinci said with a nod.

"Huh?…. AHHHH! Where's my clothes?!" She screamed out realizing she was naked laying before us.

I just shook my head, before I decided to walk out as I ignored her furious screams as I walked out of the operating room.

Alls well that ends well.